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  1. Sometime between when the sequel's dev studio was shut down and when the franchise was sold, I believe.
  2. The launcher no longer works and was removed because the web site that it was connected to was shut down.
  3. Can you specify why you believe that? Can you specify why you think that's relevant to this mod?
  4. Can you specify why you (I assume?) think that it's not achieving the correct TWR? Can you specify why you think this is a problem?
  5. Can you specify what you think should be "fixed", and why?
  6. @linuxgurugamer, are you planning to fix https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/PersistentRotation/issues/13 ?
  7. KSP2's modding community isn't even updating their own mods anymore.
  8. I soft-burned-out while converting every resource in my entire starting area to a giant steel pipe factory (estimated 2531 per minute). Got the whole thing just about built, but when the time came to connect it to where I actually needed those pipes, I picked up Shapez and Shapez 2 and have been binging those since. Loved FICS*MAS. Once I finished the machines to build all of it, I put a Christmas market frame around them, decorated, and plopped down a boombox with the holiday music. It's still fun going in there.
  9. It could also be read as, one game with a community, one without.
  10. It's best to enjoy those for what they are—entertainment, not education. To understand this stuff at the level needed to contribute to new knowledge, you need to actually study it—as in read books, attend lectures and labs, do lots of problem sets, pass exams, and (eventually) write papers that get peer reviewed. People like Brian Cox are trying to communicate very complicated and sometimes strange ideas that require a lot of background knowledge to grasp properly, and if try to do that with the language they use in their work, we simply won't understand what they're saying (Wikipedia science pages sometimes offer a taste of this). So to get their points across to a broader audience, they look for ways to give an impression of what the concepts mean, aware that many in the audience might misinterpret. But this can be a worthwhile risk if it inspires some to pursue the actual physics education that would enable them to comprehend the real story. Imagine I heard a physicist say that rather than having distinct positions and orbits, the electrons in an atom form a "cloud," and suppose I said to myself, "Well, when it's cloudy it often rains, so maybe rain holds the atom together!" That would be fallacious thinking because the rich concept of "cloud" is being borrowed into physics for just one specific aspect of its conventional meaning, and this hypothetical me is getting tripped up by assuming all the other meanings must also apply. That's similar to what's happening here.
  11. The descriptions and metaphors that popular science communicators use to explain things to the public are simplifications (notably, they usually drop all the math). They're helpful enough for giving us a general sense of what physicists are working on, and they can even help us develop intuition about things like time dilation within the narrow scope where they're applicable. But they aren't the actual way this work is done, and they have limitations; if you try to use them to develop new ideas, what you produce will be very likely to get tripped up by those limitations and miss the underlying physical phenomenon. That seems to have happened here; the absence of any worked-out math is a very notable red flag. University physics departments get lots of cranks sending them theories of everything that never pan out as anything worthwhile, and the submitters often show a lack of interest in learning why their idea is wrong. These people are paid to teach students and do research, and fighting with cranks is an infinite time-sink that doesn't advance those goals.
  12. Wow, right after this announcement! https://krebsonsecurity.com/2025/01/mastercard-dns-error-went-unnoticed-for-years/
  13. Yup, here's the PR: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/pull/3220 The default labels include one called "Held" that does this, so you may already have it unless you've been using CKAN since before that change was made.
  14. The skills involved in writing a plugin, making parts, and making planets are fairly separate and independent, so the right folks would have more of a clue of whether to respond if you give some hint of what kind of mod you want to make.
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