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James Kerman

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Everything posted by James Kerman

  1. Welcome to the forum @Proxbi Kerman, your issue has been moved from KSP discussion to tech support(PC, modded).
  2. Sorry, I didn't explain it well, click the three dots and select 'report post', then add a short note requesting a lock. Thread locked at OP's request.
  3. We do not usually remove threads if other members have replied, if you would like to lock this thread please click on the three dots at the right of your original post and request a lock.
  4. Hi @GreenBean, unfortunately we have had to remove your full log file because it causes the forum to have page loading issues and makes it difficult for members to navigate when using mobile devices. We encourage you to use a hosting service like google drove or dropbox to upload your logs to and then link to them here. We apologise for any inconvenience.
  5. Thread moved from General Mod Development Help and Support to Add-On Development.
  6. Some molecules of water in my body have statistically passed through dinosaurs.
  7. Welcome to the forum @Stevan, a translation has been added to your post and title because we have a rule that all posts, outside of the international section require an English translation. This is because not all browsers and devices support automatic translation. Please use a service like google translate if you wish to post in the general forum. Are you using mods? [Google Translation] Bine ați venit la forumul @Stevan, a fost adăugată o traducere la postarea și titlul dvs., deoarece avem o regulă conform căreia toate postările, în afara secțiunii internaționale, necesită o traducere în limba engleză. Acest lucru se datorează faptului că nu toate browserele și dispozitivele acceptă traducerea automată. Vă rugăm să utilizați un serviciu precum Google Translate dacă doriți să postați pe forumul general. Folosiți moduri?
  8. Welcome to the forum @Jackmason, your issue has been moved from Add-On Releases to here, our dedicated modded support subforum.
  9. Welcome to the forum @Pablo Marques, an English translation has been added to your post and title because we have a rule that all posts, outside of the international section require an English translation. This is because not all browsers and devices support automatic translation. We encourage you to use a service like google translate if you are posting in the general forum. [Google Translation] Bem-vindo ao fórum @Pablo Marques, uma tradução para o inglês foi adicionada à sua postagem e título porque temos uma regra que todas as postagens, fora da seção internacional, exigem uma tradução para o inglês. Isso ocorre porque nem todos os navegadores e dispositivos oferecem suporte à tradução automática. Nós encorajamos você a usar um serviço como o google tradutor se você estiver postando no fórum geral.
  10. Hi @KSP Dragon, your great design has been moved from Challenges and Mission Ideas to the Spacecraft Exchange, a great place to show off your creations.
  11. I happened across Insane Rockets Division on you tube.
  12. Thread moved from add-on releases to add-on development.
  13. Welcome to the forum @Jack White, the best advice for a new player is keep calm and crash spacecraft. After that, making orbit is going to be your first hurdle. A two stage rocket works great if you use an engine designed for sea level on your first stage and an engine optimised for vacuum on the second. You will need to perform a 'gravity turn', that means your rocket goes from vertical travel to horizontal during ascent to get into orbit. Any time you are having problems you can ask our friendly and helpful community.
  14. Reaction wheel saturation or failure would be interesting to deal with.
  15. SAS is just a stability and manoeuvre hold function. The reaction wheels will still cause movement unless they are disabled.
  16. Welcome to the forum @Garryalways! The movement you are seeing is from the reaction wheels that are part of most pods. It's not really free as it uses electrical charge to work. To disable; right click on the pod and either set the wheel authority to 0% or use toggle torque.
  17. Welcome to the forum @Pod4898, your question has been moved from KSP discussion to gameplay questions.
  18. The An/Dn could be anywhere on an orbit. I think you could play around with a manoeuvre node to find it.
  19. Oh okay, sorry I misunderstood. I don't worry too much about achieving perfect planetary orbits, Eyeballing the orbit line of the Mun and your vessels orbit by moving your view around until they are both single lines should get you pretty close @AlpacaMall has a better suggestion. You use the widget at the bottom left of screen to get planetary inclination.
  20. No problems, click on the vessel you are trying to RV or dock with and select it as the target. You should then see the An/Dn,
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