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Everything posted by omelaw

  1. it looks like a CKAN, but every mod(and versions) has a torrent file and when someone downloads a mod, it drags from someone who has it. and clients seeding their downloaded/cached mods as seeder. it that even possible? or it won't work? P.S non-native in english + fuzzy idea = somthing unreadable :<
  2. it looks like kerbin only has a single continent
  3. I sent a small astroid tug to an asteroid ( a lv-n, IRSU, two drills) and met a 3000t E-class one and aerobrakeing node is 180m/s, and appearently I only have 1cm/s^2 accerration(due to not enough fuel process rate) then burn time is.... 180/0.01=18000s=5hour! should I send another bigger tug for it?
  4. https://www.google.com/maps/@19.4116,-99.180745,3a,75y,114.26h,90.97t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s4j4_4tzlJ9Xl8Ifd0b-2BQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1 and it looks really strange. It's compleatly rebulited heavyly reinforced(location of window) between 2011/3 and 2014/11 (google didn't take picture between) I'm surprised at that still use same buliding.
  5. Mine(in construction) have two orange tank (one is part of hub, other one as fuel deliverer), but how much It needs? I think four orange tank may be enough. bigger ship means bigger parts count and it would make too much lag if there is a large station physic range. and such big ship can refuel directly from thing like orange tank lifter.
  6. It literally has 2922 ton of ore in that asteroid. As ore's density is 10kg/unit, you would spend 50ton of it. By the way, you can fill ore tank in VAB (Like when launch a empty fuel tank) and dock it.
  7. aren't we need somthing like mun size thing to do that?
  8. well tweakscale can soive this, but I think we need 2.5m spacestaion connecter part. the rockomax hubmax (1.25m size) is too narrow for refueling station. And why Rockomax made 1.25m size hub? I thought Rockomax's Business area is 2.5m parts, aren't them? other rockomax parts won't fit.
  9. unlike normal plane cannot fly from launchpad, you can always make huge rocket sideway, rotate it to upside up, and it will stand on the runway? and why spaceplane parts Impact Tolerance(40~50m/s) are much higher then rocket parts(under 15)?
  10. I never saw this kind of contract. is this from remotetech?
  11. Try "match velocity with target" in maneuver planer after rendezvous autopilot finished. Maybe mechjeb didn't kill relative velocity completely. and can you tell the speed at target mode?
  12. I heard that until 0.90 physicless parts are skip a lot of physics( mass, drag, etc...) It would lighten up the physics lag of my 250 part space station.. and I want to try this
  13. press g on it and drag it into to it's inventory (you shouldn't release mouse button)
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