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Deimos Rast

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Everything posted by Deimos Rast

  1. Just tried it and everything works fine. Pictures are of the front seat and back seat, and one of the exteriors. Even the plugin seems functional, and it's two versions old. Do you have (you need these other mods): RasterPropMonitor? ASET Props? ASET Avionics? If not, that's your problem. Not sure what you mean by your "plane is invisible" though, as it would only affect IVA stuff. ----- @Wolfair corp. have you seen this mod below? It adds some analogue gauges to these cockpits. Not sure if the quality is there or not, but might be what you're looking for. It also seems to be a bit out of date, but probably still works. https://spacedock.info/mod/411/Modified MK22 IVA [ASET Avionics]
  2. @fast_de_la_speed I'm looking at the configs, and I noticed a couple of things Your RPM patch adds the RPM Computer, and then your ASET patch comes along and adds it again. I'm not sure if this causes issues or not, but it's probably unnecessary. If you're using both ASET Avionics and ASET Props, consider using "ASETPropsIdentifier" as your :NEEDS instead of just "ASET" - it's the plugin associated with ASET Props. It's more specific. Are you just doing fly-boy type cockpits or are you thinking of branching out (e.g. Mk2 Lander Pod)? With a name like your's and knowing your other mods, I can't really see you doing a lander can to be honest, heh. Still.... if you do, I would gobble it up in a second. There was something else I was going to ask, but I forgot...oh well. Cheers.
  3. I'm using it currently, so yes. Unless you were looking for an under the hood analysis? I could check a log or two, but meh, all the planets are there it seems and they have colors, so I'm reasonably happy.
  4. Thanks! These look mighty fine. FYI: I believe your comments in the configs are using the wrong type of backslashes (\\ instead of //) and so they're not actually comments. Cheers.
  5. Might consider linking to the below mod as well, as it uses the cockpit, but provides a new IVA.
  6. I have a few probes en route to other bodies (Duna and Eve for example). Strategy "Duna Probes" was unavailable as expected; however, "Eve Probes" was an option, which I took, despite it saying "have no vessels en route". It doesn't seem to register my probe as "en route" (as the text is in green, not red), despite having an encounter with Eve. Not sure if I can provide any logs or anything, since I didn't see any errors. The probes are actually clones of each other, so there shouldn't be any issue recognizing parts. --- Also, is there anyway to cut down on the "Local Science Boost" spam or it's persistence? Kerbal Environmental Institute is a new mod which basically vacuums up all local KSC science for a fee. But it triggers Local Science boost. That continual roll of "+ 0.3 Local Science" etc follows you to every scene, from KSC, to the flight scene, to the main menu, to the editor. Everywhere. It wasn't noticeable when it was a few at a time, but when you're getting dozens or hundreds (that last for tens of minutes).... Maybe have it show up as one lump sum? Or at least not follow you between scenes. Cheers.
  7. coolbeans. One problem in the RT patch: you added in MaxQ (or maybe I did, who knows): it causes the part to break if exposed to high dynamic pressure, which: a) only applies if the part has a two stage animation (these are always on antennas) e.g. a physical communotron opening and closing b) command pods are frequently the root part, and if these root parts are broken by remote tech, it causes "bad things" to happen. Also, not sure on syntax, but can you even do a :NEEDS[AntennaRange],[!RemoteTech] ? I've always seen [AntennaRange&!RemoteTech]. It might need to be inside the brackets if you use a comma, or else a double :NEEDS. Cheers. (I can do another pull request if you like).
  8. Ah, new life for this mod, good to see. Looks like GGumby is MIA somewhat, so I suppose this is appropriate. FYI: this mod is listed as 1.1.2 compatible only on spacedock - intentional?
  9. Just saying again that I had a good time hanging out for at least 5 hours or so. I'd highly recommend stopping by the stream for a bit, was good fun. I don't want to spoil any announcements, but: We talked about foil a lot and he was receptive to my critiques of "too much too much" and....he can comment more on that if he cares to. He even gave a sneak peak of the lander pack....conceptually. Sounds like a lot of cool stuff is rattling around akron's head. Very exciting.
  10. @Toonu Yeah, here is the link. Not sure where my initial number came from, but this clocks in at ~200mb extracted (down from 500mb+). Let me know if you run into any problems, as I haven't tested it yet. License is the original GNU GPL. I only converted the textures to dds using the DDS4KSP program. Texture size dropped form around ~3-4mb to 1.3mb or lower. Quality probably remains the same. @Sobol If want me to kill the link, just say the word. I'm just trying to save you some work. Cheers. Edit: Possible issue: I probably converted the Agency flags; if it causes issues, just replace the new dds files with the old ones.
