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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. ok not ok Last valid was 42 Now subtracting 41 (-)
  2. Ah thats fun I still have about a month to go before i'm released (although mentally, thats already started....) What sort of stuff are you planning on printing?
  3. Well, if you have, I dont mind it cause that is absolutely gorgeous. Interested to see how the rest of it will come out if its even half as detailed. Also welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy it here.
  4. You lose a very good aerobreaking option though..... that would make some people very sad (myself maybe included)
  5. That seems fast. Dumb question, but would putting a thing (patch? strip?) of ductape over the broken part extend the life a bit longer? Cause the rest of it seems pretty ok...
  6. By no means an expert (though I have messed with stock helis before) but it could be like lift asymmetry or something like that. When moving forward, the blades when moving forward generate more lift than the rotor blade moving back, creating some extra lift on one side. I'm not sure how it works with breaking ground, but I've heard about cyclic controls that came with BG that should be able to account/correct for that stuff somehow. But it could also be some other thing, cause you say it rolls both left and right. Angular momentum is also annoying to work with, so could also be something with that, and works intuitively. Both the lift asymmetry and the angular momentum things are definitely helped out by using coax rotors, but you dont want to do that apparently. I'm not so sure what you could do to preserve that, other than maybe trying to control it with reaction wheels. TL;DR - helicopters are hard. BTW, I really like the helicopter body and also the cockpit. Nice and compact, and also smooth.
  7. Well, I think now that the big stuff has been explored, time for a tiny boi. Tiny Boi, a 78 part sepatron powered probe core to orbit. (and 4 of those are launch clamps!) Makes use of the fairing aero optimizations to get into a decent orbit, but still has optimization potential. Other stats Mass - 5.442 tons Sepatrons - 60 arranged in 6 stages Just now waiting for someone to do better (like remove the battery, figure out a better ascent, etc.)
  8. Really enjoyed this! Also found it very interesting to watch in the time-lapse how you built the replica,causw normally you don't see that from replica builders. Possible suggestion, add text annotation during the video to help explain what you're doing and/or why for those not so experienced in replica building. Can give ideas/tips to others, though I also realize that creates more work during the editing process. Looking forward to the next one. Maybe another interesting one is the cancelled Boeing 2707 SST.
  9. Well where I'm studying currently (netherlands), yeah basically locked down till june. However, still see people going out for outdoor activities and what not. Basically everything is closed apart from supermarkets though.
  10. I decided to try and send up two kerbals with sepatrons. Nothing really impressive, just two kerbals thrown on the top of a rocket. Has some nice aero-fuddling which I think reduces the impressive amount of drag from the 50+ sepatrons smushed inside the stages. Also (IMO) looks quite clean compared to some of the other monstrosities here The creatively named Sepatron Rocket II More images in spoiler (do not have/particularly wanna try video recording with this thing....) Mass.... IDK, some number. Sepatron count - 512 Total part count - 524 Can chuck 2 kerbals into orbit. Recovery not guaranteed.
  11. I feel with a lot of challenges part of the skill is in the piloting. So I mean... Its not too unfair IMO. But I don't run the challenge. Also... hmmm might be a fun challenge if someone finds a nice slope somewhere....
  12. small complaint - for some reason one of my browser hotkeys (ALT-Left/Arrow) just stopped working for no apparent reason. Its really more of an inconvenience but its an annoying one. Looking for a fix, but nothing obvious is coming up (maybe someone has ideas idk). curse you tech gods.
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