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Everything posted by DStaal

  1. Flat-Bottom Shuttle Systems are going to be to large - Mk2 is modified 1.25m, and the FBSS is based on the 2.5m size profile. You're not going to find something direct, as the Mk2 profile isn't flat-bottomed, so parts tend to keep it's profile to be compatible or they go to their own profile. The closest profile to what you're asking for is probably OPT's H profile, though if you like spaceplanes you'll love the whole set of parts. Note that the mod is both abandoned and currently supported: The original mod author has disappeared, but there is current support through a different mod, OPT Reconfig.
  2. Just wanted to note that I've created a PR to add Landertron support to the Nereid and Tethys pods: https://github.com/ChrisAdderley/NearFutureSpacecraft/pull/111 With it and the Chickadees installed, it they can be set to automatically perform a suicide burn just before landing.
  3. I haven't played with RemoteTech, though I do play with CommNet it's lighter-weight sibling. How well do highly eccentric polar orbits work with RemoteTech? Those are usually my first step towards a network: a pair of relays in highly eccentric orbits around Kerbin, which are intended to be the last stop on any relay chain, and rarely in eclipse because of their orbit.
  4. I can see why some would - but I can't see myself doing the same, and I think there's likely others like me. Don't get me wrong - I support that this exists and it looks like a good mod. I'm just arguing against it becoming part of the base FE config. The very fact that you found yourself disabling other mod's configs in favor of this argues for it being a separate mod in my opinion.
  5. Main thing to me is that it takes up a lot of space, which is also used by other mods who have their own categories. (And is semi-redundant with Filter Extensions existing cross-section filter - this is better, but I'll be leaving it off personally as I don't think it's *enough* better, and my first column already extends further than my screen.)
  6. Ground Construction - A collaboration between Alista and RoverDude that aims for a somewhat more difficult take on off-world building: You need kits to build, which typically have to be sent from Kerbin. There are ways to build kits, but they're more complex and further down the tech tree. It's basically a competitor to EL.
  7. I think it depends a bit on how you see OSE fit into the wider mod ecosystem. I tend to think of it as a companion mod to EL and MKS/WBI - something for building smaller parts and tools, while if I want to build a larger base or ship, I turn to EL or GC. In that, then OSE is the workbench or 3D printer, and basically you should be able to break anything down with the same (hand) tools you build it. Now, I could see some limits to what can be broken down with simple tools - and possibly having a more complete work area that could allow you to break down more complex parts. But a lot of that thought is based on the fact that I don't see this mod as a replacement for EL or similar - it's a complimentary mod, which does similar but different things. You seem to be thinking of it more as a competitor, and using the same structure of mine/refine/produce - where to me this is a bit more of the handyman working with whatever he has on hand, often from kits.
  8. I'd say there's a *bit* of semi-realistic gameplay reasons - but mostly cosmetic, in my opinion. There is some realism involved in that not all antennas work equally well on all frequencies, and radios will typically be tuned to transmit/receive on specific frequencies. So it makes some sense to have that level of restriction. Of course, you could just say Kerbals build everything on one frequency - which you can do with this mod as well, and it would work just like stock. But using this mod is a tad more realistic than stock, though not as realistic as RemoteTech. But yeah, there's no reward other than your personal satisfaction for putting up a good com network. It makes seeing what's going on with your com network far easier to see, and you can typically see issues a bit easier, in that you've actually designed the network to work a specific way, but none of those are major benefits really. It's just nice to be able to say 'yes, I can put up a com network that works.'
  9. 18.9. Technically if you had a part that was only an anomaly scanner it should work, but there aren't any such... Try 18.10. (Or possibly 18.8.)
  10. Also the patch affects parts that aren't part of this mod, so it's a of a blunt instrument. If you're updating the mod, I'd say update the config files.
  11. I had a vague recollection that that might have been fixed (why I said 'last time I used it') - but I wasn't sure, and if we're debugging now I thought it would be good to check, and I didn't have a chance to do so myself last night. Thanks. The recipe additions look fine to me.
  12. Launchpad/runway is just the worst-case scenario, obviously. It's not hard to build a rover and drive a few klicks, if you wanted to cheese - or timewarp, for that matter. Thus the recipes: More expensive things require more expensive materials, and you couldn't just turn fuel tanks into science parts all day long. Anyway, that was the original reasoning IIRC. As I said, my usual use is to build a screwdriver or a forgotten docking port or something - I'm wouldn't mind it simplified, but I know there are people like Angel125 (I think - he's at least designed his parts with this in mind) who do things like build out entire bases based on a small mining start center and building the rest, then deploying via KIS. More intensive users are more likely to have stronger feelings one way or the other about the recipes, build times, etc. (I do find it annoying that at least the last time I used the mod it didn't build in the background.)
