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Everything posted by TopHeavy11

  1. Nothing, you say? Chuck Norris. Deal with it.
  2. Yeah, after a while of practice, you get pretty good at it. Just takes time. It took me 4 months to get it down. Granted, I only got it while it was in 0.24 (as in, when Mk3 parts were still useless, low-res and all in all weird,) but you get the idea.
  3. This is a nice change of pace for other LS mods that have food, water, air and waste versions of the previous. Like'd and downloaded!
  4. In 1.2, this is now a stock feature. I must call upon @Red Iron Crown to decide what to do with this thread.
  5. Am I in a dream? Pinch me! This would make for a good science backup for mid-tier nodes like "Aww, I need an efficient engine in 2.5m. It's in the node just ahead of me, and I need 75 more science to get it. Wait a moment! I could use that mod I got to do EVA reports everywhere on the KSC! YES! I got it!"
  6. Maybe the Dev team such as @Badie could help you.
  7. Actually, something minor was removed. If you activate the Navball in Map View then exit out of MV, when you come back, it's gone and you have to pull it up again. It stayed up in 1.1.3.
  8. Still, my previous statement stands. I hope she feels better.
  9. I'd say leave it Tri. This will be a good foundation for your craft repository, tho.
  10. Is it...your wife? Sorry if I'm being probing. I just hope whoever she is doesn't have anything serious.
  11. Dang, I'm gettin' jelly! Y'all are over there making awesome stations...and I'm just over here making basic stuff. I guess there's a certain style I follow...no nonsense, add what you need, no more, no less. Also, new page!
  12. Awesome! Any chance you can make it a quad-pack? Or just make this a thread about your aero-creations?
  13. Well, what ever they do, one thing's for sure... IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN!!!!!
  14. We won't rush you. If it turns out to be...serious, take all the time you want. @sal_vager might be going thru something similar and I'm supportive, so I at least won't rush you. Hope your loved one feels well soon.
  15. Keep up the great work, and let's hope the Next Generation is just as good as the originals! I'm sure that @Badie and the rest of the Greenbeans will do just fine.
  16. Turns out mine is just around the corner! I'll accept my early present!
  17. DISCLAIMER: This is not the official Hype thread. This is the 1 day away hype thread. Don't get them mixed up. Now that that's done...HYPE TIME! After months of waiting, 1.2 is just a day away! IF you want to go check out the features, you can download the pre-release or check out @GregroxMun's OFFICIAL 1.2 hype thread. Tuesday was never the most exciting day, but for this week, it's the best day of the week! 1.2! Fixes! Parts! Explosions! Spaghetti! It's got it ALL! Rate what your favorite part of 1.2 is in the poll above! I'm eager to see what you pick!
  18. UNCONCIVIBLE! Well done, my fellow Forumer. Like'd! Also, FIRST! AGAIN!
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