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Everything posted by Atlas2342

  1. @Red Iron Crown let us summon thee...(instead)
  2. Great job! PS: I think this should be in KSP Fan Work PPS: KSP 1.1 has the option for clamshell fairings..(not sure for the pre-release)
  3. I got a tad confused when KerbalSpace said that lol
  4. Hmm, what do you mean? The way I understand it you are saying that we should build smaller cities for more dense population instead of larger cities...If that is the case, vertical cities are smaller than horizontal spread-out cities.... Plus you did mention that vertical cities are detrimental to our health, I quote " all those layers of concrete " and said that we should build horizontal towns...
  5. True, but there are a lot of advantages of vertical cities
  6. I'm pretty sure large horizontal towns would affect the environment greatly...and for other reasons stated by the OP...
  7. Show some love for plasma! Plasma is a state of matter too, ya know....
  8. Mine came from the game COD:AW. Ya know, the corporation?....
  9. I vote to call it "Mass" in keeping with your signature lol
  10. HOW DARE YOU CALL ME STRICT! YOU ARE IN BIG TROUBLE! I'm sorry i had to...:)
  11. Ok, seriously what is happening? I just asked a question and all i got was "you're naughty too..." What?
  12. "Tell Jeb to say Eeloo for me when he gets there"
  13. "And that kids is why you always deorbit your stages and debris. You wouldn't want to re enter in a Tiangong, wouldnt you?"
  14. Sunny, partly windy, hot, sunny, hot, windy, did I mention hot? BTW to all those who live in places where there is snow, what does it feel like [the snow] ?
  15. But isn't this a "repository where links could be shared" or am I mistaken of this thread's purpose?
  16. How bout gravitational waves? https://www.ligo.caltech.edu/news/ligo20160211 (PS: is this considered recent?)
  17. Get well soon dude! PS: still waiting on that shuttle craft file.. PPS: Welcome to the forums!
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