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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. KITTY!!!!!! Adopted from a shelter or so I guess?
  2. Today, I didn't do much KSP. I just got CKAN and downloaded ALL THE MODS. If not all of them, a significant amount/ I usually play stock. Trying out a modded game, just for fun. Oh, and also 6.4x scale. Edit: CKAN seems to have stopped downloading for some reason....
  3. Ok, maybe I exaggerate a bit .I do see often though the 'Close programs to save memory' thing pop up from Windows a bit more often than I maybe should. Right now with about 10 firefox tabs and whatever background programs are running, I am using around 3.8 GB. With a not too heavily modded KSP install (visual mods plus a couple display mods), it eats about 3 gb, IIRC. So, sometimes I see the programs crash from a lack of memory. The extra space would be nice though.
  4. This looks like what Irene was for us. Except that our house was luckily on a bit of a hill and the water was not into houses, as far as I can remember. In any case, Stay safe and good luck.
  5. I like the look of Concept 1. Maybe though, for the SM, for it to flare, then become a more cylindrical shape. Actually looking at the Big-G concept, it seems like it goes inwards a bit too at the end.
  6. 1. No, probably not. 2.Yes. 16Gb gives you more room to play with. I often run out of memory with 8gb while playing KSP And running Firefox.
  7. It does. It allows you to set certain angle snap settings and has a fine adjust mode, but I'm not sure how that works...
  8. And for things not that? Like interplanetary travel for instance?
  9. This is the second beer I'm holding. Spoiler for thoughts on how I might do this.
  10. Nice! I feel the front air intake could be angled up a bit more to help it look more like the actual thing.
  11. From what I understand, @DarkOwl57 says he's going to do most of Azimech's stuff before moving on to someone else's before moving on to the forum stuff. Personally, it would be nice to have a couple forum craft in between Azimech's stuff, but I don't run the thread.
  12. That's not really an excuse..... Can you email your teacher or something? In other news, I'm outgrowing my bike again. So I have to go bike shopping soon-ish.
  13. Nice weather. Sunny, a bit cloudy, and quite a reasonable temperature (by my standards). Warm enough to go outside with a t-shirt and shorts, but not unbearable. Actually tending towards the cooler side of things.
  14. 2024... I have no idea where I'll be in 2024.
  15. I built a shelf. Oh, and father and I worked on a boat a little bit.
  16. Pretty nice. Not a proffesional artist or qualified by any means, just a couple thoughts. - Can't really tell what's in the right hand. Might be empty, little bit unclear. Also seems a little small. - Forearm (stuff below the elbow) to upper arm(stuff above the elbow) ratio seems wrong. Should be about the same length with the upper arm slightly longer, hand not included. - Also the table isn't that level. But overall, not bad!
  17. Not much. Fiddled with a butt-ugly car (too ugly for public consumption) and then threw some guinea pig poor victim on some random SRB tests.
  18. But they count days. And the MET/UT is based on a yearly thing, in some part.
  19. I know you have a TWR of 1.2, which should be enough. Maybe try more?
  20. More KSP Time though..... As I understand it, you live in texas and school has already started. When does your school year end? For me in NJ, school starts the day after labor dayand ends about mid-June.
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