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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. Oh yes. Very much Fully stock. I'm using 8 mammoths and 6 vectors at launch, and a single Rhino for orbital things.
  2. I can't say for sure, but more than likely its a frame rate thing. I'm not 100% sure about how KSP does physics, but I think its like per frame. Soif you have a slower frame rate, it might cause the game time to physically run slower.
  3. So.... any plans on getting it back?
  4. Why do we need more? Like really, you can just cluster more engines for bigger and use another type of engine for smaller probes. The ion, perhaps. Also, about LH resources - No. That would mean another fuel type. It could be nice, but It might be too complex having many types of fuel.
  5. Finished the Mun Shuttle Challenges. Full Report: Some pretty pictures.
  6. I like the aging. I think it could actually do with a bit more aging and less grains on the paper. Also, a glossy photo attached by a paper clip could be cool....
  7. I used reverse thrust on my entry. I'm pretty sure he's fine with it.
  8. AFAIK, no. Airbrakes when used as "wings" are just there for aesthetics. Also, the produce horrendous amounts of drag. Not good for a prop.
  9. Very pretty shuttle. I feel there's a competition for who has the biggest shuttle. Mission report for my mun Base. Sorry about the length. Still very happy with deadsticking all my landings, and that most were nonexplosive. EDIT: Modlist - Only visual and informational. Apart from VesselMover which was used ONCE to reset progress from a quicksave while driving a Shuttle
  10. No they aren't comparable at all. For me, when I have access to both a laser and a 3d printer, but am on a time constraint as with school projects requiring those devices, I prefer to use the laser. I can still make 3d things (with some thought) and have a product out pretty soon.
  11. @Munbro Kerman - As far as I can tell, they are already quite very small and seem to be well constructed. I don't think you can do much optimization.
  12. Finished that mun base. Now need to finish making that album. Only a little less than 200 images to sort through and annotate.
  13. Hello. Have been watching your videos for a while. Like the music choices, sometimes just play them in the background while I'm playing KSP

    1. Matt Lowne

      Matt Lowne

      Thanks! Glad you like them :)

    2. Xemina


      I do the same! :P:)

  14. Mun Surface base built with 2 shuttles. One for the base, one for the rover. Shuttle in foreground.
  15. Like So. I have two very big cargo bays on the side of the main fuel tank. Essentially, the four crew arms are attached to a big Quad adapter and then the isru unit is attached to another node. Then, hidden by the tail ramp, there is the tiny joiner with the small rotating scanner and a small rover which was useless. On the other side, the two other 2.5m components and the two long skinny components. Antenna pressed against the lab with the electrical unit precariously offset above it. In the blister above is the claw thingies. The entire base was a PITA to setup, since I a) had no prior experience and b) didn't have wheels to help dock stuff. Also nothing was balanced well when airlifting it with the claw units. Luckily, I was able to drag stuff on the ground, so that was a plus. Also, TBH I just built the base at random and it happened to fit so nicely in the cargo bays. So that was a plus. Edit: See those two cargo bays on the sides, in those pod things. Each of them has a large isru unit and ore tank and a large drill. Plus 2 solar panels and a Medium TCU. So in theory, I could ditch those for extra capacity...
  16. How common are deer in NM? NJ, eh. Not so rare.
  17. I fear not. It could be a nice surprise, but judging by the "bwahahahaha", more than likely not.
  18. Only 7.5t? Weak.... I think this might just be showing off. Something around 50t base on the mun, 1 shuttle. Michal.don, I think that answers your question.
  19. So... a firework basically? Well, jeb might be a bit bored. Today, I finished a polar mun base, built by a shuttle. Yes, the entire base fits inside the cargo bays. This is what it was designed for. I really hated making this. I only brought some hovering things with claws. Not so helpful in making a base.
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