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James Kerman

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Everything posted by James Kerman

  1. Welcome to the forum @Bruce92, I'm writing from Australia. I'm very happy you found the game, joined the forum and are going to make mods! Here is some good information that will help you find your way around:
  2. Welcome to the forum @Shemuev. Many mods will still work with the latest version of KSP even though the version numbers are different. As @weekendgamer mentioned above, it works with KSP 1.7.2.
  3. Hello @bigcalm. You could try going to the Astronaut complex and looking under the 'assigned tab'. It will show 0 assigned on the tab until you get into physics distance of the vessel but if you click on it, you should see your kerbal and his state there.
  4. Welcome to the forum @Yoloking Mapping. Not all probes have the full SAS functions (only the Stayputnik has none) and you press 't' to activate it. On this page of the wiki you can see the capabilities of each probe core: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Probe
  5. Welcome to the forum @Delta Space. I have moved your topic to Add-on Discussions.
  6. Welcome to the forum @MnyMan. I have moved your question to Gameplay Questions.
  7. Hello @The Doodling Astronaut, I have moved your question to Gameplay Questions.
  8. Hello @ChadderVox. I have moved your thread to Kerbal Network.
  9. Welcome to the forum @Lucas Keman. I have moved your post to Kerbal Network. Unfortunately the forum is English only outside of the international section. We recommend you use a translation service like google translate if you wish to comment in the general forum. [Translation of the above] Bem-vindo ao fórum. Eu mudei sua postagem para a Kerbal Network. Infelizmente, o fórum é apenas em inglês fora da seção internacional. Recomendamos que você use um serviço de tradução como o google translate, se desejar comentar no fórum geral.
  10. Welcome back @W.W. Cass Jr. I hope you are enjoying all the new content.
  11. In a stock 1.7.1 install (including Making History and Breaking Ground) my kerbals level up immediately on orbit.
  12. @Foxray I have moved your thread to Technical Support (PC, modded). Unfortunately section 2.3c of the community guidelines states "All messages outside of the international sections should be in English or include an English translation." This is because some members may be viewing the forum on an internet browser that does not have an automatic translation function. I apologize for the inconvenience.
  13. Welcome back WinkAllKerb''. Sorry, there was no link to you - It is a saying meaning yes I am on the forum, because the weather was too bad to go flying RC planes. How about @Barzon Kerman?
  14. Welcome to the forum @Foxray. Unfortunately the forum is English only outside of the international section. You can use a service like google translate if you wish to post in the general forum. [Edit] I have also moved your post to Technical Support, unmodded. Please mention if you are using mods. [Translation] Bienvenue sur le forum @Foxray. Malheureusement, le forum est uniquement en anglais en dehors de la section internationale. Vous pouvez utiliser un service tel que Google Translate si vous souhaitez poster sur le forum général. [Modifier] J'ai également déplacé votre publication vers le support technique, sans modification. Veuillez indiquer si vous utilisez des mods.
  15. I'm afraid so. How about @WinkAllKerb''?
  16. Welcome to the forum @Child of a Minion. Luckily, members get a one time name change option. If you would like to have the username “The Wandering Cosmonaut” please ask here and your re-branding will be complete:
  17. As an Aussie, I commend you. This is how your world appears to us. (One of my kids once asked if Americans walked on their hands)
  18. There is the potential for molten salt reactors powered by thorium. There was some research done in the 60's that has recently been enjoying a resurgence by various agencies around the world.
  19. Welcome to the forum @Some_stranger. Congratulations on your Mun landing. I would love to see some of your 3d artwork and I recommend you also start a thread with your offer in add on discussions.
  20. Welcome to the forum @RoZZy. The R&D building needs to be upgraded before you can transfer fuel in career mode. You right click on one tank then hold alt and right click on another.
  21. Welcome to the forum @Taran. I have moved your thread to Add on Discussions.
  22. Welcome to the forum! This explains it (it's easy and painless) https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335
  23. Welcome to the forum @Andrew F. I have moved your post to a thread devoted to giving great advice on computer specifications for KSP because I feel that your son's laptop may not run KSP with very high performance. Running KSP from an external drive might also add a performance hit.
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