  11. Watching stream now! @akron Did you ever use the RTG decay patches I gave you? Either way, had a brief chat with Nertea and I think he'd rather they stay in NFE. (see here third comment down) K, back to watching the stream I go. Edit: Was good fun.
  12. @NecroBones I had a brief chat with Nertea about what I should do with future RTG decay patches and he said they should probably be with NFE. (See comment here for reference.) I know you just released the decay patch, but maybe I erred giving it to you instead of him. Something to think about. Also, if you want the start of a USI patch, consider adding the below to the Inline FuelCell. It's what the stock FC array gets and allows the part to hook into the power network. Lastly, and this is more of a curiosity: why did you add the RT modules into the parts directly, as opposed to making a patch for them with relevant NEEDS (or putting :NEEDS on the modules themselves)? Like I said, just curious if there is a reason behind it. Cheers. @PART[NBfuelCell1m] { MODULE { name = ModulePowerCoupler PowerCouplingRange = 500 } }
  13. wow, ya'll didn't go for price gouging and picked the same price point as PC titles? Golf clap for you folks. *clap*
  14. I'm unsure of how AR works, but I think they already (or are planning to) added a science container to the Probe - will that conflict with your Sci Container?
  15. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww yesh. nothing of value to add, just carrying over my enthusiasm from the previous thread. *plop* edit: I asked for a recompile and you gave me a resurrection and then some. Not going to complain.Not at all.
  16. Did anyone ever get around to writing RemoteTech Patches for the SIGINT dishes? A brief search turns up antenna range stuff, but nada for RT.
  17. USI "SrvPack" has a ton, which is your best bet. Firespitter has some flotation/buoyancy devices for planes. As does SXT and it has some airbags which might have the FSBouyancy module. FASA has some floats too, but they're duds iirc. Just remember: an airbag is not a flotation device (in USI). Seriously (completely different modules).
  18. Running about 112 mods without EVE/Scatter and the hit on entering the tracking station wouldn't have been noticed if I didn't know to look for it (maybe 1-3 seconds tops). I really like the effect the fuzziness has. I have OPM and TransKeptunian planet packs installed, and the fuzz factor seems to not be on every planet. I'm on Easy difficulty, so that means I have views of local moons and Jool moons (and Jool maybe?), but the fuzz was not applied to Eeloo or Jool. Eeloo maybe because it gets moved by OPM (I think, or maybe that's a different mod), and Jool, because you've already discovered its moons, so presumably, Jool?. Eve looked weird, Duna cool (as always), and a lot of the planet pack rocks didn't have the fuzz either; I would say maybe 75% of them. Here is an album taken with the usage of HayStacks Continued. I take it most users won't be able to do this (target/focus on Unknown Objects)? Order is Eve, Duna, Jool, Eeloo, Slate, Orma. Only Eve, Duna, and Orma in the pictures show the fuzz. Cheers. Edit: maxTemp = 580
  19. Could attach a USI airbag thing to the roof of the cargo hold (inside) and it'll probably clip through when deployed and save the day. Probably not the answer you were looking for. I really think a lot of the buoyancy issue is having a lot of ablator, but I already mentioned that. Easy enough to crank up the buoyancy values, which I don't think has any ill effects. This little guy seems really popular; now he just needs a cute moniker.... Edit: I call mine the "3xRC Rastian Return & Reentry Capsule" but you could probably substitute Rastian for Recovery, so it reads "3xRC Return, Reentry, & Recovery Capsule" . That order makes more sense, since that's the order it happens in! Feel free to use if you like it.
  20. Not being able to say or type the letter H sounds like a dreadful condition....consider me a sympathy download.
  21. That's sort of what the official mod hosting Curse site (or even Spacedock) is for: it shows the popular mods, the mods people care about. Otherwise, they like to select a grab bag of mods, some for funsies, others for serious. Otherwise, the whole first page would read: KER, MJ, MM, Trajectories, Transfer Window Planner, KAC, dependency#1, dependency#2, dependency#3, etc etc. Solid mods, but *yawn* they don't shoot elephants out into space or, as you point out, highlight a modder's skill. Which is important. Same with Modding Monday. Although why Module Manager isn't stickied is beyond me.
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