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V7 Aerospace

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Everything posted by V7 Aerospace

  1. I guess Broforce is more deserving of the title... But still, KSP is an amazing game, so winning awards (no matter the award!) is surely a good thing
  2. Demeaning to the game? a lot of Kerbal things are related to the "exploshuns are kool " category. You see something like a Space X launch failure, and some people will say, that it was a very "Kerbal" thing to happen. Heck, a selling point of this game is building rockets, and watching them blow up till you get it right.
  3. Nice to know something is happening behind the scenes. We may never know who was completely at fault for all that has happened in the past months, but there is now a light at the end of the tunnel for all you console players. For all those who have stayed to see this game through, I am very impressed with your patience.
  4. It is a sort of "Rock and a hard place" situation. What I can say is that, to me at least, a gaming PC is incredibly worth it. You may buy the computer for KSP, but I'd imagine you'd find many more games to play on it, and in the end PCs are incredibly versatile in their uses.
  5. First time I ever tried mods... I ruined everything. turns out I had to re-install the entire game. and I lost my very first save file
  6. Yeah! Horizontal stuff sucks SQUAD! I don't want to see anything horizontal in my rocket game. As soon as anyone dares to go horizontal and circularise an orbit in their vertical rocket, implement a feature that auto-deletes the spacecraft. We simply cannot go on with this blasphemy!
  7. I'm on safari on iPad, and I can see my own avatar but can't see some people's avatar, most are fine though.
  8. Good to see you here Pine! I've got a few new screenshots too: Typhoon's visit to the Kremlin in Moscow A large gathering in the desert with my favourite Tetrarch An arcade battle I was particularly happy with
  9. I'll rate that a cool illustration/10 mechanical suits are cool and all, but do they really beat this? - Good old Hurricane
  10. Wait, doesn't locking old threads help reduce usage on the forum server? Surely keeping large amounts of threads running would have some effect... aaand the thread has been unused for a few months... the irony.
  11. In this case, if FTE have abandoned KSP Console, what is there to do? How can SQUAD fix this mess? Re-starting Console development would cost a ton, but so would sorting out refunds and removing it from Console stores. It would be a shame to throw such a good game away for potential users, but what else is there to do...
  12. I guess at this point there are only a few things that console players can do now: 1. Try and get a refund for the game, and ward off potential buyers so they don't have to suffer too. 2. Wait for the patch that is (maybe) in the works, and hope for the best. 3. Forget about the game, and wait a few months to see if anything improves. 4. Chase up SQUAD/FTE to find out what exactly is going on behind the scenes, and which party is the cause of all this grief. The whole thing has been an absolute mess, I just hope that SQUAD can live up to their reputation and fix this. And I really hope the whole thing wasn't a planned cash-grab (I'd imagine that's not the case, even though it looks so).
  13. A: Yes it's still open. A: The OP says that mods are fine, just make sure to tell which ones you used.
  14. So if I'm right, the largest piston engine we have is a V8, surely a V12 is just around the corner then. After that, what next? Is anyone trying any other layouts apart from V's and flat engines? Or are these layouts the only ones possible as of now. It'd be great to see some massive engines in the future, like the H-24 Napier Sabre (one of my favourites from WWII)
  15. Your latest drawing reminds me of those Sorta-3D segments from Futurama! Real professional work!
  16. Yeah, now that I think of it, the radial intake is practically asking users to make a F-16
  17. Love the F9F-6, (didn't know it existed until a recent War Thunder update) and your MiG-21. I've noticed that most users replica threads contain a MiG-21, I'd say it's the most reproduced aircraft in KSP.
  18. I think that until the console port is fixed, Devnotes should be dedicated to giving updates of its current state in development. Us PC players can wait while the console players issues are fixed, there are people who love the game, but detest SQUAD for their lack of communication. All that is needed is for them to know what is happening to resolve their problems, that would go a long way to help solve the mess we are currently in. After all, what is more important? Fixing an unplayable game for console users, or working on a multiplayer update that some of us don't even want.
  19. That is brilliant! I love the way you made the blunt nose out of Mk0 parts (as all the noses we have stock are fairly sharp), and the tailplane being made completely out of control surfaces
  20. It'd be great to see your version of a Meteor (if first generation jets are your cup of tea), looking at your other work, I think it would turn out very nice!
  21. Now, let's go ahead with the full tour on foot... Every. Single. Room.
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