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Everything posted by IronCretin

  1. FWIW, ModuleManager just updated, so Sarbian, at least, is still with us.
  2. The list is: Mike (Mu), Bill (Taniwha), Nathanael (NathanKell), Sébastien (Sarbian), Jim (Romfarer), Brian (Arsonide), Chris (Porkjet), Nathan (Claw)
  3. From what I understood, the graphical update was going to include new rocket parts, but now that Porkjet's left, that's unsure.
  4. I think you should do Skylab & fairings next. That way we'll have all the flown Apollo/Saturn hardware, with the exception of ASTP.
  5. How does the Apollo LES plugin auto-add it to the Abort Group? Is there any way that could be added to the Mercury LES?
  6. Do these help? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tundra_orbit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molniya_orbit
  7. I put your download into a fresh 1.2 install. The only other mods I have installed are Porkjet's part previews and BDB
  8. I love the curved panels. The only other case I can think of those being used historically is in some early Salyuts, and IIRC that was on the thin parts that are 1.25m in tantares.
  9. I built a Saturn A-1! More obscure Saturn variants to come! http://imgur.com/a/8JEG7 (That's a Gemini on a centaur on top of a Titan I first stage, all on an S-I) http://www.astronautix.com/s/saturna-1.html Juno V (a whole Titan I on a S-1): Saturn A-2: Do you guys want craft files? No idea if these'll actually fly, but they look nice.
  10. That is exactly the sort of craft I pictured when I made the challenge! Nice job!
  11. I'm running through a science mode playtest right now, and I've put some issues up on your github. Mostly to do with early part balance and placement.
  12. I noticed it while going over the part categories and thought I'd ask. Is there anything specific I should do while putting the parts in the new 1.2 categories?
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