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Rocket In My Pocket

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Everything posted by Rocket In My Pocket

  1. Congrats! Nothing feels more satisfying than a KSP first! Your design looks very minimalistic and efficient, I like it!
  2. Thanks for explaining, I still wish there was a way to show the new propellant % in the global resource window, having to right click each engine is sort of a pain and not really feasible while actually flying about.
  3. Why all the hate? The more the merrier! As far as technical limitations, have a little faith in Squad, they wouldn't have taken on a huge undertaking like a console port if they weren't confident it could be pulled off, at the end of the day they are a business and they exist to make a profit. Personally I think a Nintendo console is a great place to reach a wider and younger audience, who may when they get older want to play KSP on the PC with the big boys.
  4. Jeb is my rocket pilot, Val is my plane pilot. In my opinion they wouldn't have two redundant pilots. They each have their specialty and work in different areas of the space program. I will admit it does get annoying to have to manually drop Val in every time I want to fly a plane...
  5. Just built this in about 5 mins in version 1.0.5, only uses one circular intake...I'm not seeing how VTOL's are any harder than they ever were? Plenty of air intake in both modes of flight, even when running both engines at once. Am I missing something? Only nerf I could see is that they hid the "Air intake" resource display, which sucks...I found that pretty useful at times, any idea why it was removed anyone?
  6. As far as Imgur it works fine here in my experience? You need to click the light grey button at the bottom right just above the dark grey "submit reply" button. The one that says "insert other media" then "insert image from URL" then the direct link code from Imgur! Example:
  7. I've actually rolled a fairly circular lander down an entire hill slowly and carefully until I got it to the bottom where I propped the lander up against the hill on one side and tipped it back on its feet lol. Might not be possible in your situation... Do you play with quicksaves enabled? Could always save a few times on the way down in the future? Individually raising/lowering the landing legs or locking the suspension may help you as well, best of luck!
  8. Very interesting! Never noticed that, I wonder what else V F might stand for? Any one have any ideas?
  9. Call me crazy but wouldn't it be easier to just land over in the grass? Or are we just doing it for the sheer challenge it presents? I've always reverted whenever I damaged the runway so I've never tried honestly.
  10. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E2%88%9A Usage notes This is also called the "radical sign". I say we call them Radicals! Lol.
  11. Well you can certainly use multiple docking ports to make a stronger connection? But, yeah...two large pieces connected by a single port will have significant wobble in my experience.
  12. A fair point, and well made sir! I think I'll install it and check it out, couldn't hurt. I'm very against mods that change gameplay or add parts but I think MJ is almost more of a user interface thing.
  13. Fantastic list, I spend a lot of time lurking around here and these are definitely the questions I see asked the most often. Should be stickied!
  14. I don't know of any mod for that but if you turn on the COM indicator and then check it with the fuel tanks full/empty in the editor you can get a better idea of what's happening and perhaps redesign it to have the same COM characteristics in both states if that's possible. (Obviously all the fuel should be central in relation to the COM. Best of luck, hopefully maybe someone else knows of a mod like that, manually shifting fuel around isn't much fun.
  15. Never used Mechjeb as I'm usually a stock kinda guy. I typically only fly one mission at a time so my entire attention is on it as well. I'm sort of curious to try MJ but I'm not really sure what I'd use it for? Really the only thing I'm interested in is the additional info like AP/PE/time to/ etc...
