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Everything posted by Fireheart318

  1. Can you please tell me EXACTLY how this process works so I can make a Mun and Minmus space program (I'll send you them through email). Email me at [email protected]. I'll get back to ya if it works
  3. Woah. Sorry about that. Didn't mean to get on your nerves there! I'm out!
  4. How likely are my ideas to be added to the mod? Also, if you do add the ski jump, some distance markers on the ground would be pretty cool so we can see how far we flew
  5. This tutorial will show you the best way to get into orbit around a celestial body - planet, moon, star, whatever. This tutorial assumes you've already got an encounter set up. The law of physics you'll be exploiting here is called the Oberth Effect and it's EXTREMELY efficient! Step 1: Burn retrograde at periapsis until you're in orbit. STOP AS SOON AS THIS HAPPENS!!! Step 2: Now's the time to make any inclination changes - you probably want an orbit along the equator - an equatorial orbit. Make a maneuver node at the equator and adjust accordingly. This is really only useful for a few bodies - Moho, Gilly, Minmus, Dres, and Bob. I'm probably forgetting one. Step 3: Burn retrograde at apoapsis until your periapsis reaches the desired altitude. Step 4: Burn retrograde at periapsis until your apoapsis reaches the desired altitude. That's pretty much all I've got to say so Fireheart318 out!
  6. WARNING! I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE YOU MAY DO TO YOUR GAME HERE! THIS REQUIRES SOME EXTREMELY LIGHT MODIFICATION TO THE CONFIG FILES OF KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM! THEY SHOULDN'T DAMAGE ANYTHING BUT JUST IN CASE! Step 1: Open the GameData folder and from there, open Squad Step 2: Open resources and from there, open ResourcesGeneric.cfg Step 3: Locate 'name = IntakeAir' Step 4: To make visible change the modifier for 'isVisible' to 'true'. To make tweakable (able to change amounts in VAB/SPH) change the modifier for 'isTweakable' to 'true' THESE VALUES ARE ALL CASE-SENSITIVE! IF YOU DON'T DO IT EXACTLY, IT PROBABLY WON'T WORK! This is a valuable tool for being able to see when you run out of air for SSTOs and figure out why your VTOLs aren't working and how many intakes you need to fix it. It's just a generally good thing to have in the game and I don't know why Squad changed it. That's all I've got to say here so Fireheart318 out!
  7. Step 1: Get a plane. Many VTOLs are purpose-built and you've probably already gotten everything else laid out Step 2: Check the fuel drainage. This probably won't be as big a problem if you build planes the "traditional" way with most of the fuel in the back. When it drains, the center of mass moves forward. You'll probably want an RCS unit or reaction wheel just in case but often the cockpit wheels do the trick. Step 3: Activate the center of mass and thrust icons. As I said before, weight distribution will be more or less the same as it was before as you're only adding mass to the center of mass, however if you use jet engines (which you probably are), they have a weird CoM (due to realistic jets having a bunch of heavy moving parts inside the main body of the craft), so it may be moved upward slightly. If this happens, just move the wings up or lifting engines down a bit. If you still can't solve this problem, assuming you're using Wheesleys, turn the assembly upside down and turn on reverse thrust. This will make your craft even more stable in the air, making it hang like parachute due to the upward center of lift/drag Step 4: Deactivate the other engines. Assuming this uses lifting engines and standard engines, you'll want to set the standard engine thrust limiter to 0 (limiting 100% thrust). This way, the only factors affecting the center of thrust will be the lifting engines. Step 5: Select a lifting engine and mounting surface. I like to use either Junos or Wheesleys depending on the function (I'll elaborate on that later). As for the mounting base, you'll probably want to use an octagonal or cubic octagonal strut - they're light weight, small, and have two attachment nodes when mounted on a surface - allowing you to add more intakes which VTOLs often need. Step 6: Assemble the lifting assembly. Start by attaching the mounting base to where you want your engines to be (I'd recommend the wings as they are often convenient and there's two (or more) of them) and then rotating it so the nodes are vertical. Next, add the engines to the bottom of the assembly and make sure they clear the ground and put the intakes (if you're using extras) on the top. You may want to clip the engine or intake into the mounting base and the surface into the wing for a much cleaner look Step 7: Fine tuning. You'll probably want to get rid of the center of lift icon for this. Start by offsetting the mounting base so that it aligns with the center of mass and then you may want to move it inward a little to decrease it's moment of inertia (the more weight on the outside, the longer roll will take, same with pitch and yaw) so it's faster to respond to roll commands. Step 8: Re-enable thrust on the standard engines and set action groups. I like to use 1 for lifting engines and 3 for standard engines There, you should now have a well functioning VTOL or STOL. There are many uses for these craft and the engines don't have to be strictly for takeoff and landing - some of my favorite fighters like the DOVE 1.1 (upgraded DOVE) use Juno engines for linear maneuvering based on roll and also aid greatly in pitch-based maneuverers. These abilities are great for dogfights and attack runs because you can move in ways your opponents (probably) won't expect or be programmed to expect and can also get you out of a pinch easily. I've pretty much gone through everything I know here so Fireheart318 out!
