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Everything posted by qzgy

  1. Did you maybe do it the wrong way? I don't remember this thread EVER being in the KSP discussion, nor with this title.....
  2. I was trying to make a 700 or so part plane. I've done worse things, so I thought this should be easy, right? NOPE!! I get some Memory Allocation error, besides the one that says "Sorry your game crashed". Breaking KSP is fun....
  3. Windows store bought PC. Initially ran Linux but...... I was a linux newbie. And more used to windows anyways.
  4. Could be worse. Its not like you had anything custom in it.... right? All the craft files and markers and so on are somewhere on the internet, probably. Oh well.
  5. Yeah, its called the stock game. If you hold down the modifier key while going into timewarp, it places you into physics warp where engine burning IS possible. That only goes up to 4x though. There's BetterTimewarp which increases that, but that's only for 1.0.5 and above...
  6. Back in my day, we had a CRT TV and monitor, we used VCR's and CD's, and the original WII was a thing. Yeah, not great at this thing. Might be cause i'm so new.
  7. Are we doing this? I'll play along. shush I know its not even past thanksgiving. In other news, I crashed a rover into kerbin.
  8. I did a thing. No video sadly and heinous cheats used to get trajectory. BUT!!! No cheats for landing. https://imgur.com/a/1S0PE
  9. How high are they exactly? TBH, FrankenFrog isn't a terrible name. Better than Thing that's gonna Get Lost and we all know Lodvin Did it, for instance.
  10. Thank you very much! I actually took a number of styling cues from your Apache, funnily enough. And to the remark about it not working - Yeah, I did figure out it does work in 1.3.0. But I guess it also works for you in 1.3.1? That's weird, considering it a similar mechanism didn't for you earlier, as in that gif. I might try downloading it and see if it persists.
  11. Actually no... I have some issue I think in the design maybe? All I know is that it used to work but now it doesn't. It seems like its not producing enough lift or something like that. But the blades are spinning at 25 rads (1.3.0) Here's the download anyways though. I know it should work. The blades should go at 20-something rad/s, even in 1.3.1 (not tested though, built in 1.3.0). https://www.dropbox.com/s/vhm57w5t0eibsjt/ASDFcopter2.craft?dl=0 Edit: Scratch that completely, seems to be working quite alright. Might not though in 1.3.1....
  12. Hmmm.... thats odd. And may also explain why a working helicopter stopped....
  13. @GeonovastNOOO AIRBRAKES HAVE TERRIBLE HEAT RESISTANCE Sorry. They'll explode quickly, trust me.
  14. Try going backwards - pump all your fuel back and then quickly before landing, pump it forward to fly normally. Or point radial out. And spin.
  15. I believe Collide-o-scope shows flight markers, which show the Com CoT if i'm not mistaken....
  16. The one that comes to mind is Telemachus, which I think is the one you are thinking of. No idea if its still maintained. Sounds like a cool idea though! Good luck with it if it gets started.
  17. That's easy! And yes, the second bit makes orbit. (obvious imposter is imposter and not DAL59, but shhhh)
  18. I don't use part mods cause I like the challenge of doing things stock. It makes things a bit more difficult and thus satisfying when you actually do it. I do use a crapload of no-part mods cause they add ease of life things, like more detailed information and extra abilities for craft making. I personally don't care if you do use mods, but mods that are unrealistically unbalanced or used for that purpose don't appeal to me. Also, mods make it harder to share craft.
  19. Some testing of an experimental launcher. The cargo bay needs to be bigger...
  20. Not to my knowledge. But that would be super cool!
  21. The link is already in the description of the video.... You know, the spacedock link. Then you have to click the .craft thing at the bottom... No offense but was that really hard? Edit - Wait, thats not the thing you wanted. Sorry then.
  22. How is this a fortunately? I've heard all the other astronauts hate those guys
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