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James Kerman

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Everything posted by James Kerman

  1. You have made orbit! I usually make my initial apo just above 70,000m and then adjust to the required orbit. Ideally you want to time the circularisation burn to be 50% just before apo and 50% after so if you need a 30 second burn to circularise you should start burning 15 seconds before apo, that should even out.
  2. Looks like you are on a very steep ascent, this means you are moving quite slowly when you get to apo. I think you need to be more aggressive with your gravity turn to stretch out your arc. This will give you a higher velocity at apo and make it easier to circularise.
  3. That should be plenty. Would it be possible to upload an image? The forum itself cannot host files so we post to services like imgur or google drive and link to them here.
  4. The only other thing I can think of is that your rocket may not have enough power during circularisation and you are having to burn well past apoapsis. If this is the case, what is the thrust to weight ratio of the stage you are trying to circularize with?
  5. Are you attempting to get into orbit with a single burn from launch? If so that is quite hard and I think what is happening is that your node is going to need an element of anti-radial to swing your orbit circular and doing this means you are spending lots of time and DV in the atmosphere which drags down your periapsis. Because Kerbin is a fairly small celestial body I normally break launch into orbit into 3 parts; 1) Launch and begin your gravity turn to get a ballistic arc until you are a bit over your target apoapsis (the reason for this is also to account for atmospheric drag) and stop burning. 2) Make a node a few seconds before apoapsis and then just add prograde until you get your required periapsis. 3) That burn (we call it circularisation) should then put you into your desired orbit.
  6. Welcome to the forum @Nalen_! It sounds like you need to circulize your orbit. The way I launch is to get my apoapsis to 75,000m and once I reach it I burn prograde to raise my periapsis, You can use the orbital information widget on the bottom left of the screen for altitude data:
  7. Welcome to the forum @KasperTheOne, your issue has been moved from console support to PC modded support.
  8. The forum software lost the ability to post imgur album links a while back. If you click on an image in the album and then right click and copy the image address you should end up with the direct link. You can then paste that into a post and it should embed.
  9. Try copying and pasting the direct link into a post, it should embed without having to use any insert functions.
  10. Yes, you need to bring kerbals along for the ride but if you have one plant a flag on a moon or a planet then all kerbals within physics range (2km) will earn experience. An English translation has also been added to your post above because all posts outside of the international sections of the forum require it. [Translation] Sí, necesitas traer kerbals para el viaje, pero si tienes uno plantando una bandera en una luna o un planeta, todos los kerbals dentro del rango físico (2 km) ganarán experiencia. También se ha agregado una traducción al inglés a su publicación anterior porque todas las publicaciones fuera de las secciones internacionales del foro lo requieren.
  11. Welcome to the forum @Garymit! We have some requirements for posts that include a link to a mod. Please read through our Add-On Posting Rules for more information and please do not hesitate to ask questions if you require assistance. Basically we need to see a licence type in the post releasing the mod (just the licence type, not the full legalese i.e. Licence:MIT). Additionally we require that the full text of the licence be included in any download of your mod in a file called licence.txt. Lastly we need to see a link to source code if your mod contains any compiled code.
  12. Welcome t o the forum @Rahul Sharma!
  13. Your issue has been moved from KSP Discussion to Tech Support (PC) for better visibility to our problem solving members.
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