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Everything posted by boccelounge

  1. If I may ask, how did you resolve the issue? Was the "Verify Integrity" check sufficient? And if so, did the PhysicsSignificance value change in the .cfg file? I ask because 1) this was an interesting question/conversation, and I'd like to read the end of the story, and 2) I've seen a different-but-similar problem myself that I also suspected was related to PhysicsSignificance. Your explanation appreciated...
  2. Hi all! The short question: I'd love to hear recommendations on orbital altitudes for a refinery operation that will mine ore on Ike and refine it in Dunan orbit. The longer explanation: For the last week or so I've been playing in Sandbox, working out how to most effectively set up logistical infrastructures all around the stock solar system. I started by setting up a full-coverage Comm relay and ScanSat (the mod) network around every body on the stock game. I've done all this before, of course, but never as methodically and efficiently as I'd like. So far the four inner planets are covered, and various satellite carriers are nearing their destinations at Dres, Jool, and Eeloo. Now I've turned my attention to setting up fuel depots and ISRU operations, and have two flotillas of fuel stations, mining landers, in-system tankers, interplantery tankers, etc. headed to Duna and Dres. All un-Kerballed and drone-controlled, but with enough modularity to be turned into crewed vessels in the future. (Before it's mentioned, I know depots and ISRU aren't necessarily the easiest or most efficient ways to explore the system, but for the purpose of this save game, that's what I'm playing with.) I already have a clear plan for Dres; with an ore miner tailored for landing on the planet and another dedicated to the asteroids surrounding it. They'll bring raw ore to an orbital refinery/tankage station. The reason for this post: I'm not sure exactly what I want to do at Duna. The mining lander is large (by my standards) and can bring 10,000 units of ore from Ike to anywhere in the Dunan system. The depot will refuel Kerballed missions to Duna, and a few re-usable Duna Lander/Ascent vehicles that will remain in-system for surface explorations. It may also be used to send re-fueling tankers further afield, particularly to Jool, though a full Kerballed expedition to that system is still only a drawing-board notion. SO... any suggestions, tips, or other observations? Specifically, will I be better served to keep the main Fuel Depot/Refinery station in orbit around Ike, or should it orbit Duna? If the latter, will a high (near the SOI margin), medium (outside Ike's orbit), or low (inside Ike's orbit) altitude work best for my purposes? Keep in mind the station itself has no propulsion, but is configured so the Mining Lander itself can propel the entire depot (and is in fact doing that right now, toward a Duna intercept in a few hundred days). There are also several fuel carriers around Duna (most of them leftovers from the Comm/Scan satellite missions) that can move fuel from the depot to vessels that need it. I'm asking not just in terms of absolute efficiency (as in launch costs and fuel consumption) but also in terms of my convenience and "playability" (i.e. avoiding days-long warping to rendezvous various vessels from high orbits), and finding a satisfying balance between the two. I hope I've laid out enough to explain what I'm looking for in terms of feedback, without droning (no pun intended) on too long. Note: I'm playing with a smattering of mods, but mainly for aesthetics. All my craft are (virtually) analogous to stock vessels, so a full mod list doesn't seem necessary. Beyond that I rely heavily on KER and KAC to design and keep track of all the (40? 50?) missions ongoing right now. Your thoughts appreciated.
  3. Cake sharers? Double-like for "Gregmore to the Rescue!" As always, thanks for your fine work, Mr. Kuzzter.
  4. Good point sir! That point leads to the obvious corollary: all good science fiction/space opera must have Space pedants. (Well, that's a low-rent literary theory I'm working on.) EDIT: hmm, it seems the forum software and/or the mods changed the word for "national socialists" into "pedants." OK... sorry to offend, but I'll roll with that. Now working on a new Space Pedant literary thesis. This should be... fruitful?
  5. Good point, and well-put. She'll be CVN-80, looking forward it, If all goes well and it doesn't end up as the USS Don... Eh, never mind.
  6. In the spirit of feedback, I agree with @kraden, and I'll add that "failed" missions are also interesting to read (e.g. the first tiny Mun probe, IIRC). I don't assume that you have many "failed" missions, but if you're going to play with more challenging and/or realistic settings. it fits well to see the ups-and-downs of the space program. HTH.
  7. It means I have poor typing, and I should change my browser font-- I can barely tell the difference between commas and periods on these forums. Er, I mean... [witty comeback]. (But seriously, I need to change this font.) EDIT: I just realized @0111narwhalz is true to his word in declaring himself a "brutal nitpicker," as he saw what I couldn't. No offense taken (or meant). You actually improved my KSP forum experience-- my new font is much more readable at small scales-- thanks! [and I will avoid such off-topic excess in the future, Sorry, @Kuzzter.]
  8. Probably so,,, but I'm still hoping for a Kenlie-Kenlie alliance to save the day...
  9. Well, I was trying to make a simple-but-extreme example (with infinite decimals). And you have done the same-- there are no useful Imperial measurements in fifths, sevenths, and ninths-- you're just being silly. And I wasn't arguing that fractional math is more convenient or accurate than decimal math-- of course it isn't. But the Imperial fractions of halves, quarters, eighths, sixteenths, etc. do have certain advantages, particularly for craftsmen (and women). That's the extent of my point. And as to your point (here and in subsequent posts) on tolerances and precision, it's well-taken. I run into this literally every day. Fun fact: plywood is sold in nominal fractions of an inch, but manufactured in millimeters. For projects requiring very high precision, I frequently have to adjust for the fact the plywood is slightly less thick than it claims to be... Nice... too bad I can't give you another "like." Thanks for the discussion-- cheers.
