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James Kerman

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Everything posted by James Kerman

  1. Kerbal Network is where such announcements are usually made, but if you had a mission thread I feel that would also be appropriate..
  2. Yes I have tried insects while travelling overseas - deep fried crickets and ants that were dusted in spices that tasted crunchy and spicy and okay to my western palate. I forgot to add mealworms to my vote as I have tried native Australian Witchetty grub that was a food staple of the original inhabitants here for thousands of years. They have kind of a nutty/woody taste.
  3. Hola @Cienty86 and welcome to the forum!
  4. Welcome to the forum @alfa0152, actual spaceflight and science was detected so your post has been moved to science and spaceflight.
  5. I use imgur, it's free and easy. This post explains how:
  6. Welcome to the forum @OverFlow, I have merged your question here into our dedicated KSP PC hardware advice thread.
  7. Welcome to the forum @Dandelone, your question has been moved to gameplay questions for better visibility.
  8. Congratulations on your first docking with Gilly! Unfortunately this is not true.
  9. Welcome to the forum @Zulfar, due to the complicated nature of troubleshooting modded installs it is recommended that you post error logs to make it easier to diagnose your problem. This post explains how to find and post your log files:
  10. Welcome to the forum @[ Content Deleted 63895 ], I have not encountered this issue with the game but if you bought KSP on steam you can try verifying your local files; https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335 If you got the game from the store you can try backing up your save and reinstalling.
  11. Welcome to the forum @ryan kerman, spacedock is undergoing maintenance at the moment. It should be available tomorrow.
  12. Welcome to the forum @TonesTheGeek, As this is a very old thread it may be better to ask here:
  13. Some content has been removed. Please refrain from personal attacks - if you don't like something you are more than welcome to politely disagree and if you have a problem with a post please report it rather than comment.
  14. Battery replacement spacewalk livestream:
  15. Some content has been removed. Please do not mass ping members needlessly and avoid making repetitive posts with huge font sizes.
  16. Hello @tosha, your excellent mission report has been moved to mission reports.
  17. You don't need to, the forum saves all the posts here. I use bookmarks/favorites in my internet browser to be able to quickly navigate to different parts of the forum. If you want to keep up to date on a particular thread or sub forum you can use the follow function:
  18. Hello @Probro, rather than give a man a fish (fly others rockets to orbit) you can help teach a man to fish (provide advice on overcoming various hurdles in the game). One place you could keep an eye on is the gameplay questions subforum. It's a great place to help members with gameplay issues.
  19. Welcome to the forum @philipwu, one thing that may cause that problem is autostrut. If either of your vessels has AS, remove them and see if that solves the problem.
  20. Welcome to the forum @B Parsons, your issue has been moved to tech support, PC, modded for greater visibility. Due to the complexity of debugging modded installs it is recommended you post logs to help aid in this process. How to find and post your log files to the forum is explained in this post:
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