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Everything posted by KamenRiderzero1

  1. Conducted my first manned Duna Fly-by. And forgot to hit record.
  2. Today I... accidently reverted the game out of pre-test mode and deleted several save files...
  3. I tried that once, made a massive cube out of 2x2s with all the ship parts inside. God I wish I'd recorded it.
  4. (body) Orbital Station # (body) Synchronous Station #
  5. with a level of finesse I didn't know I had, I was able to redirect my approach to landing on Minmus and save my probe in a career mode save. I was coming down on a steep slope, was able to adjust the vehicle into "upright" horizontal flight (similar to an Apollo LM after Pitchover), and was able to put it down only on thruster quads at the bottom of the slope. I could probably make a biome hop with all the excess fuel.
  6. I finally got an Apollo style "docking and extraction" flight right.
  7. I innocently, accidently, may have put a comsat into an 84 year orbit. Then, in my most VonKermin of momments I said to myself, "how far can I push this"... with that I can answer; bye bye Comsat "L-Com 1-Alpha". See you in the year 33519
  8. Discovered some serious design flaws in my self-sufficient ship, had to put her into orbit of Eve and leave it there.
  9. There is a very nice super-sepatron, I think it's in an ISS set (I'm a touch too tried to go digging), designed for the Ariane 5. stacks nicely on other things, it's a 2.5 meter part and fires from both ends.
  10. From an aesthetic standpoint it might be nice. The Kennedy Space Center has one for the SRB recovery boats, why shouldn't we have one at the Kerbal Space Center? That famous view of launches with the countdown clock? taken next to the dock.
  11. My new, self sufficient (hopefully), autonomous deep space explorer; I give you the K.S.S. Anton Yelchin, carried into space atop a "monolith class" booster. the upper section of the craft is an remote fuel tender. It is actually double ended. One end is ment to mine smaller asterodis with the capture claw. the other is for soft landings on larger bodies.
  12. So, I land on Minmus in a new save. Jeb climbs down steps of the ladder, turns, and bumps into one of the lander legs... Which promptly exploded, killing Jeb instantly and causing my 3rd generation Direct Assent ship to topple over.
  13. E.C.R.V Emergency Crew Return Vehicle. automatic duplicate of my direct assent lunar lander, designed to be ether pre-landed at a mission site or placed in Mun/Minmus orbit to await use. And yes, I've had to use it.
  14. downloaded and installed some Spacex parts. The thing blew up on the pad every time on load.
  15. After two additional successful automatic test flights, my Space Shuttle, the Fourze*, made it's first successful crewed flight. *Pronounced "Four-zay", one of the hero characters from my namesake TV show.
  16. For the record, I know exactly what I'm doing, I just prefer to build my ships to safety standards that make NASA look negligent.
  17. Actually, the can flew solo the whole way. I know I should have put the tanks on the cruise stage instead, but I just didn't feel like it.
  18. I made this to try to help, but everything went about as good as you expect.
  19. Landing on anything takes the same thing as it does to get to Carnegie Hall... The N, Q or R train... I mean Practice. Much like why NASA went with LOR and the Lunar Module, weight is your key issue. I usuaaly get away with a Poodle and extra, radially tanks I drop off when I land.
  20. I did it! I finally DID IT!!! (does happy dance)
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