  13. I believe the original impetus for more complicated recipes was to plug an exploit hole - you could recycle something large and cheap (say a fuel tank) and then build something small and expensive (say a surface scanner) and then return it for profit. Since this could be done on the runway, this was very easy to scam. Personally, I'm for keeping as much as possible with the default recipe, as it's easier to work with, but I can see the point of the more complex recipes. My usage of this mod tends to be 'print the occasional forgotten/broken part' instead of the more complex 'print your entire base' which I know some people do, so I'm not to invested in the recipes.
  14. Looks about right to me. The crew in the Workshop AI Core should increase efficiency/speed, if I understand the config correctly.
  15. If I get a chance I'll look further into it, but a summary: As mentioned, originally it used MaterialKits/rare metals/exotic minerals/SpecializedParts depending on the part. The main recipe now seems to just be MaterialKits, though there are some recipes using RareMetals and ExoticMinerals that I saw still in there. At the moment, only the 'Workshop Chemical' in the entire mod mentions 'Equipment' - and it doesn't have storage for it, but it does have storage for MaterialKits. So Equipment is the oddball here, and I think it should be switched back to MaterialKits. (And then someone needs a patch for WBI to match it's resource scheme - but the right place for that might well be in Pathfinder.) This actually answers your original question about the three workshops: There's a manned workshop, an optionally unmanned workshop, and a (manned) workshop that can produce the raw materials on-site. They probably need to be differentiated better (the Workshop Chemical probably needs to weigh more...), but I think the idea is that you can either choose to send both a workshop and MaterialKits, or send a Workshop and a drill. (RareMetals and ExoticMinerals are mineable, if you have the right drills, so they don't need a converter.)
  16. True, but Kerbodyne isn't actually all that big a parts pack. The rest of the parts even likely work just fine in current KSP - but landing legs have been reworked since it was updated. If someone were to revive that part (since there's only really the one leg model in the pack), it's worth keeping the rest of the mod around. All that said - @Bonus Eventus, the author Kerbodyne, was still around as of a month ago. He's been working on a replacement mod for a while...
  17. What scanner are you using? The anomalies are picked up by one of the biome scanners. (Also: Make sure you have the latest version of the mod. There was a bug recently where anomalies weren't picked up.)
  18. Somebody was working on a mod for that a while back...
  19. Honestly, I think it's supposed to be outputting MaterialKits - which is what the default recipe actually uses to create things. I believe some of the recipe system and similar has been munged a bit through the various maintainers. (This mod was the original point where MKS's resource system came from, IIRC.)
  20. I run something like 200 mods - by the time I'd identified it for certain, I had the info...
  21. I've had no issues that I've noticed. (Well, I have a couple of ships where they've lost connectivity and I'm not sure why - but that's likely something dumb on my part.)
  22. I'll freely admit my voice probably shouldn't be your top choice to listen to (I've enough other fuel switchers that there's no benefit to me to install this), but here's my opinion: Since it's just a 'hide' config, it won't break ships if you change it. That to me is the least impact on the rest of the game you could have: No parts moved from their tech levels, all options possible. People's current ships would work fine, and new ships would be built with the new parts. I believe the parts would even stay unlocked in the same save, so you you wouldn't even get warnings if you open the ships in the VAB/SPH. The only lower impact on the game would be to leave everything as it is - which would cause the occasional 'huh, where's those parts?' - but wouldn't actually prevent them from being used. Anything else is more impact, in that you're moving something from where it's expected to be.
  23. Why? Why move them? As long as it's understood that they'll unlock at a specific tier level, and that looking for them in the same tier as the LF tanks doesn't work, why make the change? If you do want to have the parts unlock at the lower tier level, why not just hide the LFO tanks and use the LF tanks instead? (I never like the idea of a mod changing the properties of stock parts unless it's an explicit feature of the mod - this feels like it's very tangential to the purpose of the mod, which to me is more likely to surprise people than just having the tanks unlock later.)
  24. Also worth mentioning if you're having trouble with parts without hatches, since there are other mods with parts with even more severe issues:
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