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Everything posted by Fireheart318

  1. One complaint: Launch clamps don't move. I've got some ramps (made mainly out of B9 panels and a probe core) for my Kerbal Foundries rovers but they get pushed around too easily without the launch clamps. It's annoying and dangerous!
  2. Hey, I've been working on an improved nuclear engine for stock for a while, but can't figure out how to have more than two fuel types. I know the engines in KSPI have multiple fuel modes. Is there any way I could do that without having to spend hours studying the confusing KSPI code? Stock is easy. KSPI is hard
  3. I've set this up and I'm waiting for the game to load as I'm typing. It's loading pretty fast considering I've got around 20 mods installed including KSPI... ... it stopped at the better nuke. I don't think it'll work...
  4. I'm sorta new to this stuff. This is actually the first "successful" part I've created from scratch. How do you write plugins? I'm not exactly familiar with KSPI's code (interstellar) but I know the engines there can use tons of different fuel types. There's gotta be a simpler way though
  5. I've been working on an improved nuclear engine for the past few hours (don't tell my english teacher) and it's almost done. Just one problem, I can't get all three modes to work. It just goes from liquid fuel to intake air, skipping oxidizer. Help is greatly appreciated. Code concerning switching: MODULE { name = MultiModeEngine primaryEngineID = LF secondaryEngineID = OX secondaryEngineID = IA } MODULE { name = ModuleEnginesFX engineID = LF thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform exhaustDamage = True ignitionThreshold = 0.1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 60 heatProduction = 250 fxOffset = 0, 0, 1.6 EngineType = Nuclear PROPELLANT { name = LiquidFuel ratio = 0.9 DrawGauge = True } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 800 key = 1 185 key = 2 0.001 } } MODULE { name = ModuleEnginesFX engineID = OX thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform exhaustDamage = True ignitionThreshold = 0.1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 60 heatProduction = 250 fxOffset = 0, 0, 1.6 EngineType = Nuclear PROPELLANT { name = Oxidizer ratio = 0.9 DrawGauge = True } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 800 key = 1 185 key = 2 0.001 } } MODULE { name = ModuleEnginesFX engineID = IA thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform exhaustDamage = True ignitionThreshold = 0.1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 60 heatProduction = 250 fxOffset = 0, 0, 1.6 EngineType = Nuclear PROPELLANT { name = IntakeAir ratio = 0.9 DrawGauge = True } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 800 key = 1 185 key = 2 0.001 } }
  6. Hey, I was just wondering if anyone could make a quick model/part skin for me. I need two Oscar-B fuel tanks stacked on top of each other, 2 of those stacked on top of each other, an Oscar-B sliced in half, a downsized Swivel (second liquid fuel engine) downsized to mk0 (most probe cores, tiny engines, Juno jet engine, you get the idea) as well as a nuclear version, downsized bi, tri, and quad couplers, and finally, a tiny Klaw. The mod will probably be called something like "Tiny parts". I know what I just described is TweakScale, but it would be great for people who consider that cheating.
  7. It worked. Quick question, in the Jotunheim series (I think), Robbaz used these gigantic antennae, blocky cockpit things, and lights on his ships, are those B9 parts and if so, why can't I find them?
  8. Me too. I guess you could keep an eye out for a launch window through the launch window. That is, if you've got totally overpowered glasses or a big freakin teleskope
  9. So make it a probe core instead of the front of the Forward Unto Dawn?
  10. Had to download another b9 as pack. Also, the HX parts are suicidal. I don't know what it is about them but when I switch to them in orbit, they tear themselves apart even when I turn on unbreakable joints AND no crash damage. Please help 1
  11. I could send one of my suicidal Macrocarriers to Dres, the only problem is they tend to tear themselves apart whenever I switch to them. I'll try and make a canyon base with them. Is it okay if I use mods? If not, I'll have to come up with something else Once, I wanted to send a plane to Dres and back, it was a VTOL, but I got bored of trying to set up maneuver nodes so I went to Eve instead. Bad idea.
  12. Try Sarox (Saay-rox) or Sarok (Sare-rawk) Also, I'm not sure if there will be any more planets added, but if there is, please make an oxygenated gas giant with rings you can drive around on
  13. I can't figure out MechJeb rendezvous with massive motherships for the life of me. Its a massive B9 ship I got there and I can't match velocities for no reason at all. I suck at manual rendezvous too
  14. They're not there and I don't know how to post logs. What are the parts called in the folder(s)? I could search for them but I don't know what to look for
  15. I'm probably an idiot but I can't seem to find those box parts. Ya know like that ginormous mothership in with those little (or probably big) spaceplanes. Can I PLEEEEASE have some help!
  16. Long story but me and a space probe were messing around and kinda got carried away. Literally. Purposely easily misinterpreted phrasing aside, here's what the heck went down. Okay, I swear I'll stop now. Anyway, I set my velocity to probably a few hundred times the speed of light and then decided to reverse once I was at around 8900T on the altimeter relative to the sun/kerbol. Then I time warped and next thing I know, everything's gone and the navball is black. I reloaded to launch and because of my careless time warping, it was over 44 days later. Navball is black and the planets are gone. Gonna reload and see what happens. I've put lots of time into that save and don't want it to go away! Edit: I quit and reopened the game and everything's fine
  17. I'd really like to see Moho, Dres, and Eeloo space programs and the ability to choose where your space center is when you create a new save so I don't have to waste storage space with LSP, ESP, and DSP when I could just have them all in KSP
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