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James Kerman

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Everything posted by James Kerman

  1. Welcome to the forum @Nezus, your issue has been moved from Add-On Discussion to Tech support (modded).
  2. The other guys are in a meeting, click while you can!
  3. Overlapping topics have been merged.
  4. Without knowing anything about the gameplay I imagine I will do what I do in KSP, make every celestial body in the universe my fuel station. That said I've never gone interstellar so I'll probably fail hilariously for a while.
  5. 1. Buy KSP 2. 2. Make a big pot of coffee while it downloads. 3. Tell my family I love them but I will be unavailable for a week or so. 4.
  6. Welcome to the forum @MilkshakeNebula, if you are you playing career mode you need to upgrade the tracking station 1 level and mission control 1 level to access patched conics. Also, some probe cores do not have manoeuvre abilities, the KSP wiki explains the probes capabilities.
  7. Hi @willymann, I'm glad you worked out the problem. Which console are you using?
  8. Welcome to the forum @CapPenguin! The forum itself cannot host images so we use services like imgur or google drive to upload our images and link to them here.
  9. You can match inclination with Minmus while orbiting Kerbin however I find it's easier to set Minmus as target and ride up the ascending or descending nodes and then adjust my orbit at Minmus as the Dv requirements for inclination burns are lower when your vessel is moving at slower speeds.
  10. Welcome to the forum @KerbalCALVIN! Me too!
  11. Welcome to the forum @MarceloGames_BRBR! If you are playing a career game you will need to upgrade the tracking station and mission control before you have access to patched conics. The good news is that you can always see it during a flight by clicking manoeuvre mode in the bottom left of screen (circled in red):
  12. 7 of 9 possibly hybrid. I enjoy fowl chicken.
  13. Welcome to the forum @omg1024! Your question has been moved from KSP discussion to add-on discussions, a great place to ask modding questions.
  14. Welcome to the forum @cargame kerman!
  15. Welcome to the forum @Rob N! There are a few ways, if you are currently in command of a vessel that is landed or splashed down on kerbin you can move your cursor above the altitude indicator and you get the recovery option: Or if you click on the tracking station you should be able to see a list of your vessels on the left. Select one and click the recovery button:
  16. Welcome to the forum @Jdown26, your issue has been moved from Add-on Releases to tech support, modded. Because of the difficulties involved with troubleshooting modded installs it is very helpful if you could post your log files. This post explains how to find, upload and link to your logs:
  17. Welcome to the forum @DaveB, your issue has been moved from Add-on Releases to Add-on Discussion.
  18. Welcome to the forum, fellow Atari player!
  19. Welcome to the forum @W1ngflyer!
  20. Welcome to the forum @charleygoldberg, your question has been moved from KSP discussion to our sub forum dedicated to real science topics. Your post has also been edited to remove a formatting error.
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