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Everything posted by Fireheart318

  1. I'm working on a final addition for the first release of my Exotik Worlds mod. I can't figure out how to add heightmaps to my planet and it's confusing as heck! Can somebody PLEASE write me a config that I can copy and paste into an existing .cfg file? I just need the PQS mods and whatever else is needed for heightmaps. Call the height map: =^.^= I also need to know how to add oceans to a world. HOW IN KOD'S NAME DOES THAT WORK!?!?
  2. I've driven rovers with about 200 parts and lagged about as much as this! I have a pretty good starter computer but in total, I probably had around 50 parts in the entire save file once I reached orbit! That's actually a high estimate!
  3. So during the second module launch (primary generator, if you're curious), my game became incredibly laggy. It doesn't make any sense. I've even deleted some mods and the problem persisted. I am baffled by what's going on here and none of my mod developing experience is helping!
  4. I know the entire video was EXTREMELY HORRIBLE (I'm gonna re-make it some day) but watch this:
  5. I REALLY don't want to right click 200 files. Is there a way to search by file size on mac?
  6. I can't load craft directly from a building building, instead, I have to go to the runway/launch pad, find the craft, click 'edit vehicle', and then launch again. This is extremely annoying and it can't be any of my mods because it was working fine a few days ago
  7. Here's a great tip for career mode players: It is possible to go EVA in low LKO ~70km - ~90km and use your EVA pack to de-orbit and land. Leave about half a unit for landing and try to land straight down at around 40m/s or lower
  8. I copied that from https://github.com/Sigma88/Sigma-Dimensions/blob/master/GameData/Sigma/Dimensions/Configs/Bodies/KittopiaExports/Mun.cfg
  9. I'm having trouble with gravity. For whatever reason, this: http://pastebin.com/diUrU4vQ = 6000+ gees! Ya, not good! Please help!
  10. Finally! I managed to flatten Kerbin. I'm not gonna worry about Kerbin-Side floating. I need to raise the terrain by a meter so it doesn't count as the ocean. Please explain how!
  11. I duplicated Kerbin and but can't flatten it. Should I just flatten actual Kerbin?
  12. Give me a month for the release date. June, July, August, etc. I just made a replica of the Ghost from Halo and can't release it until repulsers work again
  13. Ya. I'm going there. I'm trying to make a mod based on the Geocentric model of the universe but I need to make Kerbin the center and move the sun. Do I just mess with their .cfg's? I'm using Kopernicus
  14. I've been working on a mod for about a day now - Binary Done Right!. I'm stuck on the first part - creating a copy of Gilly that's tiny! I know MM syntax but nothing's working! I'm trying to copy Gilly, put it in orbit between Dres and Jool, call it 'A Speck of Dust', and then plop a pair of planets orbiting it. It's really just a reference point and a cool place to visit. If anyone knows how to duplicate planets, PLEASE tell me!
  15. Can I just tell it to remove the mods? I'm really just using it as a reference point to put planets in orbit for a binary system and it could be a cool place to go I guess
  16. About a tenth of Gilly's, 1 million km, it's a reference point for two planets and really acts like the center point of a binary system. Also, if I want a challenge, I could try landing on it but that's not its purpose. Edit: I'll post a picture of the basics using hyperedit to mess with the planets but I want to make new ones so Gilly doesn't get messed with and because I like planets!
  17. Sorry for saying it here but this is the only way I could contact you Hey Sigma88, it's me. Again. This isn't about Minmus, I swear! I've been working on a binary planet system using Kopernicus and I'm trying to duplicate Gilly and shrink it down to about a meter (I'll deal with the science stuff on my own later. It'll probably reward a metric-ass-ton of science because it is literally the size of a verbal! (I tried 7 times to get it to use K, didn't work)). I want to keep Gilly but make another one and call it 'Speck of Dust'. I haven't been able to figure it out from the Alien Space Program mods and need a bit of help. Massive thanks!
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