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Everything posted by quarrion

  1. Hello, I remember that there were some cloud packs/visual enhancement mods to this pack for 1.0.5, are they still availabl/working? You included links back then. Great work btw
  2. I'd like to comment, but i'm busy looking for the jaw on the ground Beautiful, how does it look like from the atmosphere?
  3. Absolutely incredible work, i am eagerly waiting for update of OPM and your visual overhaul, just to fly there and take pictures
  4. Thanks, I'm still new to RT2, thought antennas always work both ways Now, unlickily I encountered many times v. annoying bug (this time for sure When I change my view to tracking station sometimes all my vessels disappear, I can change only types of vessel, but except for debris of Kerbin Space Station (which i never created) still nothing appears except. Button to leave tracking station doesnt work as well... Log:
  5. Hello, I don't know whether this is bug or not, but I am having strange issue - only omni antennas seem to work for me all other types do not relay signal - tested both for dish targeting SOI (minimus), active vessel and chosen vessel http://imgur.com/a/MhwhA KSP 1.1 on 64bit Ubuntu 14.04, Log:
  6. Hello, another request for mods: I think that it may add some flavor for Joolian relay networks Now to my challenge progress: I've finished tech tree on my career, installed Remote Tech and set up relays around Kerbin and some molniya-orbit commsats targeted at Jool system. 2,5 million funds should be enough for 1st part of the challenge I'm about to send another commsats in the Kerbol orbit between Moho and Kerbin - redundancy is my second name
  7. Is custom barn kit allowed? Not really impacts joolian adventure but speeds up basebuilding PS: almost grinded my way so I can send satellites to establish a satellite network. Playing on 1.1 prerelease
  8. Hey, if I start with career mode, do I need to keep count on all pre-joolian launches? I mean the one to gather up funds to upgrade KSC, unlock techs and so on?
  9. Hey, I still can't bring EVE menu using key combinations. I am using pre-release on KSP 1.1 on Ubuntu 14.04 Key combinations used: Shift + E, Shift + 0, Ctrl + 0, Ctrl + E, Alt + 0, Alt + E, neither in Menu, nor in Map mode or in flight.
  10. @NecroBones Sorry, my bad, just assumed that if there's no github repository entry, mod is not updated. Duh
  11. Hi Necrobones, would you please update link to your mods in CKAN? PS. All your mods are awesome! - I am just too lazy to keep copypasting them
  12. Hey - I just installed the mod - gas giants look terrific! Great work! But unluckily, I have the same issue as davidy12 and Skykid23 - atmosphere on Thatmo and Tekto do not work :/ I am using KSP on Ubuntu 14.04 64bit, reinstalled several times all mods and then tried on clear install but still nothing...
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