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James Kerman

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Everything posted by James Kerman

  1. Hello @GamerForZindagi, your question has been moved to add-on discussions, a great place to ask about mods.
  2. Some content has been removed. Please be civil. It is the quiet time on the forum at the moment. I'm sure that you will get answers once the majority of our members log on.
  3. Welcome to the forum @lancisman, your request has been moved to add-on discussions for better visibility.
  4. Welcome to the forum @Souptime, I've been playing for 5 years and the more I watch great KSP youtubers, the more I consider myself a noob.
  5. Welcome to the forum @calebpassamani, it seems your craft are set to private. Have you considered uploading to KerbalX? This is a great website created to share KSP craft and missions.
  6. You'll be happy to know that in testing the Dogsbody has a 100% chance of landing back home. Kerbals that math estimate a 75% failure rate. While awaiting the transfer window to Duna The Crew Tug is returned to the MNOS for future use. We burn for Duna and perform a mid course correction to bring us close to the atmosphere. Once the 'Science from Duna's orbit' is complete a de-orbit burn is followed by a power assisted chute landing. We land safely and the 'Science from Duna's Surface' contract is fulfilled, the Dogsbody is refueled, returned to orbit and sent on it's way to Ike. The Magnetometer module is released once in orbit of Ike and we land and refuel, ready for the home stretch.
  7. Welcome to the forum @lancisman, your issue has been moved to tech support, PC, modded.
  8. Welcome to the forum @ImAKerbal, are you using any mods? It may be that you have a too low thrust ratio or that you have an issue with your throttle position or engine thrust levels. An image of your craft would really help, here is how to post pictures on he forum using imgur.
  9. The Mun and Minmus The first design flaws become apparent. Our pilot, Largerdorf, only has one star of experience and The Dogsbody has no reaction wheels other than what is onboard the Mk2 Lander Can. This makes descent quite the experience. After 3 disasters were avoided by aborting back to ascent our band of travelers finally make it down safe with 300m/s remaining and pose for a quick snap before partially refueling, returning to orbit and making way to Minmus. Further flaws become apparent; the ISRU drills just barely touch the surface but seem to be working okay. Another problem is I seem to have forgotten that I would need more chutes to land the Kerbin return module safely and may need to mount an emergency addition mission before I finally land on Kerbin. Some automated testing back at KSC will be needed. Once in orbit the 'science from the orbit of Minmus' contract is completed, we land, take the obligatory flag shot and refuel, ready for the next leg to Duna.
  10. Welcome to the forum @Megaraph6, your question has been moved to add-on discussions.
  11. LOW KERBIN OPERATIONS Lauch to orbit is norminal. Science from the orbit of Kerbin complete. Next it's time to set up an easy rendezvous with the MNOS. The crew transfer tug heads off to dock, pick up our travelers and return to the Dogsbody. We then un-dock, leaving the Crew Transfer Tug in orbit. Onward to the Mun!
  12. Welcome to the forum @Andrew 2000 , your question has been moved to add-on discussions.
  13. I would say the old version and incompatible mods are causing the issue. Your system looks like it should run KSP no problems.
  14. 1.0 is a very old version and likely why your mods aren't working. You can update to more recent versions which have had a lot of performance fixes from your point of purchase. Also your issue has been moved to tech support (PC, modded) for better visibility.
  15. Welcome to the forum @TylaJames, sometimes multiple vessels in close proximity with a high part count can cause low FPS, also are you using any mods?
  16. Due to gross negligence unfortunate circumstances it appears we have a backlog of tourists waiting to begin their adventure and 6 who are stranded currently enjoying a furlough on the Moderation Nation Observation Station (MNOS). The goal is to complete all active contracts with a single launch which includes returning Nebald to Kerbin, who will serve as mission engineer and we will do some science stuff along the way. Mission Profile Launch to parking orbit Rendezvous with the MNOS Transfer crew via Crew Tug Return Crew Tug to MNOS Land on the Mun Land on Minmus Land on Duna Land on Ike Return to Kerbin The Vessel Designed to fulfill this mission profile the Dogsbody features 18 seats and will make use of ISRU. An autonomous crew tug is required, it's purpose is to transfer 6 tourists and Nebald from the MNOS to the Dogsbody after which it will return to the MNOS for future operations. Of course all this will need moar boosters.
  17. Welcome to the forum @GamerForZindagi, lots of issues could be causing your problem and an image would really help but the main reasons you might lose control is lack of antenna range or being occluded by the sun or another body and dead batteries. Where is your probe headed to? How to post an image on the forum
  18. If you continue to experience problems, please email [email protected] for assistance.
  19. In that case you can go to the KSP store, login to your account and download the latest version.
  20. Welcome to the forum @StephenMZ, the upgrade to 1.10 is free however the method of upgrade differs depending on where you purchased the game.
  21. More content has been removed. You are welcome to discuss issues however personal comments directed at another member do not advance the discussion, detract from the conversation and violate forum rule 2.2d. Further violations in this vein will be removed and dealt with accordingly. Thank you for your understanding.
  22. Welcome to the forum @Clay Kerman, you become a full member after you have made 5 moderator approved posts. This is a security measure designed to protect the forum. After that you can go to your profile and click on the button on your avatar to change it:
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