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James Kerman

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Everything posted by James Kerman

  1. Welcome to the forum @theCAVE, your issue has been moved from KSP discussion. Some mods are version sensitive and others require additional software to run. CKAN can automate the install and update process for many mods.
  2. Welcome to the forum @Bort kerman, your question has been moved from gameplay questions to add-on discussions as this is more about a mod. To manually install it you just need to put the SV STOCK folder into your gamedata folder, wherever KSP is installed on your computer. Unfortunately, Saturn V by DECQ was last updated in 2015 and there have been a great amount of changes to the underlying game software since the so I'm not sure if it would work. Maybe the membership could suggest some current Saturn V part mods?
  3. In that case your issue has been moved to tech support (PC, modded). Because of the difficulty in diagnosis of modded installs it is recommended you read through this post and provide the information requested :
  4. Hello @milked3301, I agree with @Curveball Anders, if your game was working and suddenly stops it generally relates to a heat or GPU issue. One quick test is to open your tower (assuming you aren't on a laptop) and see if the CPU and GPU fans are spinning. Please do not attempt to touch any parts of the CPU, GPU or motherboard while the system is connected to power, just visually confirm the fans are spinning. [Edit} If you need to mess with the parts please also wait 20 seconds after disconnection from power to allow the capacitors in the system to dissipate their charge.
  5. Thread moved from Challenges and Mission Ideas.
  6. There are many lessons to be learned but they are not structured the way the lessons in EDU have been. The forum is a great place to ask questions and get guidance about the game from friendly and knowledgeable players. I'm sure that anyone who is willing to learn the concepts themselves can also teach them to a child. I think some background reading in the basic concepts of aerodynamics and orbital mechanics would be of great use. Yes however the game involves lots of trial and error and asking for assistance than EDU. I have just purchased Kerbal EDU from the TeacherGaming store and I'm finding the setup and installation to be a more difficult process to setup and install than the game. Where did you purchase your copy? The one immediate issue I see is that the only version you can download, without going through the app and account setup process appears to be the Linux version which will not be compatible with a windows operating system. If you did get your copy from TeacherGaming you will have received an email titled "[TeacherGaming} Your KerbalEdu Licence Key". This contains the steps you will need to go through to create a classroom, add students and install the software. I think Edu would be a great way to introduce a child to the basic concepts of flight and spaceflight. The game allows for many different ways to have fun from aircraft to spacecraft, rovers, and even submarines and robotics. If you are interested in purchasing the game I would recommend the complete edition as it contains the full game and both DLC's (the DLC's add a lot more content to the game). It goes on special regularly at over 50% off so checking the steam store every few weeks is worth while.
  7. Welcome to the forum @VeronikaStrel, if you are interested in purchasing KSP for only one child I think that regular KSP is the version you want. Kerbal EDU contains lessons and has been designed to work in a classroom environment with a teacher present.
  8. Thread moved from KSP discussion as it relates more to real world flight than KSP.
  9. Welcome to the forum @realjuliusPGKC, your issue has been moved to tech support (PC, modded) .
  10. Welcome to the forum @Toldzik, your question has been moved to add-on discussions - a great area to discuss mods.
  11. Welcome to the forum @goofyseeker and sorry to hear about your issue. Could you please state the operating system you are using and if you are using any mods? I do not see this behaviour in my vanilla install, it may be a video card or driver issue.
  12. Quite a few, I just did a google image search for kerbal breaking ground:
  13. Hello @KerbinSphere, your thread has been moved to add-on discussions.
  14. Hello @PiPaLiPkA, your question has been moved to add-on discussions.
  15. Hello @DareDrop, your issue has been merged into this thread for better visibility for the CKAN team.
  16. @tonimark, while it is not against the rules to request an update, so long as it is polite and non repetitive, please remember our amazing mod making community have real life responsibilities and pressures to deal with while also creating and maintaining all the great free content they make for KSP. Please be patient.
  17. Welcome to the forum @jordan3119 and congratulations on restarting your education!
  18. Hello, I will inform our support team of the broken link, please use this email address: [email protected]
  19. Some engines require specific fuel to work. Another problem you might have is that you have a decoupler or separator in between the fuel and the engine that is not set to allow cross feeding - you can fix this by right clicking on the decoupler, separator or docking port and select 'allow crossfeed'. An image of your rocket would really help with diagnosis. Also I have added an English translation to your post, a requirement we have for any content outside of the international forum as not all browsers and devices support automatic translation. [Translation] Certains moteurs nécessitent un carburant spécifique pour fonctionner. Un autre problème que vous pourriez avoir est que vous avez un découpleur ou un séparateur entre le carburant et le moteur qui n'est pas configuré pour permettre l'alimentation croisée - vous pouvez résoudre ce problème en cliquant avec le bouton droit sur le découpleur, le séparateur ou le port d'amarrage et sélectionnez `` autoriser l'alimentation croisée '' . Une image de votre fusée aiderait vraiment au diagnostic. J'ai également ajouté une traduction en anglais à votre message, une exigence que nous avons pour tout contenu en dehors du forum international car tous les navigateurs et appareils ne prennent pas en charge la traduction automatique.
  20. No need to apologise as I did not read it as rude. There is a workaround if you follow the easy instructions in this great post upthread.
  21. Welcome to the forum @Dave7060, while it's not against the forum guidelines to request an update (so long as it is polite and not repetitive) please remember that our fantastic mod making community also have real life pressures and commitments so it's best just to be patient while awaiting updates.
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