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Everything posted by septemberWaves

  1. @GoldForest Very nice Saturn-derived LV. Why the wide fairing though? That payload doesn't look like it needs it.
  2. What are those doors on the Atlas engine shroud actually for? Are they for covering up fuel pipe connections after launch, or do they have some other purpose?
  3. I'm sure it's very kitbashable, though getting it to re-enter properly might be a bit awkward. I don't think it's likely that any other mod will add the part though: given that this engine configuration seems to be unique to this payload proposal, it probably fits in better with the scope of this mod than any other.
  4. This is an extremely interesting concept that I'd never heard of before. It should be interesting to use in-game. Does the mod also include the unique engine mount for the launch vehicle?
  5. The reason the new parts are showing up in the tech tree will be because Skyhawk keeps the in-code names of vanilla tech nodes. Since BDB (like most parts mods) assigns parts to vanilla tech nodes by default, those parts will automatically be placed somewhere in any tech tree that extends the vanilla tree rather than overwriting it entirely. The problem is that the parts are almost certainly not where the mod developer would intend them to go in an actual update, so you'll need to wait for a Skyhawk update before the parts are in their correct locations in the Skyhawk tech tree.
  6. The nodes on the robotic parts which attach the rover to the lander aren't quite in the right places if I remember correctly from my own testing. If you connect it as normal, and then adjust both the place where the robotic part connects to the descent stage, and where it connects to the lunar rover, you should be able to get it to a place where it doesn't clip. Additionally, while I've not encountered the exact problem you describe, I am aware of one thing which consistently causes problems with robotic parts: autostruts. If anything at all on the lunar rover or the robotic parts themselves are autostrutted to anything at all on the main spacecraft, it will malfunction. If you are using autostruts to keep the lunar rover stable relative to the descent module, disable all of those autostruts before activating any robotic parts.
  7. Very nice. What is the function of the solid rocket motor in the Surveyor mission profile? Just estimating by the volume of landing engine fuel, I assume it's for initial lunar deceleration from a transfer trajectory to either low lunar orbit or directly to a landing trajectory, but I'm curious if that's correct.
  8. Are you playing in a stock-scale solar system? If so, that may be the reason. Things which can do a certain mission in vanilla KSP are inherently going to be cheaper than the BDB equivalent (if one exists), because BDB is not balanced for a stock-scale solar system. BDB is balanced the same way stock parts are, but stock parts are overpowered for the stock solar system - that's why rockets designed for the stock solar system always have oversized payloads compared to the rocket. BDB is optimally played at about 2.7x stock scale (JNSQ or 2.7x KSRSS are good choices), which is about quarter of real scale. If you are playing in a 2.7x scale solar system, such as the ones I mentioned, and rockets are still too expensive compared to an equivalent made of stock parts, then that may be indicative of necessary price rebalancing. As for contract rewards, to be honest I don't think stock contracts have ever been particularly well balanced when playing with major mods. Increasing contract rewards by a factor of a little over the square root of the solar system scale you're playing at might help without being overkill, since the delta-v multiplier on a rescaled solar system is roughly the square root.
  9. It's not one part, it's a flat disc part with several science parts attached to it. Look through the science tab and you'll find them.
  10. Does this work with Principia? I know it's based on RSS but I don't know enough about gravitation to know whether n-body effects behave the same when you scale masses and distances by the same factor.
  11. Where are the configs for it? Also, to be clear, this is the correct thread, right?
  12. The colour is a Kopernicus issue. There's a patch called "colourfix" that you can download separately from Kopernicus releases on Github, and put in your GameData folder. Also, what version of Parallax were you using when you tested the JNSQ patch? I'm trying to figure out why it's not loading for me, and I don't know how to diagnose issues from log files so I'm basically just dependent on guesswork at this point until someone can provide me with a concrete answer.
  13. What other things were broken? I've had no trouble with JNSQ itself on 1.12. If planets look wrong or you're getting a weird lingering motion blur effect (both issues I've had recently), you're using the wrong version of Scatterer and need to revert back to 0.772. Did the game load for you at all with these Parallax configs for JNSQ? The reason I ask that is because it doesn't load at all for me, it gets stuck forever on a loading screen after mods and patches are loaded but before reaching the title screen.
  14. Skyhawk is pretty good, though recent things like Voyager Mars aren't configured properly. As for contracts, I'm not really sure I've seen any set of contracts that provides a particularly good career experience without completely overhauling contracts (which RP-1 does), but I don't think there's anything wrong with BDB ones. I'd recommend Strategia though, since although it's not a contract pack it gives you incentives to explore and to otherwise play in interesting ways.
  15. This doesn't seem to work. The game gets stuck loading the title screen forever. Here's the log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h9bnb5r3ycxwggj/KSP.log?dl=0 Does this work for you? If so, what did you do to make it function?
  16. While taking a bit of a break in between phases of modpack development, I decided to launch a totally normal Skylab mission. This is definitely your standard typical Skylab configuration with no changes made. Definitely. Apologies for the strange motion blur effects that appear in some of these screenshots, I was having issues with Scatterer versions. If you hadn't figured it out already, this is probably the point where you start to realize that maybe this isn't the historical Skylab configuration. This is a wet workshop configuration. But why launch it on a Saturn V instead of a Saturn IB..? The answer is that it has a very different destination. Behold, Moonlab 1! This is a very fun thing to do with Skylab parts. In a proper career game I'd probably set it up with a Spacelab configuration, and then add a docking adapter capable of docking with lunar modules.
  17. In the specific context of viewing an active spacecraft, moving the camera in any way results in lingering visual traces (example screenshotted below), as every frame appears to remain overlaid onto the next frame. I've never seen anything like this before in KSP. It appears to be a sort of motion blurring effect, but magnified far more than it should be and lingering for way too long (sometimes indefinitely). I have the following list of visual mods installed, none of which have ever caused this problem for me before in several years of using them: Distant Object Enhancement Environmental Visual Enhancements Redux PlanetShine Scatterer EDIT: I've managed to identify Scatterer as the cause of the problem, but I still need a fix for it that does not involve simply playing without using any version of Scatterer.
  18. Here's the log ("KSP.log", if this is the wrong log please let me know what the correct one would be): https://www.dropbox.com/s/yuoogawreyypl0l/KSP.log?dl=0 Game version is 1.12.3. I'm using JNSQ, Principia (version Ἱππίας), Bluedog Design Bureau, EVE, and Scatterer, as well as all prerequisites for the aforementioned mods. The few other mods I have installed should be irrelevant because I experience the exact same problem without them. I can't even begin to guess at the cause of this, so any help with figuring out what's causing the problem and how to fix it would be appreciated (best solutions would ideally not involve removing any mods completely and only changing mod versions, because I don't have anything installed that I would want to play the game without). One thing that is worth noting as well is that the issue does not appear to ever occur if I only spend time in the editor or other KSC windows, it only occurs in flight.
  19. The biggest concern is the reflectors, and whether they'll work properly to amplify other antennas.
  20. Tech tree has been rebuilt from the ground up for version 0.2.1, and now uses Yongetech Tech Trees Plugin Revived as a hard requirement. The modpack should have a vaguely-functional playtestable alpha release once I've configured Kerbalism and added costs to tech tree nodes, which I will hopefully be able to do soon.
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