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Everything posted by quarrion

  1. I played a little on my kerbalism + gpp + setii save and I encountered a few bugs: 1) As I noticed before, kerbalism does not treat tellumo and hadrian as planets with breathable atmosphere: I hyperedited myself there - kerbals definitely do not trust the atmosphere there - as you can see down here 2nd problem - while trying to land there I've learnt one thing - GPP + Real Chutes isnt the best idea ever - on physics warp, my lander started to oscillate and exploded. Landing there was either long and boring or James Bay style Log: https://pl.scribd.com/document/340609480/KSPlog
  2. Yay I've just installed fresh GPP install with Kerbalism and SETI and encountered this issue. That it is what I call community support! Kudos for that and this brilliant mod - you made me go back to KSP May I ask what is rald? Confirmed, works great: http://imgur.com/a/36Pxp Another question: is it intended, so that tellumo would have unbreatheable atmosphere or is it secondary to the partial support od kerbalism?
  3. Haven't this issue on known page - seems like global warming has struck Geal too View on KSC after splash-landing spaceplane Seems to go back to normal after reload
  4. Hello guys, we haven't heard from you for a long time - any dev update? I've just finished my studies and now I have way more time - I could help a bit with testing if needed. Awesome work so far, keep it up!
  5. That is some incredible piece of work, you guys should really make a paper out of it PS. Just a quick question - is the state of the sim saved between the sessions (launches of the game)?
  6. Hello, I'd like to post here updates of my attempt on Jool5 challenge - First: My design to get there: http://imgur.com/a/tO4ni Filippa: Laythe SSTO: http://imgur.com/GsK5oIT (didnt load to the gallery somehow)
  7. @Thalamask ,Thanks for clearing this out then Another inconsistency I found: (NFC) Near Future Construction is listed as allowed but B9 Fuel Switch isn't, while it is required by NFC (Nertea has switched to this in one of the latest updates). My current design relies heavy on octo-trusses so it is kind of life-or-death issue My design so far:
  8. @Thalamask KIS and KAS are on "greenlist" are they allowed or not then?
  9. Hey, I have a question - i'm midway the challenge when I realised that I set up one of my fuel lines on tylo lander backwards and I forgot to pack screw/anything to swap it. Can I send a probe with just this item (as refuelling mission which in other case I wouldn't need)? I imagine that dialogue: Jeb: Bill we have a problem, one fuel line is malfunctioning, you took your toolbox right? Bill: ... Crap I knew I forgot something
  10. Any chance of adding KSPRC visual pack? It contains Kopernicus but all planets remain in the same place - it completely revamps terrain and removes many negative height-map bugs
  11. Download link on spacedock seems to be broken. Awesome mod btw, Can't play without it
  12. I can confirm that OPM-VO works perfectly with OPM 2.0 (And KSPRC pre-release
  13. Hello, does pre-release work with OPM /OPM-VO or Ven stock revamp? Really great work @Proot, you are truly an artist. After downloading this mod and I just kept pushing "warp to the next morning" just to see sunsets. Somehow you managed to avoid this "dark-clouds-during-sunrise-and-sunset" effect - they look awesome and really realistic. And EVE is a killer!
  14. Hello, little progress so far (finals) :/ I just wanted to make a little mod request. Including Hooligan Airship mod would enable us to build floating airship-colonies on Jool which is ultra-cyberpunk-cool
  15. Thanks for your effort, we really appreciate it!
  16. I made fresh install from Github repo, removing manually previous EVE and SVE version. Actually Minmus looks really cool this way, just wanted to let know I mean it would look better if it weren't most persistent in cirrrus cloud layers - cirruses are white and get highlited in orangish - red colors during sunrises sunsets. And yes I know it is not possible for now Bot for cumuluses layers it is perfect. Just perfect @Poodmund Main cloud layer is OK, I think the top one is to be tweaked. BTW Awesome update You, @Nhawks17 (and @pingopete) you guys really make the difference to this game. I know that feel - i've been playing on potato until I got my scholarship. I am still poor but at least happy person now
  17. Well I have this issue which I have seen somewhere in this topic - in my system kerbals seem to have colonized minmus http://imgur.com/4wLwyzk log: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/f6a6197c76f5898a40205f10b4f21456 On kerbin some cloud layers are also very dark, even during the day, not only during sunrises and sunsets http://imgur.com/Coq1aPM http://imgur.com/GW58WXb Don't know whether it is a bug or a feature
  18. @SpaceEnthusiast... What will basilcally come down to porting RVE port to stock system back to RSS Did you have any problems with cloud heights/city textures? PS I ported RVE to 1.12 by using @Rhavoreth solution, but i get lots of Nullrereference from citylights @Three_Pounds Yeah, Rp-0 is working correctly without this. Still, asteroid day hasn't updated for 1.1, and probably won't be:
  19. Just a small issue - on the 1st page asteroid day is stated as a requirement, wasn't it incorporated into 1.1? Awesome work, now we'll have to wait just for RVE Do you even sleep @NathanKell?
  20. I've just encountered a problem - after maximally zooming out textures for citylights seem to be doubled, when scrolling (zooming) these textures seem to be flickering http://imgur.com/LPDnO7d http://pastebin.com/rm9qBWqM Mods:SVE Ultra + Scatterer Distant object enh Texture replacer PBS and hooligan labs I'm checking this on lower resolutions EDIT: update: lower resolutions look exactly the same, checked just on SVE + scatterer
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