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Everything posted by Ourworldalpha1

  1. thanks for answering me Ferram The phanton levitation Bug was caused by AIES Batteries on my spacecraft not your Mod Anyway awesome mod you got here,Keep up the Good Work
  2. i will do this challenge to modded of course Trust me you will like it P.S i made in an earlier version and Mercury-Atlas LV replica 1@1/2 Stage included P.SS Just between you and me Ionstorm i am planning on becoming a NASA/JPL Spacecraft engineer when i grow up i will be 18 in March Next Year
  3. Here is my design Hope you like it LOL: right click on the broken image Just in case you don't know how to open it
  4. I will post a design for Show Thinking about entering the Challenge too P.S i have made in a previous version Of KSP an Atlas-Mercury LV With the Stage and a half design included This Will be Fun
  5. Hello nice mod you got here, But i am using the latest 1.1.3 Ferram Aerospace install and i am still getting that pesky tweakscale Bug I am doing an Kerbal 6.4X Re-scale sandbox@Carrier and i am trying to make rocket replica but i cant launch anything with this DAMN Bug, because My rockets are made literally of All Procedural@Tweakscaled Parts,Tanks,RCS,Batteries Ect not looking for an answer right away, just letting you know that this Bug is Not Fixed with the Newest Version of your mod Like an Reply Thanks P.S the link will be a broken image just right click on it an open it that way Sorry i got no Logs or Replication steps but Here are some pics of the Bug at work
  6. Im back Speeding Mullet Unfortunate save file ceruption killed my craft files including HVSSA's new version So i have made a new Modded Shuttle called Epsilon i will have to to since it's a new shuttle go though certification for the challenge Here are some shuttle Pics at the top of post Launch Date for STS-1 TBD P.S if i can get my(Real Solar System@Realism overhaul)Install working i will be making an Real Shuttle replica,Might enter that into the challenge too
  7. ISV Kegasus is being constructed by NOVA Rockets in MKO It is modded like HELL but no Cheat mods are used Largest piece was 700 Tons TAC is also used and Real Atmospheres,KW,Tweakscale,Ect will do Full Duna Mission Test once landers are constructed
  8. I like to enter a heavily modded craft it is Remote tech capable has science,Control,Maneuvering,RCS,SAS,LF-O Engine,300m/s Grand total of 0.060 Tons,120 pounds Launcher included is 2 Tons,Costs 14000 VF
  9. It would me a Vulcan Rocket Type Landing System where the engines decouple than recovered by helicopter The wings are All the Way in the back has it can be it that i have almost 50% of the 70 Ton mass in the Engines
  10. Speeding mullet I have a question? The Crash investigation team has told me what killed the HVSSA on re entry,it was the super heavy Vector engines in the back, So my question is could I after ET Sep decouple the Vector engines and recover them,would they be counted as part of the launch stack or separate vessels decoupling from the shuttle Like clarification Thx
  11. Do not worry R@D told me that HVSS Zeus will be coming out soon,for the challenge retry It has a crewed cockpit,more fuel (already did Mun landings and return with it LOL) more than 6000 m/s DV pics coming soon CHEERS Also the HVSSA was able to land/crashland on duna, I did a inefficient transfer to Duna (phase angle was 90* instead of 40* and made it to Duna with Full cargo Unfortunately like the posted mission it suffered an R&D during reentry. BUT JEB survived and used his damaged LATHE later and rescued himself. hope you like this archive data Lol
  12. I tried to do 2 challenges at the same time and unfortunately Failed, but hey the crew survived here is the Album anyway P.S would of made the Leaderboard#1 spot DAMN well the HVSS Ares has gone back into Research and Development for testing,the mission was a long shot to began with
  13. I understand the argument but what other game let's you build your own Starfighter and you own Star Wars oops I mean Kerbol Wars
  14. for noob sake what about we align the kerbin system on kerbin tilled equator but make the other planets orbit a different inclinations so you need to launch at a specific heading or do plane change maneuver in orbit easy for noobs and gives a challenge for pro players not like noobs would know Interplanetary travel until Mun landings a learning curve you call it P.S I am not a noob
  15. Thanks speeding mullet I can try the can you lift me challenge again using my Heavy versatile space shuttle ARES That will definnly make the leaderboard,what moon do you want it at Mun or Minmus Next post will be First HVSSA launch,could since I did the challenge already could I do the can you hear me challenge at the same time,it's got the cargo space for it,LOL Cheers
  16. I mean that me and other people make other payloads that can be launched by the shuttle,maybe a micro shuttle from the cargo bay be creative LOL
  17. Can i make new payloads for this challenge send them to you so you can evaluate them yourself from possible intergration with this challenge I see a lack of deep space probes missions, like Galileo,TDRS,Magellan,ect All launched by the real Space Shuttle Like input soon Cheers
  18. The tank is successfully in orbit,Solar Flare forced the crew to land in the Desert for safety,or alternate landing site Enjoy P.S Jeb,Bill,Bob are on another missions to prevent RUJ RUJ=Rapid Unscheduled Joking
  19. Love the Badge Speeding Mullet i am working on an upgraded Version of the Manned Shuttle called Epsilon Same payload to higher orbits. I also got all of the subassembullies and test launching in the simulator with them to give you a perfect mission when i post, Next post will be the KTS-4 the fuel tank to 280X280km P.S i am using the same shuttle to build a station in high orbit so the numbers will not be in order,Larger program in progress,ISS Replica
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