  16. Was trying to return 3 crew members in the Space Shuttle style 3 man command pod (Don't remember the exact name atm) from a failed space station when I realized I never put on the additional parachutes on it that I had meant to, in order to account for the significant increase in weight over the 1 man command pod. So as I was coming down through the atmo I made a few short burns to get it headed for the ocean, figuring that would be somewhat safer to land in at high speed. After deploying the one parachute I put on it, it slowed to a somewhat reasonable speed, but... it was still way too high to effect a safe landing, so once I was only a a hundred or so meters above the waves I started to EVA the Kerbals one by one and have them jump overboard. This went relatively well and they all managed to splash down safely, as I breathed a sigh of relief a shadow begin to loom over there heads and I realized with horror that the command module was going to fall directly on top of them, I begin to swim away with the Kerbal I was controlling but it was too late, it slammed down and forced all 3 of them deep under the water, when they finally bobbed up to the surface...they were deceased. On top of that it glitched the game so hard the planet and the KSC disappeared leaving me alone in a vast empty field of stars till I restarted the game...needless to say, it was a truly terrible way to go lol.
  17. Not to disagree but I just tested it on the very simple rocket pictured above, and it didn't even make it to 80k, let alone a stable orbit? At 1000m you're spending way to much time in the thickest part of Kerbin's atmo wasting valuable thrust on horizontal movement you don't need yet. Can you prove your theory somehow? I mean the exact same rocket makes orbit when beginning the turn at 10km but not even close when starting at 1k...I even cheated and added actual control surfaces!
  18. The debug menu is opened via ALT+F12. I'm not sure if there is an option for no gravity but you could certainly turn on infinite fuel and get to space very easily!
  19. Can I ask if your using mouse/keyboard or a game controller? I can't imagine why the rocket would veer so sharply one way for no reason. When the craft is flying and you aren't pressing anything at all what does the area circled in red look like? Are any of those arrows off center? That means the SAS is trying to adjust for some imbalance, could explain the veering?
  20. You want to head out over the ocean, to make this easier pick the whole rocket up in the VAB via clicking the command module and rotate it so that window is facing opposite to the open doors of the VAB. (the way it looks in my picture) so you're headed the right way from the get go. At 10km start your gravity turn very slowly and carefully, if you spin out or flip try dropping the throttle to 0 and re-orienting before engaging again. Once you're AP is 80km you can cut throttle and level out your ship horizontally so your running parallel to the planet, then once you reach around 75k go full burn until the orbit circularizes and the PE is 80km. (It may appear to suddenly swap places with the AP, that's ok) The important thing is to be behind your AP as if your pushing it along with your nose, keep an eye on the time till AP, and try to keep it between 5-15 seconds if it gets to high, nose down, if it gets too low; nose up. Hope that helps!
  21. Just made orbit in 1.0.5 (Barely, didn't have enough fuel to get back lol) in this: I definitely had to take my gravity turn really easy, I also didn't bring along any Science stuff, I'm going to try adding goo canisters and see what happens. Ok so yeah, the addition of 2 canisters to the command module made it quite tippier than before. I would definitely add a service bay and place the 2 canisters inside.
  22. I may be crazy but the 2 Goo Canisters you have mirrored on top may be counter-productive to the triple fin setup you have, they may also be causing extra drag, I've had some weird problems in the early game using a similar setup. You could either try a 4 way fin setup (On the same axis as the 2 canisters) or perhaps go to 3 canisters in the same pattern as the fins. I may be way off base, but it could be an issue of asymmetrical drag? Some thing about it flipping over on it's own makes me think somethings off in some way. Best of luck! Keep us informed, I'm sure we're all rooting for you.
  23. As far as a current video from 1.5.0 covering making orbit with very early parts, considering it's so new I don't think your gonna have much luck finding one atm... Have you considered exploring more of the biomes on Kerbin to gather more science so you can get an actual control surface? That would really help you keep control of your rocket during ascent. Your main problem atm imo is that you have no way to control the rocket except the very minimal reaction torque the command pod has.
  24. if your AP is 90, that's a touch more than you need, you can flatten out your trajectory at between 75 and 80 and start burning horizontally for orbit. A picture of your rocket wouldn't hurt, it could be very draggy for example? My only other suggestion is to execute the turn VERY slowly, like just tapping the key once every few seconds, I've had a few unstable rockets that just needed a really careful turn to not flip.
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