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Everything posted by Thatguywholikesionengines

  1. Did you clip the two Junos together? Or am I being a derp?
  2. No, I downloaded the textures, I probably just downloaded them wrong because I'm an idiot..
  3. Hello, and, of course, welcome! If You are having problems with the parachute, wait until Your speed is below about maybe 230 m/s speed as the parachute should function at that speed. Good luck with Your future space missions, and enjoy KSP.
  4. I know this is a long time after the message above ^ and i'm sorry about that but... I don't see it in any of the three links... help?
  5. And I'm still a worthless pilot trying to get to the island in under a minute.
  6. Okay, I've done exactly what you said, but it doesn't get above 290 m/s. Sorry for repeatedly bothering you, but I'm just such a bad pilot and i want to actually be able to get the Mindy to orbit legitimately with an SSTO. Albeit one built by only the best rocket/plane/whatever builder.
  7. That feeling when you're so bad at flying SSTOs that you need to reattach the junos to get to mach 1...
  8. What is it's not in a fairing and won't open? If i can't open my service bay i cant put the EVA seat in my dres lander.
  9. I still have 1.1.0, so i guess that is le problemo. Thanks Cupcake!
  10. Jool 5 hype? Also, sadly, in the VAB and SPH, it says the Siren is incompatible with 1.1. Y u do this game? Y?
  11. Well, if you want eeloo for some reason, if your craft is less than 7 meters in any diameter or width and stuff like that, then 2930 is lowest for equatorial, but i usually go for 3000.
  12. I'm pretty sure KAS or a similar mod was used, as there are no detachable fuel tethers in stock KSP. I think.
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