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James Kerman

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Everything posted by James Kerman

  1. Welcome to the forum @pijamaman5, can you tell us which fuel tanks and which engine?
  2. Welcome to the forum @xero gravity, you log post has been snipped because large posts like that cause loading issues and make the thread difficult to read for members using mobile devices. Please upload to a service like dropbox or google docs and then link to it here. We apologise for any inconvenience.
  3. Congratulations on your Eve landing @STEAMED_PIGLIN! Your thread has been moved to mission reports.
  4. Welcome to the forum, while it is not against the rules to ask for an update, so long as it is polite and non repetitive, our mod making community also have real life pressures and commitments to deal with as well as updating the great free content they create. It's best to be patient while we wait for our favourite mods to update.
  5. Congratulations on your Eve mission! This guide explains how to post images:
  6. @theleg, It is not against the rules to request an update if it is polite and non repetitive but please remember that our great content creators also have real life pressures to deal with (especially at this time of the year) so it's best to be patient while waiting for your preferred mod set to be updated.
  7. Welcome to the forum @BOLDEY, your question has been moved to gameplay questions.
  8. Welcome to the forum @CeruleanEyes, your competition thread has been moved to Challenges and Mission Ideas.
  9. Welcome to the forum @Mafia pro, I have added a translation to your post because we have a rule that requires all posts outside of the internation section require an English translation. The reason for this rule is because not all browsers and devices support automatic translation. [Translation] Bienvenue sur le forum @Mafia pro, j'ai ajouté une traduction à votre message car nous avons une règle qui exige que tous les messages en dehors de la section internationale nécessitent une traduction en anglais. La raison de cette règle est que tous les navigateurs et appareils ne prennent pas en charge la traduction automatique.
  10. Ciao (hello) and welcome to the forum @davide96!
  11. Welcome to the forum @bearnard1244, I didn't have to pay for it so the landing was a huge success for me! Also, your post has been merged into our dedicated SpaceX discussion thread.
  12. Hello @piodd, have you tried recovering from the tracking station? You should see the vessel in a list on the left, click on your plane and select recover (one of the options at the bottom of the vessels list).
  13. Welcome to the forum @OrdinaryKerman!
  14. Welcome to the forum @Desdanova!
  15. Welcome to the forum @Electricity 123456789, your question has been merged into this thread, dedicated to providing advice on KSP and system requirements.
  16. Welcome to the forum @crazykillaro, your question has been moved to add-on discussions.
  17. Welcome to the forum @huilonah!
  18. Welcome to the forum @corey kerman, your question has been moved to add-on discussions.
  19. Welcome to the forum @Cristovin, your question has been moved to gameplay questions. Just as a clarification, it's fine to post in your preferred language in the international section of the forum.
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