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Everything posted by KocLobster

  1. Am I the only one that is unable to delete quotes on mobile? Whenever I'm on my phone, I'm unable to delete a quote, and have to wait until I get home on my computer until I can reply. Pressing the obvious button on my phone, the delete key, will delete any text inside or outside the quote, but not the actual quote itself. I don't know if this is a problem with Android, the forums, Google Chrome, or something else. I couldn't find any similar posts or any solutions. Is anyone aware of this or know how to fix it?
  2. +1 to this. Incredibly likely you've got a perfect orbit going the wrong way. I've found those particular contracts to be quite lenient. I always get surprised when it completes and I still feel like I have a bit more perfecting to do. Are you aware you can lower engine thrust in flight? Right click and there is a slider thingie for thrust limiter. You can slide this down to decrease your engine's thrust. Sorry if I assumed incorrectly, it just sounded like you may not be aware of this.
  3. I apologize, I meant the Mk1-3 I believe. I think it's from one of @Nerteas mods. It does in fact weigh about a ton less than the MPL. Would you be giving me this same advice if I had correctly identified just which command pod I was referring to? I meant the Mk1-3 (I think that's its name, it's not stock). More importantly, it weighs about a ton less than the MPL.
  4. Was your earlier post suggesting I do something like this?: http://imgur.com/RdOWYKg
  5. This is how I generally shape my rockets too. I have a 2.5m heat shield, attached to a 2.5m MPL, followed by a 1.25->2.5m addapter, attached to a Mk1 command pod and a chute on top. I also have a very similar payload but without the adapter, and the Mk1 command pod is actually a Mk1-2...so essentially the exact same shape and aerodynamic profile. Are you saying that this is the problem? How would you improve upon this? Here is a picture of what I poorly tried to describe: http://imgur.com/H4wrhwM
  6. Indeed, the ore concentrations will be reduced as you mine more and more ore. As a result, you may wish to not use the junior drill. However, this should depend on exactly what the specific concentration of ore is where you plan to mine. If it's already pretty close to 2.5%, then you may want to bring the bigger drill, or pick a different spot.
  7. It's all about personal preference really, it's kind of up to you to decide what your prefer. I definitely recommend getting more science experiments early on to make it that much easier to gain science. Also, it helps when you start doing biome hops by not having to go back later to get those newly unlocked experiments you didn't have when you visited that biome earlier. Again, it has a lot to do with preference. That early on I also definitely prioritize the fuel systems tech node that gives you the external fuel duct, and better/more powerful rockets. I also avoid the spaceplane tech nodes that are for planes; generally I don't bother with that until much later.
  8. I'm sorry but this doesn't have anything to do with what I was actually asking about... And no, you basically can't survive re-entry without an ablator (when you're going as fast as I am and lowering your periapsis as low as I am). Surviving re-entry without an ablator is typically only done with a particular command pod (Mk1) and typically only when returning from one of Kerbin's moons, neither of which apply to my situation and this thread.
  9. Sometimes when I'm returning larger types of vessels (typically 15+ ton payloads of the at least 2.5m variety) back to Kerbin, I experience my ship losing control, flipping around a bunch, and of course causing my heat shield unable to do its job. It only takes a second or two before I disintegrate. This typically happens around 22km, when the air starts becoming much thicker. I normally aim for about 31km PA for my re-entry because that is what I've read. I already design my ship in such a way that the heaviest stuff is on the bottom towards the heat shield, going upwards to the lightest items. The craft is always quite aerodynamic. I'm not running out of electricity or anything else. I usually use SAS locked on retrograde. I have been adding reaction wheels to this final payload where I generally had them lower, on a part of the ship that would be jettisoned before re-entry, and it has mostly fixed the issue. However, I don't feel like this is the optimal way to solve the issue. Generally I'm entering Kerbin's atmosphere at 3100m/s (with a periapsis of ~31000m like I mentioned earlier). So I have a few questions: 1) What am I doing wrong to cause this? 2) What is the ideal altitude to return from that (ideally) minimizes how many passes through the atmosphere are necessary without causing this? 3) Does speed play a significant part?
