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Everything posted by Whovian41110

  1. So I've seen an option of delta physics something but that basically puts the game into slow motion
  2. So is there any way to make the physics less "accurate" on KSP i.e. not calculate some frames to ease processor load on the computer? Some other simulators I've played can do this in a sort of legacy mode.
  3. I can't get the gui to come up. I'm using a Mac and i have turned on the function keys function function without pressing the fn key. EDIT: Disregard above post. I'm a moron I installed the folder directly from the zip not the ones inside the Gamedata folder.
  4. how do I get sweep? I don't see that anywhere in the thread. EDIT My root offset and tip offset are quickly going into infinity. Is that a problem?
  5. The mod works but how do I make the wing go "out"? (i.e. the length and tip adjustment works just fine but the width out from the plane doesn't work)
  6. So I downloaded it. the only folder is called B9_Aerospace am I to merge the B9 folder with the downloaded one?
  7. So if I just use ascent guidance rather than autopilot that would be better?
  8. Most real rockets are flown entirely by internal guidance computers. I am a new player of KSP and the only way I can get things in an even partially similar orbit is with MechJeb. Would that be considered cheating?
  9. It's a Decepticon Air Force Patch
  10. So as long as I have everything in the core pack it's fine?
  11. Hi I'm new here, just out of curiosity when does my content not need to be approved by a moderator?
  12. The Scot Manley video says that I must overwrite my entire directory; isn't this just a drag and drop folder to GameData?
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