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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. Maybe an idea to improve it is to have a set of gears at the bottom of the badge to represent modded? Doesn't change the wreath color, but does signify that internal shenanigans have been going on or something.
  2. I have the same browser, so I don't think so.... Edit: Actually, now that I look at it, seems to be happening inconsistently, and it appears you are correct...
  3. Yup. Just using the little button in the sigs.
  4. Hmm. Hiding all sigs for me removes the sig and the deadspace.
  5. Just tested it, yup, the albums are broken again.
  6. Again!? I thought this was fixed already....
  7. Oh, that's for youtube on desktop. I don't know of a way to change back to the old forum style. Sorry.
  8. Stopped for reasons. Ask Vanamode about that, I think it was mentioned earlier somewhere....
  9. Yeah, at the time of writing, the top breadcrumb bar is not too easy to get to, especially when there's the different forum tab bars above.
  10. Yup. There was an announcement by Dman a little while back (yesterday) about how there is a new update.
  11. And then to satisfy some people about "not enough variety", just put a black line almost, but not quite, in the center of the page. 2/3 or something away from the edge.
  12. I don't think encouraging things such as an anger emote is a good idea. If anything, it might lead to more flame wars than this community needs.
  13. Its under the profile thing in the top right, with a restore layout option underneath in that menu.
  14. "Modern" Not a big fan. Its kinda like the new youtube UI. Hated that.
  15. That's a bit of a problem.... I do notice that sig pics do cover the coe text. Yay, somewhat.
  16. Ehh - Kinda ok, but I wouldn't mind if it was a bit darker and if the buttons on the top were a bit larger.
  17. Its made of the letters q,z,g, and y. Nothing special, just 4 characters.
  18. Yeah the colors are wayy too bright. The LTT forums,which I suspect runs off of a similar program, if not the same, has an option on the bottom to toggle a night and a day mode.
  19. I don't know what that is, so I'll just wait to be surprised.
  20. Then when KSP and firefox crash due to a lack of memory - aww crap.
  21. Thanks, I'll take a look. Edit: Tested out SMURFF with the things set to 0.6 - much easier now. Thanks!
  22. This feels like a story I need to hear.... Better, actually. Haven't had any crashes since the last boot up. I did manage to get a small probe into orbit, but not yet a manned vehicle. Either means more science grinding or more rocket designing wizadry.
  23. Mind if I say something - You know a potion of these already have definitions underneath them right? Also a good one - aerobraking.
  24. Moho is modeled after mercury. Eve is the venus-like analogue in the game. On eve, from what I gather, SRBs aren't too great. Instead bring Vectors and aerospikes, the only two engines (apart from he mammoth, which is just a bunch of vectors) that really work. The problem isn't really the gravity, but the air pressure which renders most engines useless. You also need about 810 km/s of dV to do an eve ascent, as opposed to the 2-3km/s on tylo. Tylo isn't really great for eve testing.... Tylo is also really handy for a gravity assist into joolian orbit. Duna is also not too helpful for parachutes. I mean, they work, but landing engines are good too, just to make it easier.
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