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Everything posted by Rainbowd4sh

  1. Hey, I have a problem with infernal robotics. When I use joints, they seem to attempt to move the parts connected to, and not themselves (In VAB, it works fine.) Is this on my side? Am I doing something wrong?
  2. Hello, I have no problems or questions, but a really pretty picture. http://imgur.com/a/MtllZ With RSS visual effects, hullcam vds, and of course, RSS. Looks actually like real life.
  3. So, when starting it up to get the information you wanted, it loaded all the planets. Problem is, I seem to have a new issue. All planets have a yellow line pattern, but terrain seems fine. Log: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0l9l6wyho04bo01/AAC_KyUhOtZB0EQuWhUntXnZa?dl=0 Pictures: http://imgur.com/a/yQB3m
  4. Yes. When I tried that, my KSP just crashed when starting up.
  5. Can someone help me? I am trying to install this pack, and I put in the base mod and I start KSP. KSP loads up, and no new planets. Stock Kerbol. I do the other version available in the .zip, nothin. I tried putting every mod in the .zip into my gamedata, nothing.
  6. So uhh, I downloaded the 1.2 beta and when I opened up KSP, no new parts, but an IR tab. I went into the game data directory and discovered the 1.2 beta download has 0 parts.
  7. Hello! I wanted to share a picture of my adventure to Sarnus. I spent all of last weekend trying to install different mods to make this picture happen. There is texture replacer, outer planets of course, window reflections, Warp drive, Near future solar, and more. Kudos to the all the mod developers who made stuff like this possible.
  8. Can't wait! I used your green screen mod for a similar project, but I had no idea how to do the camera tracking stuff. If you could do a post explaining how it works, I am sure I won't be the only one to check it out.
  9. Hi there, I tried installing with no result. I put everything but SDL2 and XinputController in Gamedata. The other two I put in the main KSP folder. Yet nothing pops up.
  10. Lol yeah, I may or may not be planning a flying carrier. Also, love the vids. Another issue I wanted to report is a reloading issue. If there is an undocked vehicle just sitting on the carrier it will teleport to the bottom of the ocean when you click f9. I saw this on other boat mods, but idk if you can fix it somehow (Did have FAR and Airpark).
  11. Yeah, I figured that my carrier that went 90 m/s wasn't realistic..
  12. Thanks for a fast responce, wow, very fast, I am currently just using scaled engines from the large boat pack, cant wait to see more. This is the most detailed boat I have ever seen, and I love it despite kraken maneuvering.
  13. Sooo... Anyone else having a problem where the engines fling around their joints when activated? http://imgur.com/a/6KDy1 After leaving them on too long, this started happening. http://imgur.com/a/7jlLW And this http://imgur.com/a/1mfQ2 Unless this ship is kraken-branded, I assume this isn't supposed to happen.
  14. Yes I am using 4.4. I downloaded the latest version (4.4) from SpaceDock https://spacedock.info/mod/242/KSOS: Space Center Vehicles
  15. Hello, I am using KSOS, Kerban Space Center Vehicles, and for some reason every time I put a vehicle on the runway it seems to sink into the ground slightly and does not move in the slightest. Any fix for this? (Doesn't apply for the helicopter, just the cars.)
  16. For the Tsar Bomba, I put it in a cargo bay in my large bomber. I then jettison it. After, jettisoning, I cannot activate the detonate action group. I then try fire missle, when it runs into the ground the screen just goes black. In f3 it says that it splashed down too hard or hit the ground too hard. Using trigger on the weapon manager did not work either. If anyone could help, that'd be amazing!
  17. Awesome! works like a baby. 4 kerbals are happily reporting from a warp to Jool. One more thing, can you make a way so I can time warp while it blasts? A mod I have adds solar systems light years away, and just physical time warp+warp engine takes hours. I am excited to see what else you do with this mod. Example of the distance I need to travel in this mod.
  18. Did not work. I put a explanatory launchpad ship into orbit, spawned the craft, and did not work. , my height is too low, but it shows the same message when I reach the needed height.
  19. Thank you for the explanation. I will let you know how it works via editing this post!
  20. Yeah, after it didn't work I actually replaced it with the warp drive from that mod. On top of that, how do you activate the devolocitizer?
  21. I cannot seem to activate the warp drive. I have power, exotic matter, xenon gas, everything. In fact, it's not even giving me an option to turn it on or off, and it's simply saying that it's failsafe is 600k. I am using hyperedit and a planet pack. I am also WAY higher than 600,000 km, so I don't know why it's working.
  22. How do you install this pack? I tried putting config and icon folder into Planetshine folder, simply putting Planetshine folder in gamedata at it's original state, and the master folder in gamedata as is. Nothing worked.
  23. Any time I build a rover in KSP, (As of 1.1), it just starts spinning when I do W A S D. What is causing this?
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