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  1. What is the backup plan? I would sure hate to lose this valuable tool to the community. I have been playing KSP since Alpha days.... geez, has it been that long?
  2. Thank you, this pointed me in the right direction. I don't know why I did think to look at the part config. At any rate I was able to use MM (Module Manager) to modify the config to give control to kOS for fueling, etc.... now other than having to click I can watch it launch like in real life. Again, beautiful mod, love it and look forward to more of your work!
  3. It isn't so much about kOS I believe, than trying to find, for lack of a better word, how you are using the pad fueling option. For example, if I right click on the Flat Launch Base 2 there are two Generators. One marked Generator:EC and the other Generator that give an option to Start/Stop Fueling. How are you implementing the fueling option or are you? - Maybe something else is?!
  4. First off, I just want to say how much I love this mod! It’s my go-to for launches, and the level of detail and functionality you’ve put into it is outstanding. I’ve been exploring kOS and would love to integrate some of the launch pad features into my scripts. Most of the interactions work well, but I haven’t been able to trigger the fueling options via kOS. I was wondering if there’s any way to make this accessible or if there are plans to support this functionality in the future? I’d really appreciate any insights you can share. Thanks again for all your hard work on this incredible mod! I have used this code without any success of finding a way to start the fueling process. FUNCTION testGenerators { SET basePart TO SHIP:PARTSNAMED("AM.MLP.FlatLaunchBaseSmall")[0]. PRINT "Testing " + basePart:NAME + " (" + basePart:TYPENAME + ")". LOCAL genCount IS 0. FOR moduleName IN basePart:ALLMODULES { IF moduleName = "ModuleGenerator" { SET genCount TO genCount + 1. SET genModule TO basePart:GETMODULE(moduleName). PRINT "Generator " + genCount + ": ". PRINT " Events: " + genModule:ALLEVENTNAMES:JOIN(", "). PRINT " Actions: " + genModule:ALLACTIONNAMES:JOIN(", "). IF genModule:ALLACTIONNAMES:CONTAINS("activate generator") { genModule:DOACTION("activate generator", TRUE). PRINT " Activated generator " + genCount. WAIT 1. // Brief pause to let it settle PRINT " New Events: " + genModule:ALLEVENTNAMES:JOIN(", "). PRINT " New Actions: " + genModule:ALLACTIONNAMES:JOIN(", "). } ELSE { PRINT " No activate action—already active or unavailable.". } } } }
  5. Greetings all! Curious, for those who use a life support mod, what would you recommend and why? I have used TAC Life support in the past, however I have found it kinda "buggy" in that it will report so many days life support for an item, and then when you switch focus or time warp, it will change that valve drastically. Kinda hard to plan resupply that way. Thanks in advance for any recommendations!
  6. I've tried that, but atlas, trying to hover over an object and get a precise connection has proved impossible for me. I have even turned up the attraction force with no luck. That would require to land... but it may be the only solution Explosions indeed! Many a kerbal have gone to their demise.... I believe landing and attaching either a KAS cable, or using the claw/docking port to force a connection is the only viable solution. I'll have to try a few more variations... Thank you for all the suggestions...
  7. Recently I have been creating a few variations on helicopters. I’ve been wanting to do a capsule retrieval mission using it but am having trouble find a solution to grab the capsule either on land or on water with the helicopter. I’ve tried the claw to no avail as my approach speed is too slow for it to grab the capsule. If I come in at a higher speed, explosions ensue. I have even restored to trying KAS, but have only had partial success as it requires me to land and attach a cable. If I switch to another craft and then switch back, the capsule I attached to “magically “ disappears. l’m looking for suggestions. I would prefer to keep it stock, however I am not beyond installing a mod. Is there something out there that has a hook and loop systems of some sort that is somewhat ridged? Any idea, suggestions welcomed…thanks!
  8. I've tried this everyway and Sunday and still can't get it to work with my design to land on a drone ship. Always lands short. I've watched every tutorial that I can find without success. Anyone else have any success with this?
  9. This appears to work. No longer do my projects "fly" from the creation port. Tired a few dockings as well, and it does appear that the separation force is gone as well, but I can live with that. Looking forward full release that incorporates this new functionality. Again, Thank you! Sorry for the delay in responding, I was out of town. Again, great work!
  10. I am really enjoy this mod! Thank you for your contribution to KSP! I do have one question: When finalizing any project, when it is released, it flies, for lack of a better word, some distance from the construction port. Is there a way to fix this so it just releases it at the port?
  11. Great job! I can see the Space Center again during nightfall! Love this work. Top 5 mod on my list! Who needs KSP 2 with this other than a faster load time and the Unity engine issues.
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