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James Kerman

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Everything posted by James Kerman

  1. To get a perfect 0° inclination you need to burn at either the ascending or descending nodes (An or Dn). It really helps to lower the thrust of your vessel when fine tuning.
  2. Welcome to the forum @Poop Demon, your post has been split and made into a new thread for better visibility.
  3. Welcome to the forum @CipherAspect, your issue has been moved from add-on releases to tech support PC, modded for better visibility to our troubleshooting members. Logs really help in diagnosis of modded installs so please read this post for how to find and post them:
  4. Welcome to the forum @Jockenn!
  5. Welcome to the forum @Az Aerospace, Where are you at with your gameplay? I generally make 2 stage rocket designs. The first stage is built to run out of propellant just before orbit (to avoid accumulating too much debris) and the second stage performs my required mission and returns the crew to Kerbin. As for spaceplanes, I can help if you need one that runs out of fuel just before it makes orbit and burns up on the way back down.
  6. Welcome to the forum @over 360, a translation has been added to you post and title because all posts, outside of the international sub forums, require an English translation. This is because not all browsers and devices support automatic translation. We encourage you to use a service like google translate if you wish to post in the general forum.
  7. Welcome to the forum @DEEFTY, your issue has been moved from KSP discussion to Tech Support (PC, modded).
  8. You cannot change another members post. If you wish to use a spoiler in your own posts, see below:
  9. Welcome to the forum @Infinite_Maelstrom, to protect the forum we require new members to make 5 posts that are approved by a moderator before you may edit your profile. After that you can change your avatar by clicking this in your profile: The about text and signature can be changed by clicking here:
  10. Southern Launch, an Australian commercial launch provider, will attempt it's second launch from South Australia on Thursday 09/09/2021 between 6am and 6pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) after a successful suborbital mission in September 2020.
  11. Welcome to the forum @KerbWes, your request has been moved from KSP discussion to here, our dedicated craft subforum.
  12. Welcome to the forum @kirksland, your question has been moved from KSP discussion (which is mostly about vanilla KSP) to add-on development, a great place to get help when creating mods.
  13. Overlapping topics have been merged and moved from Science and Spaceflight to Fan Works.
  14. Hi @Austin_Kerman, your comment has been moved from KSP Suggestions & Development Discussion as that subforum is more about the vanilla game.
  15. I have had some issues with resolutions in a dual monitor setup and this mod has allowed me to set custom resolutions for 'not quite standard' devices:
  16. Welcome to the forum @maverick2077, your thread has been moved from tutorials to gameplay questions. If you are playing a career game you need to upgrade R and D one level before you can transfer fuel. Once that is done you right click on one tank and then hold alt and right click other tanks and you should see in/out propellant pumping options in the context window.
  17. Welcome to the forum @yamen, your question has been moved from KSP discussion because this is a great place to ask about mods.
  18. Welcome to the forum @gameskipper, your post has been edited because very large posts like log files cause page loading problems for the forum and make threads difficult to navigate on mobile devices. Please us a hosting service like google drive or dropbox to upload your log file to and then link to it here.
  19. Welcome to the forum @glorsh66, your question has been moved from KSP discussion as that subforum is more for the vanilla game.
  20. Hi @devblazer, your question has been moved from KSP discussion as it is more of a gameplay question. The game also rewards 'world first milestones' independently of the contract system in career mode. You can see world first rewards by clicking the messages tab.
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