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James Kerman

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Everything posted by James Kerman

  1. Welcome to the forum @Daddio, I think the contract only requires that you be between 53000m and 54000m altitude when you perform the test. The contract will turn green when you fulfil the conditions.
  2. Hello @JakGamingKSP, overlapping threads have been merged. The Ukraine is also looking at building a launch site here in the north: https://thewest.com.au/technology/space/ukrainian-government-wants-to-send-rockets-into-orbit-from-was-kimberley-ng-b88765608z
  3. Welcome to the forum @MudCan, I mostly play career so the main reason I put up sats is to fulfil contracts however I make sure to add a relay antenna and usually a science experiment so that they expand my communications network and allow me to easily do 'science from orbit' experiments at no added cost.
  4. I can give you my mid career Duna lander/rover/refuelling vessel. The rover can be reattached and then used to explore Ike and the download includes a launch stage [Edit: forgot to mention you need the DLC's for this vessel]: https://kerbalx.com/JamesKerman/Duna-Exploration-Vessel [Edit] You will need to set your own action groups because I couldn't figure out how to do it. I use: 1. Toggle solar/thermal systems 2. Toggle deploy drill 3. Toggle start/stop drill, start/stop ISRU 4. Extend/retract pistons on rover to re-dock
  5. While I don't use it, it seems that kerbaltek outputs an image of your ribbons so you would first need to upload that image to a hosting service like imgur or google drive and then post the link in your signature.
  6. Welcome to the forum @ItsSnowyy, your question has been moved to Kerbal Network as it is about the forum and a formatting issue was fixed in your post. You can add your signature by clicking your username in the top right, selecting account settings and then click on signature in the menu on the left.
  7. Welcome to the forum @Blutschorsch, you need to upgrade the R&D building to level 2 before you can transfer fuel in career mode.
  8. Welcome to the forum @Mmmmmm, do you mean a rocket to get to Duna or are you using Real Solar System or mods that rescale the Kerbol system?
  9. Welcome to the forum @Sriram, your question has been moved to gameplay questions.
  10. Yes, 1.2.2 is available under the betas tab.
  11. Welcome to the forum @denizulger, you just need the base game (the DLC came later).
  12. Sure! I found that a graphic explanation worked best to help me understand the steps and method like this one:
  13. Hello @LandSeerZzZ, your question has been merged into this thread, dedicated to PC build advice for KSP and other games.
  14. Minmus has less mass, therefore less gravity than the Mun so I'd say landing on Minmus is easier than the Mun. If we look at the dv map we see it takes a minimum of 4660 dv to land on Minmus and 5120 dv to land on the Mun.
  15. If you mean landing then 0m/s is what you are aiming for .But I think that you mean how much delta V is required for a landing mission to Minmus and this Dv map is what many of us use for planning. To land you will need at least 4660 dv (note - this does not tell you how much it takes to get back to kerbin from the surface which is about 800dv [edit] if you use aerocapture at kerbin]):
  16. Congratulations @Little Kerbonaut! If you haven't performed a landing yet, Minmus is a lot easier to learn on than the Mun.
  17. Some content has been removed. Please don't resort to personal attacks and keep the discussion on topic.
  18. Welcome to the forum @onwudaskow, your question has been moved to a dedicated thread for KSP PC build advice.
  19. Your installation definitely has a problem if it won't run with just the squad and squad extensions folder. If you have the game on steam you can try verifying the files however the closest version available in the 'betas' tab is 1.6.1. Kopernicus has been updated to 1.8.1 and that version is also available if you want to update. Both are also available for download if you bought from the KSP store.
  20. Welcome to the forum @ThiveInSpace, your question has been moved to gameplay questions.
  21. Welcome to the forum @generic0000, luckily we have an excellent thread full of helpful and knowledgeable engineers of custom controllers. It's a great place to see a showcase of amazing devices and ask advice:
  22. Hello @Russekof71 and @Matheo G. English translations have been added to your comments because of 2.3c of the forum guidelines - All messages outside of the international sections should be in English or include an English translation. The reason we have this rule is because not all devices and browsers support automatic translation. We encourage you to use a service like google translate if you wish to post in the general forum and don't worry, we have many international members using this method. [Translation] Bonjour @ Russekof71 et @Matheo G. Des traductions en anglais ont été ajoutées à vos commentaires en raison de 2.3c des directives du forum - Tous les messages en dehors des sections internationales doivent être en anglais ou inclure une traduction en anglais. La raison pour laquelle nous avons cette règle est que tous les appareils et navigateurs ne prennent pas en charge la traduction automatique. Nous vous encourageons à utiliser un service comme google translate si vous souhaitez publier sur le forum général et ne vous inquiétez pas, nous avons de nombreux membres internationaux utilisant cette méthode.
  23. Welcome to the forum @MarsBy2024OrBust.
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