  10. (bold emphasis added) *Raises hand* Well... yeah... but... I appreciate your statement, and generally all the arguments for the metric system here are sound, but I make one exception (well, for me, it's a big exception): I am a master carpenter and fabricator. Imperial units-- that is, fractional-based units rather than decimal-based units-- are far easier and more efficient to use when measuring and calculating lengths, loads, and volumes manually-- that is, on-the-fly, without software. As a simplified example, if I needed to fabricate a piece that is exactly 1/3 of [something] that is 2' 5-1/4", I can easily reduce the fractions and come up with 9-3/4". (This is a very simple example; usually I'm working in much smaller variances (/32, /64), but you get the point.) I can do this quickly-- almost automatically, given decades of using my brain in this way. But If I had to calculate 1/3 of 70cm... Sure, I can quickly divide 70 by 3, but I don't have a tape measure, miter gauge, or caliper with 0.000001cm precision (nor does any human have the eyesight to read such a scale). Other than that, I agree wholeheartedly with your notion that Americans should (probably, definitely) get on metric. Just wanted to mention that there are arguments and applications that favor Imperial/fractional-based measurement.
  11. I agree entirely with this, @Tex. But... wow: It's undeniable, IMHO: if Kerbs are a subterranean species (as the OP suggests), that is a very Kerbal urban architecture. Nice find!
  12. Right on. As interesting as the Enterprise discussion is (moderate-to-high, IMHO). Kenlie's fate is what I'm really interested to see. I suspect THAT is the crux of the Kerbal-Kermulan conflict (and. one hopes, its resolution), not warships and suicide drones. That's my guess, anyway, What's going on with Kenlie?! (Just to note it, this is of course in no way a suggestion/prod/nag/etc. directed at the author. I'm quite content to watch the story unfold at its own (i.e. @Kuzzter's) pace and direction.)
  13. That is beautifully said. Thank you for the report! All the spacecraft were very interestingly engineered-- especially the intricate spaceplane. I hope to see more of your adventure-- cheers.
  14. Yes. Yes we are. In a word: that was awesome. It was just like when [your-favorite-sports-hero] announced [his/her] retirement from the [your-favorite-sports-association], and you thought [he/she] was gone for good, then [he/she] came back for one more year to win the [trophy/cup/crown/belt/title/record/cupcake]. You remember when [he/she] did that? That last mission was that kind of awesome. Thanks @CatastrophicFailure for your [entertainment/service/sacrifice/I-ran-out-of-applicable-adjectives]!
  15. Hey man, thanks for the videos! I tried to watch the first one the other night, but only made it a couple minutes-- no offense, it was a "I just worked 14 hours and I can barely keep my eyes open" thing, nothing to do with your work! I'm glad I took the the time watch both tonight. "Even macs:" Great style, great humor, and great ship design (in multiple sense of the word). Looking forward to more!
  16. Agreed. But I think we can be certain of one thing: whatever the fate the Enterprise, @Kuzzter had it planned out long ago.
  17. That's very smart. But... Given the probability of [they-who-will-not-be-named] attacks, couldn't it also be argued that perhaps all essential personnel should be put in one location? The logic here is that situation increases the OP's motivation for defending said "essential personnel" from said "attacks"-- by any means necessary (likely involving terms like ".cfg editing" and "FUNCTION keys"). Just a thought. (But actually... I kinda dig the idea that Wernher and Gene are "re-cycled" every time the universe resets... Could be fun either way.) Looking forward to see what happens next. Thanks much for keeping us enthralled with this outstanding storyline.
  18. That sounds like the best approach, IMO. Agreed; I feel the same and also like using the small cans for that purpose. I should have guessed as much, on both counts. I'll look forward to seeing the "final" product then. Thanks again for sharing and discussing the career.
  19. Truncating the launches in this way makes perfect sense-- particularly for multiple similar/identical launches in sequence. Nice little station. I particularly like the use of the Mk-1 can as a dedicated "airlock." But I wonder why that module wasn't rotated 90-degrees in respect to the solar panels, to keep the docking ports an panels in different (perpendicular) planes. Just curious.
  20. That's said as well as it can be said. So much for my "they might still be OK" theory... Kerbulans are mean.
  21. Ha... I wish I could "like" this line independently of the comic page. Nice to come home and get a new strip and a chuckle. Thanks and [please] keep it up! <back to lurking quietly>
  22. For what it's worth... thanks so much for: - All your beautiful and well-researched mod work, - Enduring the forum problems that led to the loss of the original M.O.L.E. thread (amongst other things), - Taking the initiative to re-start and re-introduce this exceptional mod for us. Seriously, I know you don't "know" me, but know that I'm just one of many that follow and deeply appreciate your work. Again, thanks-- and please do continue!
  23. Just keep in mind: Fizzbin is "a man's game, but a little beyond you. It requires intelligence." Which sounds just about perfect for Kerbals.
  24. Yikes. Sorry, I thought I was being funny with the legal quip. I see now that I was not. Good luck with the runaround...
  25. I'll start drafting the Non-Disclosure Agreements and other relevant legal documentation... shouldn't take more than a day or two.
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