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Matt Lowne

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    Disappointing his parents since 1994
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    KSP is ok I guess

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  1. I saw this post because of the ping lol, I made a Eve tutorial video if it helps! But you should have definitely already visited every other planet/moon before trying, it's BY FAR the hardest place to do a return mission from (and it's not even close)
  2. I don't What SSTO do you want to fly? Up until ~2023 I put craft files in nearly all my video descriptions. Nowadays I prefer encouraging people to build for themselves, which is why I include a timelapse of the build process
  3. excuse me matt, can you share the craft file of the mun arch base?

  4. Hi again.  I had one last idea.  The mod system you used in Into The Warp, what if you did a playthrough?  It could be another brand new experience, with many new places to explore.

  5. Hello again, I had another idea.  I remember you showcased Nils277's colony parts mod.  Well I remember that when you showcased the Parralax mod on Laythe, the base on Lowne Island spontaneously combusted.  What if you launched a life on Laythe 3.0, using Nils277's base parts and other mods to make it bigger and better than ever before?

  6. Hi, huge fan.  You're one of the reasons I got interested in KSP in the first place.  I'm always in awe by the sheer scale and distance of your creations, I can barely get to Minmus and back!  How long have you been playing the game?

    Also, I was wondering what you'd think about playing with the Outer Planets Mod, because it could open up many different challenges, such as a Sarnus 5.  There's another mission I've only heard about from a fan writing, call the Jool/Sarnus 10.  It is exactly what it sounds like, one ship, every moon of jool and sarnus in one go.  Also it could open up new missions for the Blunderbirds, such as Richmountain112's situation.

    Either way, you're my #1 favorite KSP Youtuber.  I tip my hat(or helmet) to you for helping inspire me to play myself.

    1. Matt Lowne

      Matt Lowne

      Heya, sorry I don't check the forums very often! But thank you, I am glad you enjoy my videos :) I don't have any plans to play OPM in the near future, but it's a mod pack I'm very aware of and I may take a look at it one day!

  7. Did this hotfix remove the ability to launch KSP 2 directly from the .exe file, forcing us to use the PD launcher? I can no longer launch the game via the .exe, it just loads the PD launcher instead.
  8. So I sent an Apollo mission to Slate from the Outer Planets mod, and I captured into Sarnus by engine burning (That was intentional, I always capture into Sarnus with engines).  When I landed on Slate, I reached zero horizontal velocity quite easily using expendable fuel tanks but I ran out of fuel right before landing. Whoops. It has a bunch of science on it as well plus a command module in orbit. The image below should be enough to tell what's going on.


    Edit: I have a lot of mods installed as well. A LOT of them. 

    It would be cool if you did a video of the Outer Planets mod. Maybe this could be the first one.

    Could you please rescue them?

    Save file + entire GameData folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1a-VkeM4vW1p1afaJWP161f7nA2UHyxxF

    1. blanoun


      Praying for your crew, even farther from home than normal.  How many are stranded?

    2. Richmountain112


      I cheated them back.

  9. Hey Matt. I'm a KSP youtuber and I need you to rescue my kerbals from the Mun. If you want to make a video on it, cool. If not, it's ok

  10. Here's my entry. Unfortunately I live in Freehealthcareland™ so can't actually enter this - hopefully my video can serve as inspiration for others! https://youtu.be/km0Gffwpa_s
  11. Good Luck with Space Race Series!

  12. Hello Matt,

    In one of your latest videos (the one with the ssto carrying two mini sats to orbit) you use a nice mod, that gives the rapiers a nice plume. You called it "wutible mod" or something like that. I can't find it due to my wrong spelling as a not-native-speaker. Can you tell me where to get it and whats the correct spelling?

    Also: what other visual mods have you installed? I never saw clouds in such a great visual effect as in your video. What did you install from where and how did you configure it? I'm no expert in KSP-Modding.


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Rakete


      You are right. Wrong place. The initial question was addressed to Matt, that's why the topic stranded here. :-) (sorry, Matt!) I thought he'd answer. I didn't expect to summon more guys nor did I expect the thing to develop into a conversation. (sorry again!) But thanks to you all.

      And thanks to Matt for his videos. They are really inspiring.

    3. Dr. Kerbal

      Dr. Kerbal

      I think its called Water Fall. 

    4. Dr. Kerbal

      Dr. Kerbal

      I do like your new SSTO design @Matt Lowne. However, I think it could really useful as an MK3 or MK2 size SSTO, But thoses storage bays could store small landers for gilly, pol, bop, or eeloo. The SSTO has a lot and lot of potential. It just needs to be um. Cultivated? The right way. 

  13. Hello! Hope you are doing well! :)

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