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Everything posted by Atlas2342

  1. Manned spacecraft, as you may know, needs to support life, and it is bulky the way it is. Adding armor, means more mass, which means more fuel to move around...same goes with armored spacesuits, really not a great idea. And the fact that weapon firing has recoil is bad for a spacecraft/spacesuit.. As per getting there, I think how space agencies get there is already pretty good. Also, I don't really *think* you need stealth because if you are close enough to be seen by the sensors, you are already close enough to be shot at.. And no, I dont think aircraft work on the moon...
  2. Well, it depends on how advanced their technology is...
  3. Can a decoupler count as a stage? like : engine-decoupler-engine?
  4. Fair point due to my poor wording. Let me rephrase it, maybe the programmable matter could "deactivate" or something like that in some places, vehicles, etc...
  5. No biggie, just a complete update to Unity 5 and 64bit ....
  6. Maybe there could be guidelines like, you can't change X to Y in Z or something like that...
  7. Thats if it even has genes. You never know, life is incredibly tricky... Probably, probably not...you can tell why I'm worried.... I think we can just all agree to be careful...
  8. ^^^This^^^ Then I suggest leaving it alone, prime directive, star trek style...
  9. http://space.stackexchange.com/questions/9139/what-are-reentry-speeds-of-space-vehicles Which is more or less 7-12 km/s... (dont completely quote me on that though...)
  10. Even then sometimes, its not enough... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tersicoccus_phoenicis "In case of station re-entry, activate Wildfire protocol immediately"
  11. What happens when a mod breaks the rules (accidentally or not)? Was there ever an instance where a mod broke the rules?
  12. I can build SSTOs but they can't go anywhere because by the time i've made it to orbit, i will have spent almost all of my fuel...
  13. RealismOverhaul+ - makes KSP super realistic. So realistic, in fact, that your in-game actions will have real-world implications! (PS: please don't crash the game...)
  14. MIND=BLOWN . I've always thought of you as the type of person who can get to Eeloo with eyes closed lol (not that I've ever been to any of the planets after one year of playing KSP) ...
  15. Steam updates automatically, i think. If you bought from the ksp page, go there and download the update
  16. "If i cant have it no one can"? Lol
  17. What about nanobots? Sure, it wont emulate other materials but close enough righht?
  18. Well, a midrange mobile phone processor can do calculations approx. 70× faster than all of human brains combined but its an unfair comparison. Humans are good with understanding humans but computers are not...thats because human brains have millenia of evolution programmed in there. Go humans! Source: What If- Randall Munroe (good read)
  19. Ask it to solve a paradox...even though paradoxes are paradoxes...
  20. Well, it does have an arc reactor...If a reactor that small can power a suit, imagine a typical nuclear reactor sized arc reactor...
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