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Rocket In My Pocket

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Everything posted by Rocket In My Pocket

  1. My old keyboard was a little finicky and would randomly decide to stop working until the cord was jiggled furiously or it was unplugged and plugged back in. As you can imagine this led to some white knuckle take offs/landings in KSP lol. I think your vote needs another option: "Stare wide eyed and pray to Jeb that it starts working again"
  2. Your location information seems to conflict with your statement...? "Location: Stocking my way to victory"
  3. Once someone has responded to it, it can't be deleted...however a mod can still lock it for you.
  4. Career mode, In fact I didn't even consider buying the game till it was added. I know it's not perfect by any means, and it definitely needs work but starting with all the parts unlocked just isn't my thing, I enjoy taking contracts and working my way up the tech tree while upgrading my facilities. Some of my fondest Kerbal memories are from completing a particularly hard or even ridiculous mission. Some of my favorite craft were designed to be used on only a single mission! Haters gonna hate but career mode is where it's at yo. (Begin long rambling posts about what you don't like about career mode/why you don't play it below)
  5. Pretty sure it does belong in the Spacecraft Exchange forum. Although I'm not familiar with your original thread or your rocket design company, I'm sorry to hear about your recent problems...My computer recently died and I'm not monetarily well off enough to rush out and purchase a new one so I can relate to your situation a little. Hope everything get's better for you and your family!
  6. I really like the idea of no quick saves/reverts but after trying it myself I realized (at least for me personally) it doesn't mesh well with the games tendency to crash or screw you randomly. I've seen way too many Kerbals fall through the ground, or poof into non existence for no reason, ships randomly exploding, crafts and Kerbals getting flung out of the solar system by phantom forces to trust the game that much lol. Glad to hear you've found something that works good for you though! May the Kraken never cast his shadow on your doorstep.
  7. The end, although I'm now curious to try some ports on the side...but I'm worried that'll be even harder to dock.
  8. Great question, looking forward to seeing some responses. As far as personal experience I had a ship that would dock to a large orange fuel tank and then trade out at the space station for a full one when empty, my first design only used one port to connect the ship to the large orange fuel tank and was a complete failure due to extreme wobble. The improved version uses 3 docking ports in a triangular pattern and is rock solid. Docking multiple ports on the same surface can be tricky and often requires multiple attempts, so it is a work intensive solution but it does work. Can't help you with the rest, except to say that klaws would certainly be a disaster waiting to happen! Lol, best of luck!
  9. I would say that there is a lot of trial and error involved in learning KSP so it really depends if you enjoy that type of gameplay or not. As far as a time frame I think it varys heavily per person, some people play for years and never leave Kerbin, others play for months and are already visiting the furthest planets. Depends on what your interested in doing/building really! The learning curve is as steep or as subtle as you want to make it in my opinion.
  10. I don't use mods either and I've never had a problem with RCS control, you should be able to figure everything out by trial and error, sounds like you already are! If you want to upload a pic or the craft file later myself or someone else can show you how to do that, you'll find everyone here is very helpful. Best of luck!
  11. Use side mounted parachutes? You can't mount anything on top of the top mounted parachute for obvious reasons. You could also use another service bay between the decoupler and the command pod and place the parachute inside the service bay, just remember to open the service bay doors before you try and use the parachute! Best of luck!
  12. Well SAS is going to try to stabilize the ship with whatever means it has at hand, so turning off the reaction wheels isn't going to stop it. Once again, without seeing the ship in question I can't really tell you if the reaction torque is hurting or helping the situation, it really depends on where it is, as well as where the RCS nozzles are in relation to it etc... Do you still have the craft file? You could load it up in the VAB and take a screenshot of it? Or just upload the file itself so someone could look at it.
  13. It's hard to say without seeing a picture of the probe in question. Generally you want them to be symmetrical though, and equidistant from the COM for best effect. RCS combined with SAS can sometimes produce a constant wobble or over compensation, especially with smaller crafts in my experience.
  14. I'd like to be able to do some science underwater, not much...but enough to give you a reason to go down there. Just make it a biome, maybe even do some milestones for certain depths? I find exploring Kerbin in the early game to be very fun and a great way to build up science/experience for trips off world. Since the water changes in 1.0.5 I haven't even bothered making a submarine, there just isn't any point really.
  15. Have you thought about tweaking the Career mode settings? Maybe give yourself more starting funds? Or increase the rewards for contracts? Personally I've never had much of a problem with funds in Career mode, seemed like I always had enough money or more to do what I wanted. Given that re-entry is deadly enough in stock now, I'm not sure why you'd need a mod for it? Also, F11 turns the temp gauge on/off.
  16. So when you right click the fuel cell, there isn't any button to turn it on as pictured? (Circled in red) I just tested it on the rig pictured and it worked fine, drained fuel and produced electricity when on. Must be a problem with one of your mods?
  17. Thanks, was a super interesting read! I just love the pics too, the shiny silver finish reminds of a ww2 mustang, would have been great if there was some way to get that effect in the game! Any plans to do another build? You should do more ship concepts from the past, could make it a whole series! By the way, it's stock right? When I get back on my comp I'd really like to DL it and fly it.
  18. Very cool! Putting a spaceplane on top of another spaceplane is very Kerbal lol. We need more builds like this, way more interesting than yet another Shuttle replica. Keep up the awesome work, any chance of linking some more info about the original real world design? Maybe some images for comparison? My curiosity is piqued!
  19. As I understand it in stock KSP having low reputation just means you'll get less lucrative contracts. Ipso facto; less lucrative typically means less complex/demanding as well. So...lower rep = simpler contracts? Someone correct me if I I'm wrong, I'm only inferring from what I've seen.
  20. See? This is why we have the "reason for edit" box people! Lol.
  21. I think there is some misunderstanding going on here, he clearly states that you have to land a 3 seat command pod AT the old airfield. As in ANY 3 seat command pod. He isn't talking about picking up the command pod that is sitting inside the building, at least not as far as I can tell?
  22. Not usually a mod guy but I support this idea! Sadly I also arrived too late to see the Magic Boulder so I have no pictures. Anyone ever heard any official word from the Devs about why the boulder was removed and if there is any plan to return it someday?
  23. My suggestion would be to focus more on the biomes around kerbin, chances are you still have a buttload of science to find right here at home! Also, you can scan for science at low alt, high altitude, space, and deep space I believe. If my memory is right space is at 70-80ish and deep space is 150-200ish. If you go to the research center you can see what scans you've done by selecting the appropriate tab on the top, at the admin center you could go for one of the strategies that gives you science gain in exchange for rep/funds/etc...
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