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Everything posted by Fireheart318

  1. [Bug report] When releasing craft with wheels or landing legs, they often get caught inside the launchpad/runway and are violently thrown into the air, landing upside down and usually damaged to the point of being inoperable. [Bug report] Turning on the engine of a craft spawned from a launch pad or runway does nothing - no thrust is produced and no fuel is used. This bug only occurs when the craft isn't thrown violently into the air
  2. In addition to those recommendations, I'd add a probe core to the main wing assembly(?) so the nav ball remains in the same position when returning to Kerbin
  3. I forgot Spacecraft Exchange was a thing. Sorry. Also, that's exactly what I was thinking (SSTO) Exactly
  4. SSTO: Single Stage To Orbit. This would make it into orbit without dropping anything, and then set the wings and jets aside for reentry. Although I agree that it's kindaaaaa cheating, it's not really. It abides by the rules and makes more sense than lugging chunks of dry and useless mass around
  5. I want to re-dock with them later on for landing. I'm planning on taking this particular craft on a trip to Laythe (eventually) but I'm gonna have an Extraplanetary Launchpads base there so I'll just build the wings there
  6. I want to ditch the wings and jets to improve vacuum efficiency but re-dock with them later on for re-entry and landing. Pics and videos are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  7. I made a video with an actual story! Ummm... guys, the editor is being very weird. Ignore this post! I'm sorry. Oh, now it works! If you're wondering what that conversation with myself is, it's over a post by Colonel Cbplayer that I quoted, but then removed to put my video in the spotlight, but when I checked back, my video wasn't there, Colonel Cbplayer's post was instead, making it look like I was claiming his post as my own. I wish it was my own, it's amazing. Either way, enjoy the video if it's there
  8. Y'sure about that? It didn't do this before 1.2. I'm gonna try it, but I might as well ask. It says it's set to 'default for display'. Should I change it? I'm on a laptop btw It didn't work. All it did was change text sizes in everything else. I'm playing in full screen mode if it helps
  9. I dabbled in Kopernicus a while ago (as you can see in the shameless piece of self-promotion below), could I make something and submit it for an update or something? Are there even updates? (If you're wondering, the planet and moon are Lucht and Viox (Vee-oh) - anomalies in physics that allow gasses to exist in giant bubbles despite having almost no gravity (Lucht has no gravity (for all intents and purposes) and Viox has a little for landing purposes). I can do better. The Zephyr I is capable of flying on Kerbin, so you know
  10. The thought that immediately pops into your head is "What the heck am I looking at!?" Well, this is an image of a Mk2 Inline Cockpit sitting on the runway in KSP 1.2.1 or 1.2 (happens in both versions). Does anyone have a solution for this? I've already tried re-installing the game and playing without mods (which is why this is in the unmodded section). I'm on Mac and normal screenshots work, just not in-game screenshots
  11. It was more of a "better safe than sorry" panic post. I'm checking now
  12. http://imgur.com/a/CPT0R This is a particularly pleasing (if it can be called that) screenshot or a mk2 inline cockpit sitting on the runway taken with fn + f1 on a mac with a slightly modded install. Normal command + shift + 3 screenshots work fine but screw up the throttle controls and clutter my desktop (which already gets messed up easily). A brand new install does the exact same thing without mods. It used to be more color-vomit, then organized like this one, then black most of the time (the example was just taken like 20 minutes ago). This has been happening since 1.2 released and still happens in 1.2.1. PLEASE SEND HELP!
  13. No, I was comparing it to the buzzer fromthe washing machine. It's very clearly from this site and this site alone. Unless that was a joke. Hard to tell on the internet
  14. Sorry; typo. What I meant to say was "It's not the 'b-link' of a notification, it's a washing machine (buzzer)"
  15. It's not the 'b-link' of a notification, its a washing machine
  16. A VERY loud buzz murderizes my ears every so often for no reason. Please fix it!
  17. Are the lines gone? Are the screenshots fixed?
  18. Sorry about the weird title, had to make it clear that this was the PC version but the F12 console is freaking out! It's reporting "Exception: MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'ResourceRatio..ctor'. (the period is there and the double period next to ResourceRatio is supposed to be there). I have a couple of mods: Hyperedit, Mk2 expansion, Extraplanetary launchpads, Konstruciton, KAS, KIS, Kerbal X, and JSI/Raster prop monitor. This happened long before I got mods for this version and I suspect it's somehow linked to screenshots bugging out (totally unrecognizable masses of pixels) and that massive memory leak that makes the game crash ever hour or so. Yes, I've tried un- and re-installing several times. Same issue.
  19. I broke the air speed record and then crashed a plane into the North Pole in preparation for the Land Speed Record. KSP - Fireheart318 vs Kerbalnaught ZOOM Challenge Rematch Unrelated: Check this out. The Fractal. Spread it.
  20. Massive z-fighting (You know how textures flip the hell out if two wings occupy the same space on a craft? That), gaps in the water, the works. I've landed in the water but it wasn't one of the glitchy "chunks" (These glitches seem to occur in certain squares, a lot like Minecraft (possibly used to; I haven't played in a few years) has chunks). About to investigate more
  21. Yes, I was just on Laythe and the bug tracker was still 1.2 pre
  22. The entire ocean has z-fighting and/or gaps and it could give someone a seizure (did I spell that right?). Also, the 1.2 bug tracker isn't up yet - it's still 1.2 pre-release. I'd report it there if I could
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