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Deimos Rast

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Everything posted by Deimos Rast

  1. slightly sad about the spotlight "fix" as those are actually my favorite parts in the entire mod. I'll get by...some how. *sigh*
  2. @Nakedchef thanks for doing this (and reuploading it twice even); may you have many more strawberry cakes! Rar's inevitably cause confusion since apparently some default apps can't open them. Never assume.
  3. props for not giving people seizures. you probably want a license listed somewhere?
  4. Wordwrap? That way I can put my WIP sure-to-be-bestseller fanfic as a serialized novella. Is 1280 a standard res for development? I haven't used that in decades; even my laptop is 1366 (which seems odd). I figured 1920 was the bare min these days, but I shall defer.
  5. I've looked through the config a while back and it's mainly a tacls converter, yeah? Or do you mean what good is a greenhouse that outputs food, if you don't have a mod that uses it? That's a fair point I hadn't considered actually, but thinking about it now....Kerbalism uses food and oxygen. I get the impression from the wording of your response that we might be "two ships passing in the night" on this issue, so I'll cut the rest of this short. Have a nice day.
  6. 1) You need a marketing department. 2) Are you familiar with Indicator Lights by the esteemed Mr. Snark? 3) If I find these useful, what does that make me? 4) The mod you were talking about is BatteryIndicator by PizzaOverhead or the updated version by Darkona. Anyway, these look mighty fine!
  7. Ugh, I only have so many fingers and toes... Probably dependent on screensize yah? Do the tips rescale? I thought they would get mods? I don't really care, but that was part of my sales pitch.
  8. Press Z...receive beans. Going to have a lot of confused console players. Now we just need DMagic to come in here and write science101 tooltips for his orbital science mod. He already has a mini lecture series. Not sure if you could convert that into a tooltip. It might need to know where you left off, for example, if it were a series. He's a clever chap though, might be keen on the idea.
  9. Yeah, I'll send the link over when we're done (probably in a couple days...I mean, SoonTM). I haven't quite mastered "catalogue speak" yet, so I just sort of hack away at grammar till it fits (slight hyperbole, but I'm used to throwing around unnecessary verbage). Anyway, thanks! --- @JPLRepoHow long can these tips be, near about?
  10. Alright, I'll keep it. I think I "Americanized" it and said "gun it" but "beans" is probably more kerbal. If you want I can PM you the link to the list if you want to approve/look over things. Our major concern so far is what can we assume a new player will know. Is "Rx Wheel" or "Ctrl Surface" too much of short hand for example? We're a bit pressed on space.
  11. Thank you kindly. I think the hardest part will be untangling all that Aussie Outback slang. "Press Z to give it the beans."
  12. Looking mighty fine sir, mighty fine. I noticed in the right click menu on the far left (Soyuz TMA) a "Auto-Ignition Altitude: 7" - is that from RO or is that something else? I'm always on the look out for more "smart" mods since the pilot frequently isn't!
  13. Well, technically the file is mine, but he seems to know his way around a google doc a lot better than me. I would love to hear from @TriggerAu before we're done, but rumor has it he has a day job.
  14. might consider linking this page on space dock. Seems interesting, but a lot seems made "useless" ... no middle ground?
  15. That's mighty encouraging. It's also above my paygrade. I'm just keeping the embers burning, as it were. He, and you, can take as long as you like. Don't matter much to me. Can't rush masterpieces. Thanks for the update.
  16. Yeah, I was using RoverDude's Karibou wheel as a model, then it occurred to me to use the stock landing gear. I'd ask RoverDude, but he's, as you know, super busy, and this is my Don Quixote Wind Mill moment. The only issue really (and this probably would require a plugin) is that when you fold in the platform, the nodes stay extended. Oh, I had to redo all the nodes, but you can now, as a work around, attach Malemute Mini wheels (which have nodes) to the chassis of this mod. A minor KIS issue with "backpack" parts and the stupid bumper rotating wrong, but otherwise, nope. No collider issues. I should add the ERS Rover wheels have similar type issues, but slightly different. Those ones rotate, but without traction. In that case, I think it's a matter of the collider being too small. In this case, I think it's a matter of the collider being offset. Anyway, I'm taking a day off or so. Getting the deployment animation working was...a bit grueling, and to have it not make a difference was insult to injury. But I shall press on (I just released a couple patches for ALCOR as a break). Cheers. p.s. surprised you actually watched the video; should have added in some explosions with post processing
  17. Hmm, was it consistent? Which props were they? The little kitchen timers by chance? Assuming you had proper dependencies, best I could probably do is check for obvious errors in the internals config. Basically, not much. MoarDV is probably better suited for that kind of surgery.
  18. rock on glad to hear it; obviously when he comes back I'll retire my stuff (or sooner at request)
  19. mighty fine looking; any tails or just mains?
  20. Update: @LabRats and I have started to convert the KSP Tips to loading tips. Send me or him a PM if you want in on the action. We're maybe half way done? But it's lunch time; union rules! This is not me volunteering for being caretaker for all of perpetuity of some community repository of tips by the way. I just had some free time, is all.
  21. *yoink* I will. I've been looking at PRC and ERS as well. Hit a bit of a wall with PRC (as I think you read). With ERS I managed to get the wheels to spin and turn (they have an insane turn radius) but for some reason it's like they have no traction. I should add these were Firespitter wheels. Yeah, the ones that seem to have extra explosives in them. Didn't spend much time on it, but it's on the list. Cockpit is also opaque now, from the inside which is new. I had the cockpit working fully in 1.0.5, so dunno. *shrug* I'm a little hesitant to burn too much energy on wheels, since they're suppose to get a major rework again. But yeah, progress marches on, as it were. I don't, as of yet, really know my way around Unity or Blender or any such voodoo. What success I've had has been do to using DebugStuff + NodeHelper + raw stubbornness. That combo gets you pretty far it turns out. I feel like the props are such classics that I would need to spend a year learning the tools of the trade before I tried even poking at them graphically. As of now, I'm trying to be as non-invasive as possible, with modular, optional patches, that are easily disabled or deleted, which checks and needs and such.
  22. Tip number one: never post suggestions. I think the work is already done, contentwise, by TriggerAU. It'd just be converting. That's just details. I'm an idea guy, not a detail guy. I worry about big picture stuff. @LabRats Looking good! Suggestion: Maybe making a google document? Otherwise we'd clutter this thread in a hurry. Better idea: Start a PM group and have the document only linked there. Then divide up the list to people. P.S. Who says "Give it the beans?"
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