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Everything posted by IronCretin

  1. So, In the package of new rocket parts, in addition to the parts, is this image, outlining porkjet's plans for the revamp: http://imgur.com/fi1JHNK (If someone could tell me how to embed an image, I'd greatly appreciate it. I cant seem to make it work.) Interestingly, it looks like we'll be getting stock mesh switch, giving us regular, boattailed, and compact mount versions of the engines. There will also be three new engines, the LV-T15 "Valiant", a small 1.25m lifter engine; the KR-1 "Boar", a 2.5m lifter egine, split fron the Twin-Boar, and modeled after the F-1; and the LV-303 "Pug", A smaller orbital engine to fill the gap below the poodle (and yes, those tanks contain fuel). In addition, many peple will be happy to know that the Vector will become a 2.5m engine, though it still has a mountless version. There's a few other interesting bits, and I thought I'd share this with anyone who didn't go poking around in the package.
  2. NOOOO! I'm stuck up in Vermont with no computer for another week!
  3. I don't know how much this will help, but here's some Apollo/Saturn pictures I took at the Air & Space Museum a few months ago: https://imgur.com/a/Z4jmj
  4. It just looks out of place, flat white text. I think making it gray could work, or perhaps making it a bit less sharp. As it is, it looks like text pasted into the image.
  5. Single parts sound okay, though I kinda want the landing stage fuel tank to be available on its own, I can think of a few designs that where it would look nice. What size are the parts?
  6. Is it possible to make a water intake? Or an intake for atmosphere on non-kerbin planets?
  7. Thank you so much for explaining that to me. All I really want is to launch my S-IVBs. That reminds me, will you be doing Skylab? BTW, I really love your mod. It's probably my favorite historical part pack.
  8. Looking at it, the Saturn IB Is basically the Saturn I first stage (not actually the same, but close enough), and the S-IVB From the Saturn V, so I should be able to build one with those two
  9. Dasvaldez is streaming the stream: https://www.twitch.tv/dasvaldez
  10. I think there's already a thread for this
  11. I got that in a completely stock install too. I don't think that's Tantares.
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