  8. Ya but it doesn't always work like on my HARBINGER of EBONFLAME swarm drone. Just way too cumbersome and messes with the aerodynamics or at least looks like it should
  9. Step 1: Locate a flag. The images you're after are .pngs with dimensions of 256x and 160y or equivalents. You can find them on google images or other image sites or in the Flags and/or Agencies files of mods and the stock game or make your own. Here's a tutorial from the official wiki: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorial:Create_custom_flags! Step 2: Download or duplicate the flags Step 3: For step 3, you'll need to create some folders and place them in the GameData folder. Start by making a folder titled something obvious like 'My Flags' or 'DEMZ MAH BANNURZ PUT DEM UN SHIPZ AND POLEZ NOWE!!!'. Second, create a second folder titled 'Flags' (THIS ONE MUST BE NAMED FLAGS OR IT WILL NOT WORK!!!) and place it inside the first folder Step 4: Move the desired .png files into Flags Some of my favorite flags are the BahamatuDynamics flag found in the Agencies folder in most mods by BahamatoD and the Rose Quartz flag from Steven Universe I found on google. Flags can be almost any image and aren't always things meant to be displayed on banners. They could even be this picture: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/500181102338882702/ (Pallas's cat) I think I've just about listed everything I can here so Fireheart318 out!
  10. For the 1.1.X update, can you please make the 1 wheel variant with a button to put it in the center of the wheel instead of slightly offset? It was just REALLY bugging me in the 1.0.5 version. I think I have a minor case of OCD or something
  11. What about my ideas? I'm not forcing you to make them but I just think they'd be REALLY cool and want to see what you think
  12. KSP makes jets work ONLY in atmosphere, they can't push off vacuums for this and some other reasons. I'm not entirely sure why but they don't. I made a mod that let me change engine modes on jets to use oxidizer (mainly for Even, Dunian, Joolian and high altitude Kerbal flight) and put one in orbit. Didn't work
  13. Great idea: Add a ski jump/giant ramp going down Mt. Keverest (Big mountain), a dedicated boat launch at the shores of the KSC (as in you spawn about 100m away from the shore), and a rover testing area at the KSC! The testing area would have multiple types of terrain to navigate: Bumpy, smooth, crater, and cliff/drop as well as a race track with two routes: the hard way (lucas oil off road racing style), and the easy route (le mans style (lots of twists, turns, and hills on a smooth surface). The ski jump would have multiple lanes (each as wide as the KSC runway, separated by thin walls) with different ramp angles and the run up (down) would be an extremely steep, smooth runway with distances measured in meters painted on. It wouldn't hurt to add lights. I know this is a huge undertaking but it would be a huge benefit to the mod! PS: I'm not sure if this is still a bug, but in 1.0.5, the Dundards runway was a considerable height higher than it was supposed to be and acted more like a peak than a flat surface, making my planes fall off and landing a pain in the S. PPS: For the ski jump, it wouldn't hurt to have two green lines, yellow lines, and red lines to indicate how close you are to the walls as it can be sorta hard to tell sometimes on a surface without lines
  14. What makes me think this'll work is sometimes in BDA dogfights, my plane is damaged so I have to get out and pray but the cockpit is also damaged and when Jeb starts falling, he's still heated up like the cockpit. Maybe its different with kerbals though. I've tried making an engine like that but it wouldn't load. I'll try it again soon. Thanks for your help!
  15. This may sound stupid but I'm trying to make an RTG that comes extremely close to overheating at ridiculous temperatures (it's a thermal sword guys. 10000K) but never really overheats. Its supposed to bleed as much heat into adjacent parts as possible and try to cool down at 100K shy of maximum temperature Here's my existing code MODULE { name = ModuleCoreHeat CoreTempGoal = 9000 //Internal temp goal - we don't transfer till we hit this point CoreToPartRatio = 1 //Scale back cooling if the part is this % of core temp CoreTempGoalAdjustment = 0 //Dynamic goal adjustment CoreEnergyMultiplier = 0.01 //What percentage of our core energy do we transfer to the part HeatRadiantMultiplier = 1 //If the core is hotter, how much heat radiates? CoolingRadiantMultiplier = 0 //If the core is colder, how much radiates? HeatTransferMultiplier = 0 //If the part is hotter, how much heat transfers in? CoolantTransferMultiplier = 1 //If the part is colder, how much of our energy can we transfer? radiatorCoolingFactor = 0 //How much energy we pull from core with an active radiator? >= 1 radiatorHeatingFactor = 0 //How much energy we push to the active radiator MaxCalculationWarp = 1000 //Based on how dramatic the changes are, this is the max rate of change CoreShutdownTemp = 9900 //At what core temperature do we shut down all generators on this part? MaxCoolant = 0 //Maximum amount of radiator capacity we can consume - 2500 = 1 small PassiveEnergy { key = 0 25000 key = 200 10000 key = 250 50 key = 300 25 key = 350 0 } }
  16. Okay, so larger planets are great in many respects but they take up SOOO MUCH RAM!!! Here's a solution to make the planets act like they're huge without compromising performance or accuracy. What if instead of inflating the planets, we deflate the parts! They'd have the same abilities as normal parts and fuel and all other properties but be a tenth of the size. It's a little hard to explain and I don't have much time because I'm REALLY TIRED and want to go to sleep. Basically the planets would LOOK huge but facilities, kerbals, flags, rocks, asteroids, and parts would all be tiny
  17. Hey BD, I'm working on a BD Armor mod using upgraded structural panels, how does this mod work? How's damage work in relation to heat tolerance and impact tolerance? I'm trying to make armor that can withstand a single missile hit and a few bullets after. Should I go for high impact tolerance or heat tolerance? I understand you're probably THE busiest mod maker in the Kommunity and you may just ignore this but if you don't, thanks (;
  18. When's the update where you show that crazyS plane in action? Didn't see that one coming did ya?
  19. Yeah. Try doing this in 1.1.1. I'm working on an EAV and my game just crashed in the VAB and I'm liquided
  20. How do I tell it to unhide things? I'm sorta new to this department; I've made a few mods but I just can't find it for some reason
  21. There's a bunch of red buttons that say something's not available on the platform. I don't know what they are and it's kinda bugging me
  22. I've only got a few mods installed and the mission timer is slow. Ksp.app? I'm on Mac. I'll check again but I don't thing it's there
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