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James Kerman

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Everything posted by James Kerman

  1. Welcome to the forum @Feellikeapple! F5 for quicksave is instant, you need to hold F9 for 3 or 4 seconds before it will load.
  2. Hmm, If you could link to copies of your output.log and player.log as described in the first post in this thread it will assist our friendly and knowledgeable members in narrowing down the problem.
  3. Welcome to the forum @User_ksp and sorry to hear about your issue. Two things I would try are 1) update my graphics card driver or 2) try running KSP as an administrator.
  4. Well I'm stumped. This topic has been split and moved to Kerbal Network for better visibility.
  5. Hello @probe137, do you see other peoples signatures, like mine?
  6. Hello @camacju, that's a cool design! The game has changed a whole lot since this challenge was run so it would be a great candidate for a re-boot.
  7. Welcome to the forum @SovietKerbal!
  8. Hello @antipro, To 'ping' members (they receive a notification of being mentioned) type @ followed by the the username. You will see a drop down box appear, left click on the member you wish to ping and it will embed into the forum. Also this topic has been moved to Kerbal Network as it is more about the forum than the game.
  9. Another Starlink 12 attempted launch in 15 minutes.
  10. It is possible this money is part of a COVID-19 economic stimulus payment. Is there such a scheme in your area @Probro?
  11. Some content has been removed. Please discuss the topic at hand and refrain from making personal attacks.
  12. Basically some manufacturers are using 6 all in one power capacitors instead of 4 all in ones and 2 arrays of 6 individual capacitors. This video explains the problem and shows the different configurations:
  13. Welcome to the forum and to the game @L_Plate_Dave, I'm absolutely sure there will be community members happy to assist with KSP after KSP 2 is released, have no fear about that. I actually never played the tutorials, I just dived into career mode and because there are many concepts in KSP (think of it as simplified orbital mechanics) I worked my way through each challenge using advice here on the forum and watching youtubes until I learned the basics. I am not saying that you shouldn't do the tutorials, just have fun whatever way you choose. We have a sub forum devoted to tutorials and if you get stuck at any point please ask questions here or in a dedicated section we have called gameplay questions and you will find that this is a very friendly and helpful community. Also, as a new member to the forum you may find this information useful:
  14. Hello @JonnyOThan and welcome to the forum @Readux and congratulations on these releases however please remember that all releases must include a licence type in your forum posts containing links to your mods as per our add-on posting rules. This does not have to be the full legalese, just the type so that your work and rights are protected.
  15. Welcome to the forum @Infinity and Beyond, your question has been moved to add-on discussions.
  16. Maybe you could try a Duna return mission with Kerbals? For me this step was quite intimidating at first and you really want to be able to perform a rescue mission (just in case) so I would recommend learning how to dock first if you don't know how yet. This ability will allow you to perform more a efficient Apollo style mission by using and then discarding landers and ascent modules.
  17. Welcome to the forum @TitiKSP, suggesting missions really depend on knowing your play level in the game. I find that doing missions that take me out of my KSP comfort zone are rewarding and can usually inspire new design considerations.
  18. Welcome to the forum @GandiGo, I'm not sure it's possible, do you mean the launch from Kerbin is included in the time budget?
  19. Welcome to the forum @benny202020, your issue has been moved to tech support (PC, modded). The link to your log is not working because the forum does not host files so please upload it to a file hosting service like google drive or dropbox and then link to it here.
  20. Welcome to the forum, @American Patriot, your question has been moved to gameplay questions.
  21. Welcome to the forum @United launch aliance ramd, the download link is here however there have been some changes to how mods interact with KSP since this mod was created so it might not work.
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