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V7 Aerospace

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Everything posted by V7 Aerospace

  1. My personal favourites, Podny Kerman and Hadney Kerman. In my original Sandbox save, both Podny and Hadney replaced the "big three" (who were permanently staffed at a base on the other side of Kerbin) and flew on a lot of my early missions. Hadney was K.I.A when I accidentally dropped a massive tower of Hitchhiker Storage Containers on the launch pad and forgot to revert the flight. Podny is off on leave for as long as that original save is in storage (somewhere) on my computer...
  2. @Majorjim! May I ask why you made those awesome Radiator-Fairing-Thingies, instead of just using stock fairings?
  3. @CelticCossack51 That's the exact same way I found out, but I didn't get a computer ( capable of running KSP) till Christmas 2013, and I started around 0.25 (The update where KSC was re-done).
  4. Welcome! I wish you good luck in your next missions, as once you get to orbit you are halfway to anywhere.
  5. Make Gas Planet 2 a Neptune analog. Lovely blue colours, fast moving Mega-cyclones, and insanely fast winds that would make aerobreaking way more fun and dynamic.
  6. I heard that all those restrictive warranties on all the sensors aren't actually voidable. They are just like that to stop Kerbals from exploring too much of the Kerbol system.
  7. You look into room 1466 - there is a concrete wall right ahead, and in its centre is scribbled: "Gilroy was here"
  8. When life gives you lemons - Question why life has given you these lemons, and more importantly, check if they have been spiked with anything...
  9. This is Major Ground to Tom control.
  10. You know, that when a blue moon occurs, the moon turns into water right? When a blue moon occurs, use the water to help cool your landing spot, easy as that!
  11. Finally got round to getting the pictures on to my computer Hope you like em'
  12. Is it just me, or is China and its surrounding countries filled with old MiGs on display. Seems pretty common there, I wish that here had plenty of Hunters and Lightnings on display...
  13. "Enough of this randomness, Dust." "The Treash won't find itself!"
  14. Eye candy! New rocket parts! A new fuselage system for spaceplanes??? Who knows. All is to be revealed in the land of SoonTM
  15. I must ask, how does that look from the surface? It must be awesome! ... Back to being serious. Are you running any mods? What platform are you on?
  16. These are brilliant! I might go find my camera and join in.
  17. 100% agree with you here, sometimes people can become too entitled, as if the modders owe them something. people just need a bit more patience.
  18. @LaytheDragon Thank you so much for your awesome artwork! I wish I could give you more than one upvote. I love the little details, such as the minty frosting effect on the Boulder, and the massive fog clouds looming in the background.
  19. Im guessing North-Kerbin dynamics isn't allowed. Explosions are too op with that mod? (Imagine strapping a Karl Gerat onto a VTOL)
  20. "Have you ever had a dreams, That you, um, you had, your, you, you could, you’ll do, you, you wants, you, you could do so, you , you’ll do, you could, you, you want, you want them, to do you so much, you could do anything?"
  21. I get that reference...
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