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Rocket In My Pocket

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Everything posted by Rocket In My Pocket

  1. Here's one of his pics for anyone that's interested: I don't think you can embed with code anymore, you have to use the "Insert other media" button on the bottom right.
  2. The "Halo Rings" in Halo are indeed technically "Ring Worlds" http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Halo_Array Wait...are you implying your station is going to encircle the entire planet? Now I know your crazy lol. (Btw, the Halos in Halo don't encircle planets or even moons, they just orbit nearby.)
  3. Does your computer only have the one card? Laptops often have an integrated (low performance) card and a dedicated (high performance) card. It could be that KSP is defaulting to the integrated card, this is typically caused by the laptop being in power saver mode. (Ie. Not plugged in to the wall) Also, if it's in power saver mode regardless of the card situation it'll still prolly run a lot slower, good luck!
  4. Wow, best random tip I've ever hard. So annoying when things refuse to go where you want because they are trying to attach to every surface nearby.
  5. Halo? Never heard of it, I've been living on the moon, in a cave, under a rock, with my fingers in my ears. RimWorld is an indie game about building a settlement on an alien planet. The Ring station in Halo is actually called...Halo believe it or not. On a side note, how many of these absurd challenges are you going to create? I'm beginning to wonder if you are serious or not? Perhaps you should read this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/22919-challenge-submission-guide/
  6. Same as it always is. 1366x768 @SpenSpaceCorp you beat me to the joke lol!
  7. Sounds like you placed the landing gear improperly, the rear set of wheels should be just behind the center of mass, it acts like a fulcrum to rotate the plane's nose up and increase the wings angle of attack. Also, 6000 m/s isn't going to happen with just stock jet engines. I like your attitude but I think you may be in over your head on this one lol. Best of luck.
  8. Don't think I've ever played an open world type game with perfect terrain scatters/detail objects. Even AAA high budget games like Skyrim and GTA have floating objects like boulders, street lamps, trees etc... Cut Squad some slack, this sort of bug just comes with the territory so to speak.
  9. No problem! It's a really stupid rule, which is why some of us tend to make fun of it around here, lol. Probably my fault, being ironic doesn't always translate well over text. Welcome to the forums by the way!
  10. Guess you guys don't have a good sense of humor over there on the other side of the pond lol. Just busting your stones guy.
  11. I think I heard about a bug like this in 1.5, has something to do with firing an astronaut that you've rescued from a contract or something? Hopefully someone who's actually experienced it can provide more details. If you did fire an astronaut recently I heard that bringing him back via editing your save file can fix the problem. Best of luck!
  12. You are in violation of the rules sir! You filthy uncivilized brute! 2.3 Forbidden messages Messages that contain no meaningful content, such as "like", “Bump" or any variation on the type of message that is used to needlessly boost threads and/or keep post counts up; Messages made for the perceived purpose of stirring up and otherwise getting a rise from users (ie, flamebaiting, troll posts); Messages that only contain images in response to a certain subject dependent to the context of the thread (ie. reaction images); Messages that purposefully change the subject of conversation in a thread without a natural tie to the topic at hand; and Messages that inquire about release dates for future versions of KSP.
  13. Step 1: Don't use asparagus staging. Step 2: ? Step 3: Profit.
  14. @berkekrkn Hard to say from just a picture, any chance you could upload the .craft file? My only suggestion off the top of my head is to check all the parts between the fuel and the engine for the "no fuel crossfeed" tag. If any of them have that, than the fuel won't get to the engine.
  15. Looks like it's missing air intakes, jet engines need air! They are under the "Aerodynamics" tab. Hope that helps.
  16. Fantastic! I've been playing for a while too and never ventured further then the Mun or Minmus. I guess I spend a lot of time building silly contraptions and screwing around more than making actual progress lol. I'm very inspired by your success to try and get out to some other planets! Keep it up!
  17. Funnest thing I ever did on the Island was have jeb climb all the way up to the top of the tower via the stairs, then I used Val to fly a VTOL plane over from the KSC and hover right beside the tower, then Jeb jumped from the tower to the VTOL and boarded it! Wish I had the pics but that laptop died.
  18. To answer your question more directly, I think the idea is that when a Kerbal has been struck hard enough he's either too dazed, disoriented or stunned to respond for a bit. So it's not that his RCS doesn't work or isn't operating, it's just that he's incapable of utilizing it.
  19. The VAB. Testing a stock surface to air missile installation I was fooling with. I had known blowing up the buildings was possible but never actually did it until I shot a missile at it, I must admit I was impressed by the spectacle as it crumbled into pieces and exploded. I was also surprised the rather small stock missile I built was enough to do the job lol.
  20. Yes, MechJeb is cheating. You are a bad bad boy. I hope it was worth it. I'm not mad at you...I'm just...disappointed.
  21. I never transmit, I always return with the data so I was just making a guesstimate based on observation. Sounds like transmitting is even more useless than I thought. Lol.
  22. You'll basically have to either put multiple tests on board or send multiple missions. Ie. If you can't reset say a goo canister for example then put 2 or 3 of them on the craft, or you'll have to send 2-3 separate craft instead. Hope that helps!
  23. Just keep re-doing and re-sending the test, you'll eventually get all the science points available. It takes multiple attempts vs retrieving it which nets you almost all the science in one go. That's the downside of transmitting as I understand it.
  24. Never used control from here or the navball for docking, as I tend to just eyeball everything once the two ships are within physics bubble range, but that's an interesting point! I was more concerned about the tendency of docking to one port making other ports that are close by not dock appropriately, this can require some undocking and redocking of different ports even when they are all on the same surface. My gut feeling is that docking 2 pairs of ports on 2 differently facing surfaces (Ie. A pair on the side and another pair on the end to make a sort of "L" connection) may be even more troublesome, but I don't know for sure.
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