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  1. I see. In that case, I can confirm that I did not miss your point at all, but rather understood it fully. I was pointing out the reasons why it was a poorly supported, bad point to be making. There is a simple, plausible alternative: Perhaps people are merely disagreeing with you.
  2. Howso? If you had a point that somehow everyone else is missing, please feel free to restate it more clearly.
  3. Other parts of the forum still serve a purpose even in the absence of continuing development: Mission reports and Spacecraft Exchange are worthwhile as long as people are playing and enjoy sharing and reading them. Mod threads are useful as long as people are still making and using mods. Community tech support is useful as long as there are users having issues with mods. Science & Spaceflight still has occasional interesting updates about real life missions, sometimes from participants. If these activities continue to help draw in new users and sales, then it even makes sense for the new owners to continue paying nominal sums to keep the overall forum online. The "KSP2 Suggestions and Development Discussion" sub-forum, on the other hand, was created to discuss ideas that might influence ongoing development. That purpose can no longer be served with development stopped, and leaving it unlocked could be misleading for users who haven't kept up with the current status of the game. And yes, of course the same is true of "KSP1 Suggestions and Development Discussion". It makes no less sense to lock that one as well. It sounds like you may have interpreted the OP as suggesting that all KSP2-related subforums be shuttered. The mention of "S&DD" is a pretty clear indication that that was not the intention:
  4. Unfortunately, there are no developers working on this franchise anymore.
  5. The node_modules/.bin/nw file is a very weird symbolic link containing the code of an entire NodeJS script as its target: $ ls -gGtrh node_modules/.bin/ total 4.0K lrwxrwxrwx 1 1.7K 2025-03-11 8:16 AM nw -> '''#!/usr/bin/env node'$'\n\n''var fs = require('\''fs'\'');'$'\n''var path = require('\''path'\'');'$'\n''var spawn = require('\''child_process'\'').spawn;'$'\n''var bin = require('\''../lib/findpath.js'\'')();'$'\n\n''function run() {'$'\n'' // Rename nw.js'\''s own package.json as workaround for https://github.com/nwjs/nw.js/issues/1503'$'\n'' var packagejson = path.resolve(__dirname, '\''..'\'', '\''package.json'\'');'$'\n'' var packagejsonBackup = path.resolve(__dirname, '\''..'\'', '\''package_backup.json'\'');'$'\n'' if (!fs.existsSync(packagejsonBackup)) {'$'\n'' try {'$'\n'' fs.renameSync(packagejson, packagejsonBackup);'$'\n'' } catch (err) {}'$'\n'' }'$'\n\n'' // copy over any asset files (icons, etc) specified via CLI args:'$'\n'' require('\''../lib/app_assets'\'').copyAssets(process.platform, bin);'$'\n\n'' // Normalize cli args'$'\n'' var args = process.argv.slice(2);'$'\n'' var cwd = (args.length < 1) ? '\''.'\'' : args[0];'$'\n'' if (!fs.existsSync(path.resolve(cwd))) {'$'\n'' args = ['\''.'\''].concat(args);'$'\n'' } else {'$'\n'' args = [cwd].concat(args.slice(1));'$'\n'' }'$'\n\n'' // Spawn node-webkit'$'\n'' var nw = spawn(bin, args, { stdio: '\''inherit'\'' });'$'\n'' nw.on('\''close'\'', function() {'$'\n'' process.nextTick(function() {'$'\n'' process.exit(0);'$'\n'' });'$'\n'' });'$'\n\n'' // Restore package.json shortly after nw is spawned'$'\n'' setTimeout(function() {'$'\n'' try {'$'\n'' if (fs.existsSync(packagejsonBackup)) {'$'\n'' fs.renameSync(packagejsonBackup, packagejson);'$'\n'' }'$'\n'' } catch (err) {}'$'\n'' }, 1000);'$'\n''}'$'\n\n''if (!fs.existsSync(bin)) {'$'\n'' console.log('\''nw.js appears to have failed to download and extract. Attempting to download and extract again...'\'');'$'\n'' var child = spawn(process.execPath, [path.resolve(__dirname, '\''..'\'', '\''scripts'\'', '\''install.js'\'')], { stdio: '\''inherit'\'' });'$'\n'' child.on('\''close'\'', run);'$'\n''} else {'$'\n'' run();'$'\n''}'$'\n' Without knowing the text of the error you got, my guess would be that Windows doesn't support that. It looks like this repo was never properly packaged for easy use. It hasn't been touched in 10 years, which has several bad consequences: NodeJS code rots very rapidly, so the code probably doesn't work anymore The KSP vessel format has probably also changed a bit in 10 years, so even if you got it running it might not be able to actually read craft files The author is very unlikely to still be around to offer help it's probably not feasible to get this to work without a large investment of time and expertise. If you want to make that investment yourself, you can start by learning how to code in NodeJS: https://nodejs.org/en/learn/getting-started/introduction-to-nodejs Once you have a working NodeJS setup, try extracting all of the files except the node_modules folder, then regenerate it with whatever NodeJS programmers use nowadays instead of "npm install".
  6. Possibly because updating it would require developers to generate an updated demo package, and there are no longer any software developers working on this franchise.
  7. The best you can do is watchfully wait for a sale, which are sometimes announced on this thread:
  8. You're probably running out of RAM. Upgrade it if you can.
  9. You'll probably bet better help if you share a screenshot of the craft you're trying.
  10. OK, the wiki has a page about docking: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Docking Basically you just need to find a docking port in the parts list and add it to your craft. They look like this: If you meant something else, please provide details.
  11. How/where are you trying to download? This is the latest info we have for non-Steam customers, I believe:
  12. Those Youtube tutorials are out of date. Now you click either of the files that are clickable in that popup.
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