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Everything posted by DStaal

  1. And here's the player log as well: http://magehandbook.com/owncloud/index.php/s/gsbWW0bBfwj6dsA
  2. I'm having an issue with KEI not opening the window. (Could be similar to what JoE Smash is having). For me, it initially appeared to trigger by changing the setting in Toolbar Controller for it, but that could be red herring. I just tried re-installing KEI and got the same issue. Log here: http://magehandbook.com/owncloud/index.php/s/MW4kpQG7DPS1TZP (I tried changing which toolbar the button was on a couple of times, but otherwise not much else in there.)
  3. *Never* use :FOR[] unless you're the author of the mod you're specifying. That’s sure to cause issues. (I'll admit I may be off on the :NEEDS order/timing issue - it was one I was thinking didn't make sense and I may have been conflating it with the a different recent MM error-reveal change.)
  4. Yes, it's explicitly telling you that :FOR[*]:NEEDS[*] contradicts itself. (Both specify - among other things - which order the patch should be applied in. If it has both, you're telling MM to apply the patch in two different places in the loading cycle. Personally I think this is a weakness in the MM syntax, as both of those have other meanings as well, so they've overloaded the syntax, but that's a separate discussion.)
  5. A reaction wheel - with the SAS settings modified to *not* take input while driving - also can help a lot.
  6. Drop the IVAs, you'll save a lot of RAM. Other than that - I've run KSP fairly well on a gen-1 Mac Pro, with over a hundred mods. Some mods slow things down more than others, and having more ships/debris in flight will slow things down. Near Future - or this mod - have very little effect if you're already swapping RAM.
  7. You can put the part in a container, and build the container. (Or make some one-part ships and build them.) Or take a look at this mod:
  8. The timer you're seeing is actually now from stock KSP, not from this mod - at least for maneuvers. Read back through the thread - Snark doesn't feel the need to override the new stock behavior. (Especially since the countdown itself is actually more accurate than his system was.)
  9. I'd argue, but that pack does contain four dependencies. Still, it was just one example and doesn't impact my main point: Complaining in this mod's thread doesn't get you anything. You aren't being forced to use it, and there *are* mods that do what you want. You don't like this mod? Fine. Ignore it.
  10. And there are several other mods which have already done that. There's one in the Near Future mods I know off the top of my head.
  11. Nukes are heavy, dangerous to work around, and it's hard to refine their fuel. (Luckily they don't need much of it.) There's arguments to be made both ways - and there are other mod packs with nuclear jet engines, so you can try both out in your game.
  12. You can do a pretty decent job of building those using some parts from Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux - they have some parts obviously inspired by them, and some nice legs that can be used either with them or with other parts. Of course, SSPXr requires B9PartSwitch...
  13. Another option is to look at the KSP.log. Near the top of every run it will list all the mod DLLs it finds, and all the mod folders it finds. This should get a slightly better listing than listing the GameData folder. A third option is to copy-paste from the KSP-AVC window if you're running the full version of that - however, that will ignore any mods that don't have .version files.
  14. Nothing's going to help the mission in progress, other than editing the save file. Current contracts are written into the file, and aren't going to change because their source changed.
  15. No problem - I wasn't trying to push you towards working it out precisely realistically. I was more going 'this is more complexity than we're likely to want, just use volume like everyone else.'
  16. There is a contingent of KSP players who like to simulate real spaceflight, and therefore fly everything from IVA. You can click around and control or move your kerbal around the ship in IVAs - assuming that's built in to the IVA you're in. So I can see the point... But I'm in the 'never use them myself' camp. Worse than that - I know that dropping them can improve performance...
  17. IndicatorLights are actually emissives anyway. They're just emissives with functionality.
  18. I haven't tested it - but as a parts mod, it probably doesn't need updating. Try it.
  19. RoverDude actually has a spreadsheet, available on a link from here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0oqO3xbswk (which is a guide to using it). The spreadsheet isn't fully current I believe, but there haven't been any major rebalances since it came out. As for the amount of area: Any space-going greenhouse is going to be multi-level hydroponics, likely with lights for each level. There's a decent discussion on Spacedock about which crops to grow, based on growing volume, yield per unit time, nutritional value, and other utility. No decisions are clear, but wheat and corn are unlikely due to their height - they'd take a lot of space, where there are plenty of other choices where you could grow two or three sets of crops in the same volume. (Honestly, ZZZ's models are gorgeous - but unrealistic.)
  20. I'll admit I rarely see that happening with KSP mods - *functions* from other mods get supported, but parts seem to be stand-alone. Also, creating a wedge for this mod would be intimidating - chances are it will look like a piece of cardboard junk next to your models...
  21. LinuxGuruGamer maintains a lot of mods - but he does always update. Give him some time to cycle through them. (Also - bugging the authors about updates is specifically prohibited by forum policy.)
  22. Angel's corridors are actually the least hidden of the lot - the whole white corrugated section is the 'docked port', so really what you're seeing is the corrigations extending and meeting. Given the walls are likely very thin, you could make a fairly long temporary walkway out of those. Certainly as long as I've ever built something out of them. You're not going to coil the meter-diameter corridor - you're going to flatten it, so it doesn’t take as much space. The corridors in MKS and KPBS are much flatter, and would be harder to justify. (I could still see it in MKS - KPBS though is likely trying to store the corridor inside the building or something - they're just flat.) If you look at building a corridor part in, I'm sure between @Angel-125, @RoverDude, and @Nils277 they can come up with some designs for you. The other part that's in common use that's not part of the main KAS is the electrical cord, introduced by the SEP mod, and supported by Pathfinder and KPBS. This would just be a smaller-diameter resource transfer cord. (Maybe have the cord itself be something deployed from KIS?)
  23. I haven't had much chance to play recently - how well do the flex tubes work with the new KAS? (Since the old-style KAS has been depreciated and not updated to 1.5.)
  24. I haven't had much chance to play recently - how well do these work now that the old-style KAS has been depreciated?
  25. RoverDude's option is fine and will work, but there is a better way:
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