  10. With that said I don't blame you and I wouldn't either. It's really simple to rename/reclassify, just not immediately obvious how to do it. I also think it's strange KSP doesn't let you do it from the beginning.
  11. I'm sorry I was paying close enough attention, I obviously understand now. I also didn't realize xenon was so expensive, I haven't bothered using it yet. Sorry for the confusion.
  12. I'm having trouble with the 'station' part of this mod and contract requirement. This is what the FAQ says: The Vessel type must be Station. This is the one people usually struggle with. Right click your command part and click "Rename Vessel", then select Station. This is VERY important to make other missions generate. Keep your vessel as a station, even if the game tries to change it. Was this written in an earlier version of the game or something? I have tried to do this but I don't seem to have the option. Right clicking any command pod never gives me the option to rename my vessel. This is clearly the problem; using KER's rendezvous mechanic, it lets you chose different targets to potential rendezvous with. It does this by letting you chose which type of category you're looking for, whether it's a celestial body, a probe, a lander, a station, etc. The space station I just made for this contract is, like all other vessels that I seem to make that are manned missions, considered a 'ship' and not a 'station'. This is of course confirmed when I look at the contract and see that this is the only part of the contract that isn't fulfilled. What am I doing wrong, and how exactly do you access this 'rename vessel' feature? Edit: I just solved my own problem by trying to find the answer outside of this thread/these forums. I don't know how you're supposed to rename the vessel to begin with, but I discovered you can rename it, and more importantly, reclassify the type of vessel that it is, after you have launched it in the tracking station. For anyone with this same problem, go to the tracking station, select your vessel, click the 'I' button (info), and click where the name of your station is. A window should popup allowing you to rename the ship and reclassify what type of vessel it is. https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/36puah/psa_you_can_rename_and_reclassify_shipsdebris/ Edit2: Rename vessel is only found in-flight apparently? Looks like it does the exact same thing I just described. Whoops.
  13. Realistically, you are looking at probably tier 6. At least in my experience I couldn't really put together an SSTO that could consistently achieve orbit before reaching tier 6.
  14. I apologize for such a silly question but I just wanted to confirm that 1.7.6 the most recent version available for KSP 1.0.5? And that 1.8.6 is only compatible with KSP 1.1? Is there a more detailed changelog available somewhere? I looked at the ChangeLog.txt in the base WarpPlugin folder, but it only showed versions 1.7.0 and 1.7.3.
  15. I definitely recommend this mod, it is great for automatic backups of your game.
  16. I don't understand though; you could easily accomplish that w/o mods for dramatically cheaper. Why use a dawn and xenon? I really struggle to grasp why you'd design a rocket like this. You could easily achieve your goal for less than 200k.
  17. If you feel like you're done with the Mun, I would suggest going to Minmus and doing every science experiment available to you, one biome at a time. And by landing on Minmus, your kerbals will level up too. After your first Minmus landing, you will start seeing more contracts for Minmus. Lastly, it's not at all a waste going to Minmus, or anywhere for that matter, even if you don't have a contract related to it at the time. You can gain tons of Science from biome hops on Minmus. I'm assuming this isn't a sandbox save; I'm guessing you're likely playing in career mode.
  18. True, but aren't those only roughly 20k funds? That's still 3.5million unaccounted for that I can't see. Maybe I'm just mistaken; maybe he has 4 million funds, and that isn't the cost of the rocket but how much he has?
  19. @AeroGav It's a little off topic, but I'm curious...what exactly is going on with that rocket? It's cost is over 4 million funds, it's over 300 tons, but it ultimately only has under 5k dV?
  20. So I was able to determine that returning the science experiment fulfills the contract, but transmitting it doesn't fulfill the contract like the contract says it should. All in all, not a very significant bug.
  21. I generally use the option you described too, it was the first thing I thought of as well.
  22. +1 You can also load the other craft with the Merge button on the load craft screen.
  23. @Foxster God you're impressive...that thing is crazy
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