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Ultimate Steve

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Everything posted by Ultimate Steve

  1. Glad to see they are actually trying to take Angara somewhere! Glad to see that it will hopefully fly more than twice.
  2. Understood. In this scenario the power would be solar, but solar using giant mirrors and lenses capturing ~0.5% of the star's total energy output, so we should be fine in the solar area. And the antimatter would be used to fuel spaceships. Thank you very much for your help!
  3. Either length is fine: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chekhov's_gun
  4. According to Chekhov's Gun, you need to launch the Eve lander at some point! I like the way this story is going!
  5. Okay. Large accelerators = large energies. But, instead of increasing the energy per particle in the accelerator, could you instead scale up the amount of matter, especially if the accelerator is that big?
  6. Not sure about a permanent fix, but as for a temporary fix, what happens if you use launch clamps?
  7. This is when you know you are a nerd beyond the point of no return. Quote of the day! I agree with you.
  8. Okay, thank you, that actually works out fairly well as I was considering an accelerator in Kerbin GEO, radius ~3500km and the Moon is ~1700km so that's same order of magnitude.
  9. Red, I'd say, some hills to relieve the monotony and speed it up a bit. Unless you can phys-warp. Then the orange would probably be faster because you don't have to intervene as much. I'm not cut out for long distance driving. I'll quicksave every 5km and get cocky and the one time I don't save is the time I crash after 50km of effort.
  10. I have almost no knowledge in this field, but... So say you have two orbital rings around a planet (Say Earth for example), one in LEO and one in GEO. However, due to a miracle in material engineering, both rings are supported by massive towers, making the LEO ring have a decent amount of gravity (GEO one is still weightless). Now say you want to build a massive particle accelerator in one of the rings. Would the difference in gravity help/hurt how difficult the engineering would be in any way? And related, how much antimatter could you make with a particle accelerator the size of the GEO orbit? Or is there a more efficient way to make antimatter large scale?
  11. Hmm, I might have to check that out sometime. Also chapter update, while I was in Europe I came up with this really cool system that helps to make Kerbin seem more realistic for the time period, but I wish I hadn't because it involves several craft with custom interiors and if it's one thing I'm burnt out on building, it's custom interiors. So I've spent the weekend on and off working on them but I'm afraid it's going rather slowly.
  12. That reminds me of my first manned Minmus landing - I got out, tripped, and upon standing up almost knocked my horribly overbuilt lander over!
  13. Now that I take a look at it, this craft is almost the perfect solution to a plot problem. May I modify it a little?
  14. Well I had a giant spaceship explode on the launch pad and the top section shot off at about 1.5 kilometers per second.
  15. Hello, Stephen! My name is Steven! I am attempting to pursue a path similar to yours and I hope to work alongside you at SpaceX someday! In the meantime, welcome to the Forum!
  16. Don't remember, I think one was the Ariane 5 failure and one might have been the infamous Proton accelerometer failure.
  17. This was a week or two ago, but has anyone else been getting those pro-SLS YouTube ads saying something like "DO YOU THINK OUR ASTRONAUTS SHOULD LAUNCH ON AMERICAN ROCKETS?" or something like that. Anyway, so I was watching a rocket failure compilation video, and I got the ad in the middle of the video. 8 of the 10 failures in the video were American rockets.
  18. To follow up on this, the standards for push-ups and sit-ups are completely reasonable. But in order to get an A on pull-ups you have to do 12. Overhand. All the way down. The most anyone in our class managed was 5.
  19. Ultimate Steve - January-March 1956 (Cycle 21) Notebook Space Program: Hopes and Dreams, and maybe Futbol @qzgy Futbol in Mexico sometime?
  20. You should post the save file, I'd love to mess around with it.
  21. Also @qzgy what docking ports are you using for the station?
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