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Everything posted by Blackline

  1. Thats why I think it would make sense to (however) change the behavior based on the current situation.
  2. Ok, by requesting tunable parameters I just wanted to do that tedious configuration by myself, because I can imagine bretty good how hard it is to have a all4one solution.
  3. I thought, that the landertron not only decides when to fire the solids, but also for how long (pretending it was setup apriori)?? Think about, if that wouldn't be the case, you'd need to have the very exact amount of fuel/thrust before takeof.
  4. First, awesome mod, love how the layer of dust on my chutes is growing thicker and thicker :-) Second, Is it a bug or a feature, that the vessel (landertron solids with softlanding) has a little acceleration towards the sky, and thus increases the final landing speed unnecessarily? Can we adjust the height and targetspeed? Like 1m above ground it should have -1m/s vertical speed, or 0m and 0m/s?
  5. Is it possible to alter the parameters of the final descent of a landing? For example, we already can change the final vertical speed before landing, but not the height at which this should be achieved. Currently, MJ starts this final phase IMHO too high, and I'd like to reduce that safety margin in favor of fuel efficiency. Another thing I'd like to change is the maximum thrust that MJ uses, again, swapping safety with efficiency. Thanks!
  6. Thank you for the info! The following code should explain the catch up mechanic pretty good : https://github.com/ChrisAdderley/CryoTanks/blob/master/Source/ModuleSimpleBoiloff.cs
  7. Thats exactly what my config file does: set the required amount of kerbals to 0 for every manned command pod, thus making it remotely operable. Ill post the most up-to-date cfg later, it even includes the new KSP upgrade mechanics.
  8. I don't know if pinging @Nertea a thousand times is better, than going to his mod thread and asking for stuff regarding my mod (already got punched once for doing so)
  9. Currently I implemented a small 'capacitor' on each RealBattery, in case someone wants to go without stock batteries at all, and since the whole stock electric system depends on EC (and I won't /can't change that very fundamental concept). So actually all the stock batteries could be seen as capacitors, I might rename them with my cfg to better fit the concept. Regarding modeling: I have literally 0 knowledge about all that stuff, so I would definitely depend on existing models or someone willing to do that for me. What I'd like to do, given your proposal: use @Nertea 's NFE capacitors, remove all modules and just add EC storage. So youd even have the right model. But I don't know, if that sort of behavior is acceptable in a moral way (to totally change someone elses parts unasked).
  10. what an honor, thank you :-)

  11. Ok, i read through @ShotgunNinja's sources: https://github.com/ShotgunNinja/Kerbalism/blob/master/src/Background.cs I think it could work, if i would implement some sort of simplified API, so he can call it from his Background function. Maybe i find some info in his thread, someone else might have done that already. Note: i have never used Kerbalism, only USI-LS so far, which does not care for EC of unloaded vessels at all. And getting the whole EC system to run in background would be a bit much (though really cool) for my little mod.
  12. Hi fellas, i actually want to implement background/ unloaded vessel stuff, i just don't know how to do yet. I already asked for it: Maybe i can get some knowledge from kerbalism's sources...
  13. Thank you, and i indeed want to fix that, i just don't know how. I already tried to ask for help: Maybe i need to dig into the Background Processing mod. EDIT: funny thing, i just found this thread, talking about similar stuff:
  14. This mod is now ready for release, try it out and have fun!
  15. Discriminating behaviour, give tiny rovers a chance! Joke aside, are there any plans for KAC integration?
  16. I think i figured it out (again): @RoverDude's USI_Tools is assigning stuff in his TraitsAndEffects.cfg. But all that usually doesn't exist if MKS is not installed (i guess). So i think it had nothing to do with you @taniwha https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/blob/22b3157794c77e9baf5d10f16140a91f75a4db83/FOR_RELEASE/GameData/000_USITools/TraitsAndEffects.cfg#L24
  17. OK, is it a DLL thing or can i fix that by MM magic? You know i am using SimpleConstructions and i am trying to get rid of the time needed to build with EP, so having EVERY Kerbal at productivity = 1 is ok for me.
  18. i did update my initial post one page back. and here is the log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2cyahcbrcwjcylf/output_log_EL.txt?dl=0
  19. I set it up to 1000, but that seems to break it tho... can't build anything, and the KAC gets a timer set to now. thats how i did it: EDIT figured something: i wrote productivityFactor, but it should be ProductivityFactor, with a capital P ! it shows now correct in VAB, but still can't build anything... EDIT2: very weird. it seems that my "BILL KERMAN" is broken... it works with any other (freshly hired) engineer... btw, i am using your KerbalStats as well @taniwha savefile: https://www.dropbox.com/s/crz4u3r5f7jhygm/persistent.sfs?dl=0
  20. Did anyone already figure out, why hovering over parts in the VAB editor causes soooo much Garbage? Its about 5Mb per part, and if you scroll through a long list, while having your mouse pass a number of part icons, it comes to 20-40Mb/s !!!
  21. Do you also use the "untouched" EPL together with SC? Would it work? I am asking because i think i just figured out, that there is a bug somewhere relating to ConstructionSkill stuff. And the only place i found that was at @taniwha's sourcefiles. https://github.com/taniwha/Extraplanetary-Launchpads/blob/a38adaf4131ccc97d192403f5303e937b967e821/Source/Workshop/ConstructionSkill.cs
  22. Got it, i had SSRSS on it with KSCswitcher, now went back to stock. Thats the reason why it changed. Works now, safe and sound! And thats why it worked on the mun = no landing sites preconfigured. Thanks for the quick help!
  23. I flipped the setting, but reverted it. Must be ~3 days ago. But it doesnt help: before here is the LOG: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f2ukadxqxtufkp6/output_log.txt?dl=0 (replaced the old one)
  24. sorry @Brigadier, was in a hurry: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f2ukadxqxtufkp6/output_log.txt?dl=0 the Log is from a fresh install -> load Savegame -> VAB -> load vessel -> Launch -> empty Landing Guidance Window
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